LifeStyleHealthTotal Numbers of Vaccines Injections given to a newborn baby in India

Total Numbers of Vaccines Injections given to a newborn baby in India

Everyone wants to protect their child, but some people ignore the essential elements of protection of a child, which is an expedient one which can lead to some perilous diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria, polio, Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), rotavirus, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pneumococcal and meningococcal diseases, and human papillomavirus virus (HPV). And the human papillomavirus virus (HPV). So the importance of the vaccination rather the needful protection of a child at their primary stage is the most necessary one for a Parent.

The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) was introduced globally in 1974. Vaccination develops the weapon of protecting diseases known as antibodies. Vaccination and Breast milk are the most needed protectors for a newborn child, although Whether or not children are breastfed, vaccines can help protect them from the disease, so vaccination occurs to be the most significant one.

There are various vaccines for 0- 2 years newborn child. Here is the list of Vaccines that is given to a child since birth:

  1. Hepatitis B (HepB)
  2. Rotavirus vaccine (RV)
  3. Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP)
  4. The Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)
  5. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
  6. Polio vaccine (IPV)
  7. Influenza
  8. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
  9. Varicella
  10. Hepatitis A (HepA)

Hepatitis B (HepB)

Timing of the Doses- There are three doses of HepB the First Dose is given at the time of birth. The Second Dose is provided at the age of 1- 2 months. The Third Dose is given at the age of 6- 18 months.

Importance- The importance of this dose mainly to protect against hepatitis B, which is known as infection of the liver.

Rotavirus vaccine (RV)

Timing of the Doses- Mainly Two Doses needed, but in Some cases three Doses Needed. The First Dose is given at the age of 2 months, and the Second Dose is provided at the age of 4 months if needed the Third dose is given at the period of 6 months.

Importance- RV protects against rotavirus, which is known as the primary cause of diarrhoea, vomiting, and dehydration in babies.

Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP)

Timing of the doses- Mainly 5 doses needed the first dose is given at the age of 2 months, then the second dose is provided at the period of 4 months later the third dose is given at the age of 6 months later the fourth dose is given during the age between 15- 18 months last but not the least the fifth dose is provided at the age between 4- 6 years.

Importance- This is known as the protector of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Diphtheria, which swells up the throat and tetanus, which painfully tightens the muscles and last but not the least pertussis (whooping cough) makes it hard for kids to breathe. After the Five needful vaccines, DTap boosters are given during adolescence and adulthood.

The Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)

Timing of the doses- Mostly three doses needed and but in some cases Four doses needed. The first dose is given at the age of 2 months, then the second dose is given at the age of 4 months and the third dose if needed, is given at the age of 6 months, and one booster dose is given during the age between 12- 15 months.

Important- This vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenza type bacterial infections, which causes infection in the brain and spinal cord that can damage the brain of a child, and that can also damage the hearing of a child. This infection accustomed to being the number one explanation for the microorganism infectious disease.

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)

Timing of the doses- There are mostly Four doses needed the first dose is given during the age of 2 months, then the second dose is given at the age of 4 months, then the third dose is given at the age of 6 months, and at last the Fourth dose is given at the age between 12- 15 months.

Importance- PCV vaccine protects against pneumococcal diseases, which includes pneumonia and many other various diseases.

Polio vaccine (IPV)

The timing of the dose- Four major doses needed the first dose is given at the age of 2 months, then the second dose is given at the age of 4 months, then the third dose is given during the age between 6- 18 months and last but not least the fourth dose is given between the age of 4- 6 years.

Importance- This is the vaccine that protects the child against hazardous Polio disease. Polio disease used to paralyse more than 25000 people each year before the polio vaccine was invented.


Timing of the Dose- This is a Yearly vaccination process.Which is given as seasonally as appropriate. It is given after the age of 6 months to 4- 6 years.

Importance- This is mainly known as the protector of the Flu. This Vaccine is given seasonally and the flu season mostly run from September through May.

Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)

Timing of the Dose- Mainly two doses needed the first dose is given at the age between 12- 15 months, and then the last dose is given during the age between 4- 6 years.

The importance- this vaccine protects against some perilous diseases which are measles, mumps and rubella, which knew as a German measles.

The second dose is sometimes given between ages four and six years. However, it can be given as soon as 28 days after the first dose if needed.


Timing of the dose- Mainly Two doses given the first dose is given at the age between 12- 15 months and then the second dose is given during the age between 4- 6 years

The importance- this vaccine is recommended for every healthy child. This vaccine protects against chickenpox.

Hepatitis A (HepA)

Hepatitis is one of the most critical diseases which has several types, and Hepatitis A is one of its kind. Newborns are given a vaccine for Hepatitis A, also known as HepA to protect them from future influences. Timing of the dose- Mainly a series of two doses given at the age between 12- 24 months.

Importance- This is mainly protected against Hepatitis A.

Questions related to the Vaccination Process:

  • People have lots of questions about the vaccination and the Vaccination process, for instance, Are vaccines safe?
  • What if my kid is sick once the vaccinum is due?
  • What are the major risks of not inoculating or not inoculating on time?
  • What is necessary for pain relief?

This is all are relevant to vaccination process people are confused about the schedule of the vaccination so the answer of all of this question is Vaccine is absolutely safe, and it is the main aspect of a healthy child so one can talk with a doctor about the brief explanation and the schedule formation and also about the pain relief and risks of not giving vaccination for better information.

One thing is certain that is the importance of the vaccination and people should pay attention to the process of vaccination and the schedule of vaccination because of their child’s better health.

Tanumoy Biswas
Tanumoy Biswas
Well I love to Write about things which can interest people and to be honest i don't have a huge experience in This but i am just starting to grow day by day as i am writing articles for we media and the last thing is I am fond of writing and i believe that writing is beyond any limits of qualification i believe writing is something which can touch the soul of the readers so there you go thats all.