TechWebsite With or Without SSL, which one is better?

Website With or Without SSL, which one is better?

The Internet is the backbone of the businesses and services available online and the reason Internet is the most common target of the hackers and fraudsters to spoof and steal the sensitive information and the data while in the transition. Most of us might be concerned about our data, and its security but people out there in public are much more concern and thinks several times before sharing and storing minor to minor information.

Internet agencies and Internet Service Providers have adopted various techniques and methodology to ensure secure data transmission. One such methodology and the technique is the introduction to the SSL Certificates is most commonly used with the Hypertext Transfer Protocols (HTTP) to create a secure communication channel and the layer between the client and the service provider i.e. the server which uses Secure Sockets Layer to establish a connection between Data Server, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the user’s device (PC, mobile, tablet, etc.).

Ssl And Http Communication Diagram

In this article, you can read the advantages and disadvantages of using the SSL Certificate for your website. First, we‘ll talk about the disadvantages and then the advantages.

Disadvantages of HTTPS (SSL)

One of the most common disadvantages faced by all the SSL users is the website’s and server’s performance in terms of its speed and response timing is much slower.

Implementing of SSL requires more efforts for both parties (the server and the users-agent) to add further efforts in exchanging data, handshake and encrypting and decrypting of the data. This process is quite slow as compared to the exchange of data without HTTPS or SSL, which results in the slower communication process.

In a post published by International Business Machine (IBM) has mentioned that it takes ten times more time and server’s resources as compared to non-HTTPS websites.

Some of the other disadvantages of SSL are:-

  • Slower communication and data exchange
  • Uses more server resources
  • Takes more time to process data
  • Most of the devices may-not support SSL
  • Require separate IP address
  • You cannot use SSL over shared-hosting
  • It is costly and expires after some period.

Advantages of HTTPS (SSL)

One of the main advantages of HTTPs or SSL is the security over the online data transmission. With SSL that data over-internet is transmitted after encrypting, which is decrypted by the user-agent (browser used by the user) which have requested for data. Some of the best advantages of the use of SSL (HTTPs) have mentioned below-

1. Authentication

I don’t think you need any more explanation about authentication since I’ve already mentioned above, but for newbies, I will give explain in brief

Data exchange between the user’s customer and the server is known as a handshake is much more secure since the data is transmitted after encrypting, which can only be decoded by the user’s device and the server itself. Nobody* can tamper or alter the information while it is on its way.

2. Increases Customers Confidence

Most of you may or may not agree, but, it is true that using HTTPs, you can gain the confidence of your customers by telling them that their data on your website is pretty secure.

3. Mandatory for Accepting Payment

If you have used any website which facilitates shopping or banking transaction, then you might have seen that they use https to secure their website while making banking transaction. Therefore, if you have such a service on your website or planning to start some like the service, then you must get one for your website.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Boosts-up

Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu etc. appropriate and gives more priority to the websites with HTTPS and SSL as compared to non-HTTPs. It helps you to gain more Page ranking and Alexa Rank, which saves your further investments over Search Engine Marketing (SME) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Most of the modern browsers support SSL and indicate with a padlock in the address bar which could be various colours like white, grey, black, green and blue etc.

What does White Padlock in Google Chrome Mean?

After Update the new Google Chrome in my Android Phone, I noticed that some of the websites like Facebook showing white padlock (lock) in the address. I am bewildered about what does White Padlock in Google Chrome Mean? Is it still safe to use the website with white padlock

Whenever you visit a site which uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate, your browser most probably shows a small padlock with the URL in the address bar.

All the SSL certificate are safe until it does not show icons with warnings, indicated by exclamation and cross sign or the padlock in red and yellow.

Google Chrome recently started showing White Padlock, which means that the content of the website which you are visiting is showing contents from multiple domains or multiple-domains use the same SSL Certificate.

IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Team
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