The Chase for money earning is unstoppable, and the Targets are unlimited. But few fundamentals all of us have to understand for smooth and peaceful spending of lifelike, and Early you start, More Relax you are, Longer you go in Investment & More is your life peaceful. And this article is related to Time, Target and Investment (TTI).
How important this topic Time, Target and Investment (TTI) in our life? Here we will discuss and learn “How small amount turns into a big one with time?”
What are Our Focus Points to understand this TTI topic?
Our focus points are as given below:
- Target: 20 Lakhs
- Rate of return: 12% CAGR (Index return rate)
- Time: 25 Yrs
We have to see the relationship between time & investment with different investment amounts.
Let’s go friends.
Also, read the 20 innovative and creative startup ideas for e-Commerce business.
Understand Concept of “Early you start more Relax you are”:
We will understand this by understanding the relationship between time, load and Stage example with a Competition.
Points to Remember for Competition :

In our example, there is the Competition of pulling blocks, and the conditions for Competition s are given below:
- First of all, we have 4 Group for this Competition – A, B, C & D.
- We have 5 stages, and each Stage has to be covered in 4 hours.
- We have to pull the block from stage 1 to stage 2 up to stage 5.
- We are having our starting time from morning 4 AM tonight 8 PM total 16 hours to complete our task and bring all the block to stage 5.
Don’t forget to read the 10 Ways to get funds and investors for startup and business in India.
Terms & Conditions of Competition :
First, you have to start to pull the blocks in the morning @ 4 AM from stage 1. But if you have not started at 4 AM at stage 1 then, you have to start with stage 2 @ 8 AM in the morning with an additional load of stage 1, at the same time you don’t have the support of Stage 1 member with you and you have to pull both your and stage 1 load with you to stage 5.
Although stage 3 and stage 4 members are there with their individual loads, they will pull their own load to stage 5, and you need not worry about them.
This condition is applicable to all Groups (A, B, C & D). And each one member of each group have the capacity to pull 1 or 2 blocks easily, but for more added blocks, they may fail to pull the load and complete the Competition Competition.
Let’s start the Competition :
Group A started from stage 1 @ 4 AM and followed all rules, each member of this group worked perfectly and covered each Stage within time and reach on target on time as they have 16 hrs to cover the load.
Group B slightly late and started from stage 2 @ 8 AM and as a penalty Stage 2 member of a group, B has to pull stage 1 and Stage 2 load to final Stage and having the time of 12 hrs.
Group C is lazier and has to pay more penalty, as it started from stage 3 @ 12 noon in the day, and Stage 3 member has to pull all the loads of stage 1 & stage 2 with stage 3 load and have next 8 hrs only to complete the Competition Competition.
And the worst case is with Group D, it starts from stage 4 @ 4 PM and has to pull all the loads of stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 with stage 4 by single-member in just 4 hrs.
Please try to imagine all the 4 situations as per our above-given image of Time, Load and Stage relation and also imagine with your, any such situation in which you fail to start the task on time and hence you to work to complete the task in less time with a lot more of pressure.
Result & Relation of Competition :
I know that from the above image of Time, Load and Stage, it was already cleared to you that as early you start you have more time and in relax the way you can reach your target as Group A have done and other groups B, C &D have some problems and according they have completed their task with difficult.
Now the main point of our discussion is that, if we compare the above example of Time, Load and Stage with our Time, Target and Investment. Then we will find that, if we have more time and proper cleared defined target and then we can go for our investment goal in the proper way to reach our target on time.
And if we deviated from that path we have to load ourself more to cover that target on time.
Our Favorite Example (For Early Start In Life):
We have to accumulate Rs 20 Lakhs @ 12% CAGR (Index Return Rate), and we will try it with different time frames than see how this will add more load on our pocket in different manners.
Let’s check out Time, Target & Investment (TTI)

From the above chart, we are clearing getting an idea of how the Time and Investment tied with each other.
- Rs 20 Lakhs in 25 yrs required investment of Rs. 1065 / month
- Rs 20 Lakhs in 20 yrs required investment of Rs. 2022 / month
- Rs 20 Lakhs in 15 yrs required investment of Rs. 4003 / month
- Rs 20 Lakhs in 10 yrs required investment of Rs. 8695 / month
- Rs 20 Lakhs in 5 yrs required investment of Rs. 24490 / month
See how Rs. 20 Lakhs can be accumulated with an investment of Rs. 1065 / month and Rs. 24490 / month.
So what you prefer more, obviously Rs. 1065 / month investment is more comfortable than Rs. 24490 / month.
As more, we make delay in our financial planning larger amount we will have to input in our investment to reach out our target.
From the above two examples in this article, you have seen the power of early startup. An early start is always smooth, and with minimum load and pressure, we can easily fulfil our any bigger and bigger financial dream.
That’s way to start your investments as early as possible with a small amount and convert it into big ones.
So, Friend keep thing simple; don’t make it complicated. All the Best!