EducationWorkshop on Youth Employability Skills at BPIBS by RGNIYD

Workshop on Youth Employability Skills at BPIBS by RGNIYD

Education — the so-called, “Good Education” is not only the key to success and manage the employees and a company smoothly. When it comes to a good management be it an office, corporate or home; even the well-educated fails to manage. Keeping the vision of holistic development of the youth scholars and up-coming business leaders, IT professionals the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Regional Centre, Chandigarh has organized a five days workshop on Youth Employability (YES) Skills at Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies (BPIBS) of Govt. of NCT of Delhi from 11th Sept. to 15th Sept. 2017.

Almost 51 students from different educational backgrounds including the students from Masters of Computer Applications, Masters of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Vocational Studies, Modern Office Practices has participated in this workshop.

How to make the things interesting and increase the curiosity of learning among the youths — Gurinder Ajat, Azad Shatru, and Kamalpreet, representatives from the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Regional Centre, Chandigarh has handled the things excellently.

The technique and methodologies used by the RGNIYD representatives have aspired the students to take the initiative of leadership and ensure the full participation of the every member of the team which is a major problem in the cooperates to deal with team building, decision making, critical thinking and problem solving etc.

Isrg Rajan at BPIBS

The workshop was focused on the holistic development and the critical thinking where Gurinder Ajat and Azad Shatru delivered the concept of modern corporate practices and think differently with the help of group activities and presentations.

“Play for Peace” Games has helped the students to concentrate and stay focused on the tasks assigned to them.

It is a great initiative by the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Regional Centre, Chandigarh to improve the quality of education especially in the countries like India where people stress too much to handle their work, home and studies and the reason we all are living in a suicidal environment where such workshops teach the best ways of dealing the issues and solving the problems with critical thinking.

IR Digital Media Team
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