In 1960, China and Nepal signed the Sino-Nepal border agreement which solved all the border disputes along the China-Nepal border. The relation between both countries has been strong ever since, with China being the largest source of FDI for Nepal. SAARC has always been of interest to China, and Nepal has always backed and supported China’s entry as a member of the regional grouping. But this relation is causing more bad than good to Nepal as China’s propaganda doesn’t seem favourable to Nepal; instead, it might destroy Nepal in the future to come.
Nepal is making connections with countries to act appealing in front of china. Kathmandu has also shown to be making a connection with Washington, which in fact looks as if they are serving them to make China happy.
In a meeting held by the Nepal communist party, it was discussed that a Millennium Challenge Corporation grant worth 500 million US Dollars to the landlocked Himalayan country was to be given. In addition, China had proposed to give $500 million to the nation counter US aid. The Oli government fondly accepted this. But like every ruling party, they are divided due to the US aid. The argument is that assistance is a part of Washington’s Indo-Pacific strategy to limit Beijing’s influence in the region.
Now to address further facts, In recent reports by one of the leading news sources-WION, a valid reason has been stated by the pro-china faction against the grant stating that the aid would not only help anger china but also undermine Nepal’s sovereignty. Nepal is also said to be heading towards becoming a Chinese colony. This might take place under certain conditions if Kathmandu is a success in the eyes of the Chinese. The result very much might lean towards the Chinese, making a colony out of the Himalayan country.
Due to the communist leadership not accepting the financial aid provided by America, Nepal is under pressure. It has to make amends by cutting down on infrastructure development which could have been avoided if they had obliged the US aid.

India, as we know, has maintained a good relationship with the Nepalese through soft trade and a history of being one country. With immigrants moving into India from Nepal, it only comes to show the trust gained by Nepal on India. Although India has a close relation with Kathmandu, it was decided by Nepal to let China gain control of the communist party in Nepal rather than India, which was unexpected for New Delhi. Also, the Communist government has granted permission to initiate the trans-Himalayan rail project which places India at a tight spot due to it reaching up to Lumbini near Bihar.
China is interrupting India’s strategic position because Nepal is piling up disputes at the borders at the instance of China. Nepal Sovereignty has always been an important aspect. China has been careful as to not violating it and has control over Nepal’s Bilateral connections. But if you consider the US aid, it is absolutely a violation of Kathmandu’s Sovereignty, unfortunately. Washington reserved over $500 million for a contribution towards the 400-KV power transmission line and also an upgrade of 300-kilometres of roads in the Southeastern part of the Himalayan country.
China is exercising its power on Nepal and engaging in activities that go against the morals of Nepal. In 2019, Xi Jinping had promised to provide $500 million to the Himalayan country to go on par with the US aid. The Nepalese are drowning themselves by placing the morals of Maoism before their sovereignty. There was a training programme organised by the Chinese to educate the Nepalese leaders on the ideology and morals of Xi Jinping. With Kathmandu remaining as a constitutional democracy, the leadership had to realign its self to the autocratic ways of Beijing. Recently the Chinese Ambassador had involved himself into the internal affairs of the communist party averting an imminent split which would have ended badly for KP Sharma Oli.

With all things said and done Kathmandu has taken a liking to China and wishes to distance itself from other established democratic countries and allow itself to get engulfed by China entirely and become a client state of the Chinese. This may have a different outcome which Oli may not like in the years to come taking into consideration the true motives of China which aren’t fully known. The economy of Nepal is in a period of stagnation, and as we know, Beijing would want to relish such an opportunity and take control. Currently, the Oli government are having high hopes for their Belt and Road Initiative, which is supposedly supposed to aid their economic situation. Well, others most likely have a different take on this situation and don’t think it is a solution that would entirely have a successful outcome.
What Nepal doesn’t seem to take into notice is the fact that falling for debt trap is not a situation they should have their hopes on. China’s influence in countries that accept Belt and Road Initiative goes far beyond just economic imperialism and corruption. Kathmandu is throwing away its sovereignty to gain China’s support and destroying its connections with representatives of the democratic world such as India and the United States. It is sad to see the Oli government making a mistake that would cause an impending disaster in Nepal.
In conclusion, Nepal has become a puppet under the influence of the Chinese. They have started to isolate themselves from the aid of other countries which China themselves are against—using the economy of Nepal to find new ways to achieve their goal in boosting their economy via infrastructure. But things ought to change later in the future when there is a change in the ruling party, A ruling party that doesn’t consist of Oli and can oppose the greedy Chinese government. All we can do now is sit back and hope for the best for Nepal and see what the future has in store for them.