AsiaEast AsiaWhat is Soyabean or Soybean Milk, its benefits and side effects?

What is Soyabean or Soybean Milk, its benefits and side effects?

Soya milk or Soybean milk is said to be used in China since A.D 82. Apart from China, it was used extensively in other Asian countries such as Japan and Malaysia but today, it is used all over the world and is easily available in various varieties of many countries.

Many people choose Soya milk because of its versatility and ability to use milk instead. It is available in chocolate and vanilla flavours. Some people also drink salted Soya milk in countries like China and India. Soya products are very well for vegans.

Soyabeans are a legume from which many foods are prepared, and Soya milk is one of them. Soya milk can help in curing many diseases. Nevertheless, in the case of major diseases like cancer, medical counselling can be beneficial. Let us know in detail about the advantages, uses, and disadvantages of Soyabean milk in this article.

Let’s first know about the Benefits of Soya milk:

1. Benefits of Soya milk for a Healthy Heart

Soya Milk contains protein which is necessary for human nutrition and development. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which have shown beneficial effects in preventing various health disorders. The amino acid and isoflavones content of Soya protein has the potential to lower LDL-cholesterol. Soya milk intake may be effective in improving heart health. Other studies have shown that older men who consume soy have shown a decrease in their serum cholesterol levels. Soya milk has less protein than milk, but it can be a good source of protein for people who are allergic to milk. According to research done in England, the Soyabean contains a chemical called isoflavones which act like estrogen hormone.

2. To overcome the problem of Osteoporosis

Soya milk is beneficial in relieving Osteoporosis in a postmenopausal woman. Osteoporosis is a risk for women in the later years of menopause. This is often referred to as brittle bones; loss of calcium makes the risk of developing the disease. Studies have shown that animal protein diets increase urinary excretion of calcium and whereas soy-based protein diets do not. Soya milk helps maintain both protein and calcium. Natural hormone replacement therapy with soy isoflavones can help reduce the risk of reducing bone mass, and density of fractures. In which women with menopause risk due to estrogen loss.

3. Benefits of Soya milk for cancer problem

The more cancer is kept away from your body, the better it is. The best way to avoid this is through nutritious food and regular exercise. This deadly disease can be prevented only with small prescriptions. In this case, Soya milk can be beneficial. Soya products, such as Soya milk, contain abundant beneficial ingredients, such as Soya protein and isoflavones. Isoflavones are known to have anti-estrogenic properties which may help prevent breast cancer. This helps prevent cancer cells from growing and does not give the tumour a chance to grow. Keep in mind that cancer is a deadly disease. The patient suffering from this should get proper treatment from the doctor.

4. To lose Weight

Increasing Weight and obesity can be the root cause of many diseases. For this, Weight must be controlled in time. Soya milk can help to this extent to some extent. The amount of calcium found in Soya milk can help you to control weight. May also be beneficial in reducing obesity. Right now, scientists are doing more research on how Soya milk can reduce obesity other than calcium.

5. Beneficial in Cholesterol

Increasing cholesterol can cause a variety of diseases, of which heart problems are the most prominent. Soya milk may be beneficial for controlling increasing bad cholesterol. Studies done on the mouth have shown that Soya milk contains an ingredient called isoflavones. Hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant properties are found in this component. Both these properties can be beneficial in reducing cholesterol. Another research has found that Soya milk can help to increase HDL, i.e. good cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol controls can help prevent many diseases.

6. Benefits of Soya Milk for Immunity

Often, being sick and taking too long to recover is a sign of weakening of immunity. Soya milk can be beneficial to improve immunity. Soya milk contains isoflavones, which improves immunity. Obesity, cancer, arthritis, and heart problems can be avoided by better immunity. This fact is confirmed by the scientific research available on the NCBI website.

7. Soya milk to overcome the problem of Anemia

Anaemia is a problem which occurs due to lack of iron in the blood. Haemoglobin is the most affected in this. Soya milk can help in dealing with this problem. Soya milk is rich in fatty acids, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients can help to complete iron deficiency in the blood. Also, iron content is found in Soya milk, which can be beneficial in relieving the problem of Anemia.

