LifeStyleTop Lifestyle and Beauty Channels on YouTube from Indians

Top Lifestyle and Beauty Channels on YouTube from Indians

Lifestyle refers to the way a person lives their life. A healthy lifestyle means a healthy person. Now, it can consist of food, gym, fashion, organisation and anything else which could affect your life negatively or positively.

Simplify Your Space

1. Simplify Your Space

Simplify Your Space is managed by Ashu Khatter. If you want to organise and manage your home under a budget, her channel is your go to. The videos are made in English with occasional Hindi thrown in. The videos are pretty useful for homemakers, but teenagers and kids could apply it to their life as well. Her videos range from how to organise your handbags to time-saving tips. She also does kitchen organising videos like how to organise a fridge, smart and helpful kitchen tools you must have, etc. She also does some DIYs, although her main focus is on the organisation. In case you want to organise and declutter your closet, she has got you covered with decluttering videos and organising videos such as how to organise a kid’s closet or a tour of her own. Ashu Khatter also gives tips for travel with videos ranging from how to pack suitcases for various events to what to carry in your carry bag. She even does videos about finance and talks about ways to make money from youtube. Her videos are easy to comprehend, with less to zero grammar mistakes. There is not a pattern to her updates, but mostly you can expect twice a video each month. For people living in a small space or rented apartments, you can check out her earlier videos which give a lot of useful tips!

Super Style tips

2. Super Style Tips

Super Style Tips does makeup videos. If you are interested in makeup or fashion in general, at 2M subscribers, she is a force to reckon. Her videos are varied in nature. She does hacks, hairstyles, haul, trials, the solution to a problem under budget, hair hacks, skin hacks, under budget videos, how to look stylish and other guides. A must watch video is her bra guide in which she talked about what types of bra to wear and the various types of bras that exist, another video is how to look stylish in kurti where she talked about how to look stylish in normal, plain kurti. She also did videos on laser hair removal and periods (where she talked about pads, tampon and menstrual cup with an expert plus some period hacks and vaginal hacks in her other video). A lot of her videos revolve around doing things at home for which you have to go outside, to a parlour like detaining, pedicure, removing strawberry legs, etc. Some other must-try videos of her include piercing dos and don’ts where she talks about how to avoid ear infection, remove an ear piercing, etc. She even has finance videos like how to save money. The videos are done in Hindi. She also converses with the audience like she is talking to a friend. Her energy shines through the screen. Although at times, it does become a chore to catch what she is speaking because she speaks too fast at times.

Always Pretty Useful

3. AlwaysPrettyUseful

Priya Swwapnil Chavaan has two video channels. One Marathi and one Hindi. Earlier she used to make videos in English, but upon the request of her 977,467 subscribers, she decided to use Hindi as a form of conversation. Her channel is a must watch for anyone interested in the upkeep of their hair. Like one can already note, she has thick, long, luscious locks. She talks about various ways through which she manages her hair like her summer hair spa routine, winter hair spa routine, glycerin hair spa routine, ways she oils her hair, her recipe for a hair mask, etc. She also does hair styling videos using various accessories like hair clutches, banana clip, bun stick, etc. Priya has some videos detailing how to cut hair in her house, itself. She does product reviews and comparison, too. Apart from hair tutorials, she also does skin care videos like how to remove dead skin, blackheads and whiteheads, detaining using Aloe vera, glycerin face pack, etc. She has few hauls and DIY videos in her bag though she does not usually do them much.

Bharatzkitchen Hindi

4. Bharatzkitchen

Have you ever wondered why certain recipes you create does not taste like a restaurant’s food wood?Despite how closely you have followed it? That is what makes “bharatzkitchen” stand out from all those basic food channels on YouTube. His 4M subscribers shout this at you. He not only gives you the recipes but also tells you how to make it taste like that of a restaurant’s. Some of his videos include how to make bitter gourd Sabji without the bitter part, how to make momos like the ones made in Nepal or how to cook in Desi Handi Matki. If you have tried to make Dosa in the comfort of your house but could not, he has got you covered. He prepares not only Indian food but also food from other countries like Pizza. Most of his recipes involve less to no oil and are healthy. His channel is not for beginners as there are lots of complicated explanations and intricacies. Though there are some simple recipes in on his channel, too.

Fit Tuber5. Fit tuber

For any fitness nut or future fitness enthusiast, there could be no better channel than Fit tuber’s. That if being fit means being healthy and feeling comfortable in your skin. Expect to see videos which provide healthy alternatives to unhealthy food like ice cream, learn more about medical problems, ways to remove dark circles, pimples and acne, motivational videos, methods to gain more weight, product reviews, comparison between all products in the market to find the best one for example; which cornflake is the best one, which oil is best, under budget toxin free shampoo, you can also find healthy recipes like healthy lunch ideas, learn more about ingredients that are ignored in day to day life like sprouts, how to lose fat, etc. The channel also helps spread awareness about bad health habits and products that people tend to use on a normal day to day basis. The subject matter is told in Hindi. With 1,691,921 subscribers, you know fit tuber means business.

A daydreaming ambivalent who enjoys fiction more than reality. There's nothing unique about her which in and of itself makes her more unique than others. She was born to believe but somewhere things went wrong and she became a cynic.