LifeStyleSocialWhy college students don't want to be at home during the lockdown?

Why college students don’t want to be at home during the lockdown?

As the lockdown continues in India, like common man, students are affected on a mass scale when it comes to the learning process and education. As a result of lockdown implemented by PM Modi led government, schools and colleges had been closed temporarily till further notice and classes were suspended in the majority of universities and institutions. The students are also facing a recession in learning like the business owners and many other people whose living is based on daily income. The urge of knowledge and a better tomorrow brings the students to join a degree or course available at various universities and educational institutions. There are multiple streams and subjects which are having theoretical, practical and both approaches together for the delivery to students. During the lockdown period, practical aspects are the most difficult to learn as the equipment, human involvement, and many other types of approaches are needed in the transfer of knowledge and education.

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The theory part of the learning, however, can be carried out in a better way via online mode of education. The teachers and professors are doing great these days as private organisations and colleges have already started the online classes from April first week. Throughout the country, students are learning through online mode from their home and keeping themselves ahead in a competitive world and atmosphere, especially when it comes to India and like countries. Colleges and schools are using various online software and websites developed already to impart online education.

When it comes to students and when all the online medium of education started due to lockdown, they felt satisfying, and easiness as one had to be at home and learn even lying on the bed. Students watched their cellphone and/or laptop while teachers delivered the classes. This was amazing for many low attendees students who rarely visited the campus sessions. While increasing such student attendances, the average and regular attendees in offline campus classes got a jackpot as they were unable to miss any session now due to traffic and other issues they dealt while offline campus sessions were on.

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However, many students had travelled to remote areas and villages where the network availability is very low or negligible. It resulted in their loss of sessions and learning. Several educational organisation promised to have practical oriented sessions when their campuses open after lockdown overs. However, there is no clue about it as India is still dealing with corona and infections are always on the rise. Many students not satisfied due to their physical ailments like partial and complete blind students, who can only hear. For such students, the online medium becomes more pathetic and energy taking job. Parents are worried to too due to a common of thinking that their hard-earned money is being wasted as they had paid the fee for campus classes. Such a mindset is widespread in India, resulting in loss of learning to many students as such parents do not let their children attend the online sessions. This is also due to a fear that colleges will not give the extra and practical classroom session at the campus. However, such types of cases are not much in numbers.

After more than a month of online classes and deferred exams at most of the universities, students are now getting bored, and the urge to return to normal campus classes and face to face interaction with the teacher is increasing day by day. There is one more thing to note that many colleges and universities have cut down the salary of faculties to even 40% as a result of fear of non-submission of fee from students and their parents. In the meanwhile, some parents and students are taking a benefit of the lockdown situation and being able to pay the fee they are differing the fee submissions.

The situation becomes more unstable and worse when seen from the business point of view. In a lockdown situation, when several workers and businesses are facing a severe hit, it is evident that parents would like to keep the money secured to fulfil their basic needs. After all, students now are moving into the direction and demand offline session in the campus to have more practical sessions as many courses need face to face delivery by teachers and also, all the learning needs can’t be fulfilled in online sessions as courses were not built up with the concept of delivering the syllabus online.

College students have a healthy habit of travelling to exciting local places for party and fun. Today’s college life also includes going out with friends, shopping, eating out in a restaurant, clubbing, movie theatres, and many more such engagements. There is another lesser in number group where students go out of their home to a nature-like or a calm place for studies with friends and discussions to enhance their knowledge. Since the lockdown employed nationwide by PM Modi, the students are bound to be in their homes or rental rooms where ever they were at the time of commencement of lockdown. The two-month mark since the lockdown commencement is very near and all the things now seem to be too much from a student perspective. Some students were in frustration as they were stuck at various places where they had moved for studies.

Transportation closure increased the frustration and then the state and central government came forward and started transporting the students from various places in India namely Kota, Delhi, etc. to their state and places via trains and buses. However, this worsened the fulfilment of learning and education among the students of colleges. At present, the students from various colleges across all universities and colleges only want to start going to their college campuses and complete the leftover syllabi and proceed towards their target future.

The students at the moment, even do not want their summer break, which they waited eagerly earlier as a habit from their school time to college. There is a scary situation prevailing in India and around the world as there is no cure to COVID 19 till date. One has to pray and try to survive the corona era, and students are also feeling the same and unproductive for many days and waiting for their regular college to open soon.

Parth Sinha
Parth Sinha
A researcher, trainer and motivator