8. Soya Milk provides relief from postmenopausal problems

Soya milk provides relief from many postmenopausal health problems. Studies suggest that Soya isoflavones may help to maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women. Since postmenopausal is known to cause estrogen deficiency in women, intake of Soya milk may help prevent weaknesses arising from the natural loss of hormones. The antioxidant effect of Soya on anyone it may be beneficial for the reduction of some chronic diseases, especially the problem of the cardiovascular system in postmenopausal women.

After the benefits of soybean milk, here we are talking about the nutrients found in soy milk.

Some Nutrients Found in Soya Milk are:

Nutrient Quantity per 100 grams

Water90.36 grams
Energy43 kcal
Protein2.6 grams
Fat1.47 grams
Carbohydrates4.92 grams
Fibre0.2 grams
Sugar3.65 grams


Calcium123 mg
Iron0.42 mg
Magnesium15 mg
Phosphorus43 mg
Potassium122 mg
Sodium47 mg
Zinc0.26 mg
Copper0.1 mg
Selenium2.3 microgram


Thiamine0.029 mg
Riboflavin0.184 mg
Niacin0.425 mg
Vitamin B60.031 mg
Folate9 microgram
Colin23.6 mg
Vitamin B120.86 micrograms
Vitamin A, RAE3 micrograms
Retinol55 IU
Vitamin E0.11 mg
Vitamin D1.13 mg
Vitamin K3 microgram


Fatty Acid Total Saturated0.205 g
Fatty Acid Total Monounsaturated0.382 g
Fatty Acid Total Polyunsaturated0.858 g

After knowing the nutrients found in soy milk, we talking about the use of Soya milk:

Soya milk can be used in cow’s milk substitutes. Here we are talking about using Soya milk in some specials way, which is as follows:

  • You can use Soya milk instead of milk in oatmeal.
  • A delicious pancake or muffin can be made using Soyabean milk.
  • Soya milk adds a bit of sweetness to the smoothie. You can also make it tastier and nutritious.
  • You can use Soya milk in place of other milk in coffee.
  • You can use Soya milk to complete protein intake after the gym.

Quantity: Soya milk can be used 240 ml per day, i.e. up to 1 glass. Especially, people trying to lose weight must consume it. However, a doctor should be consulted before consuming it.

After knowing the use of soy milk, we know about the loss of soy milk:

  • The University of Maryland Medical Center noted that Soya foods are safe for most people, but may be harmful to people who are allergic to Soya. Alos, who have recently been breast cancer patients because Soya products contain chemicals with the same composition as estrogen, including Soya milk. So a Soya-rich diet can be a risk to your health if you recently had breast cancer. Consequently, further research is needed to determine the safety of Soya after breast cancer.
  • According to research health and alternative medicine, it can reduce the fertility of men, so, it should not be consumed in excess.
  • Some research has come out, which shows that the thyroid does not work correctly for people who consume Soya milk regularly.
  • However, some types of Soya milk have a significant nutritional loss due to their excess sugar content. Sugar-rich Soya milk boosts your calories as well as increases your risk of heart disease without giving nutritional value. Choose low-sugar Soya milk.
  • The aluminium found in Soya harms the kidney and nervous system. Along with this, there is a risk of Alzheimer’s.
  • For people who are allergic to Soyabean substances, the use of soybean milk can be harmful.
  • Excess intake of Soyabean milk can cause uterine problems.

Like cow’s milk, Soyabean milk is beneficial for health in many cases. Consuming it can help in treating many physical and mental problems. You have already learned about the benefits of Soya milk. However, if someone is struggling with a severe problem, then the doctor’s advice must be taken first.

Mitali Saikia
Mitali Saikia
Mitali s a social worker and writer. She's the aim of educating people about various aspects of nutrition and ensuring healthy eating habits.