Op-edWhatsapp New feature reply without opening with Quick Reply

Whatsapp New feature reply without opening with Quick Reply

Whatsapp has recently added a new feature with the release of Whatsapp Version 2.12.561. This feature will let you reply without opening the Whatsapp. This feature might be new for the Android and iOS users, but it has been already available for the BlackBerry OS 10 users since the beginning.

Hassle free usage

In the earlier version whenever we used to receive the message from our people it was really a mess to open the app and reply them. Most of time, many users who have lower version of Android OS or has poor quality of hardware faced issues like hanging and no response while opening the Whatsapp. Most of time it takes a couple of minutes to reply them and what if you are on a slow internet connection.

How you can reply?

The most important question, how you can use the option “quick reply”  in Android, BlackBerry and Apple iOS. Well, as I have already mentioned above that this feature was already available in BlackBerry OS 10 and the latest one and those who have used or using BlackBerry Z10, Z3, and Z30 etc. they might be using or have used this feature. For Android this feature will be accessible from the notification area, so called “bar” and  balabla. For the iOS users this feature will be available as same as they use to text someone.

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How to download the latest update?

Those who have not updated yet they can do it for free from whatsapp.com/download

Thanks for reading

IR Digital Media Team
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