EducationThe Reasons Why We All Should Read The Mahabharata

The Reasons Why We All Should Read The Mahabharata

We all know who Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was, famously referred to as Mahatma Gandhi. He drove India to autonomy and motivated developments for social liberties and flexibility over the world.

Gandhiji used to state, Ramayan and Mahabharata are an ‘unquestionable requirement ponder’ for all Hindus. On the off chance that anybody is genuinely intrigued to think about the human mind, they truly need to comprehend these two sagas.

The Mahabharata, which was made between 300 BC and 300 AD, has the pleasure of being the longest epic in world writing, 100,000 2-line stanzas. Despite the fact that the latest basic version alters this down to around 88,000, making it eight times insofar as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey together, and more than 3 times the length of the Bible. As indicated by the Narasimhan form, just around 4000 lines identify with the principal story, the rest contain extra myths and lessons. At the end of the day, the Mahabharata takes after a long voyage with many side streets and temporary routes.

Mahabharat Kurukshetra

“Whatever is here is found elsewhere. But whatever is not here is nowhere else”

Mahabharata is an epic of brilliant extent. Mahabharata is an archive of Indian history, mythology, theory, profound secrets, legends, social sacred texts, laws, law, political methodology, financial models, administering models, remote arrangements, family structures, instructive styles and a whole lot more.

FUN FACT: The name signifies ‘the incredible story of the Bharatas’. Bharata was an early progenitor of both the Pandavas and Kauravas who battle each other in an extraordinary war, however, the word is likewise utilized blandly for the Indian race, so the Mahabharata some of the time is alluded to as ‘the immense story of India’.

Mahabharata covers each part of human life. It covers substances of life. It covers the human frailties, indicates character imperfections, highlights imprudences of the colossal and growth of society. Mahabharata takes a gander at the world as it truly may be. It uncovered the unalloyed substances of life. Mahabharata is not fluffy, delicate or based on sandcastles of vision. Thoughts of ‘widespread love’, ‘unqualified pardoning’, ‘crew of humankind’ and so forth are awesome standards, stupendous beliefs, yet as a rule, we find that they don’t exist, all things considered. Mahabharata investigates individuals look for this vision and how they admission.

Mahabharata is additionally fiercely genuine. It doesn’t shroud the monstrous truth about even its numerous awesome and regarded characters. It lets it know ‘as it is’. Mahabharata is a fair mirror. It is a reflection of now is the ideal time. It is a reflection of our Indian culture. Mahabharata mirrors all of life as it seems to be. This reflection may not please everybody. It may not, in any case, appear to be genuine. In any case, Mahabharata does not take a gander at anything with wistfulness.

For some reasons, there are many that do not like this epic. Those are those kinds of people that prefer their sacred texts to be disinfected, without human frailties, failings, and deficiencies.

By and large, we Hindus appear to incline toward worshiping instead of learning from our sagas. We have kept both Ramayan and the Mahabharata on such a high platform, that we have never tried to really read, investigate or faultfinder the substance to perceive how it can be incorporated in our lives. We have assumed it’s substance are so sacrosanct and the occasions are so far back before, that we can’t in any way, shape or form gain from them. We bow, we festoon and we offer incense before these incredible stories, however tragically, we don’t attempt and take in life’s fundamental lessons from them. Whereas, we should.

In the event that for sure Hindus had disguised the lessons of Ramayan and Mahabharata, we would not be in the social, political, money related or profound chaos we are in right at this point. For instance, if we Hindus comprehended, acknowledged and lived by the laws of karma, none of us would be mean to anyone not to mention our own family, companions, neighbors, and kinsmen.

Do we not know the results of being mean to even the littlest individual from our sacred texts? Or, on the other hand, the tragedies caused by dismissing the individuals who appear to be frail at a specific point in time? However, we witness unpleasantness being calmly honed in our movies, cleanser musical shows, neighborhoods, families and work puts constant. Untruths being told for the most unimportant things. Why?

Or, on the other hand, the tragedies caused by dismissing the individuals who appear to be frail at a specific point in time? However, we witness unpleasantness being calmly honed in our movies, music shows, neighborhoods, families, and work puts constant. Untruths being told for the most unimportant things. But why really?

In fact, in the event that we comprehended the immensity of our karmic activities, there would be no defilement in India. Everybody who gives, takes or requests fixes would welcome the negative outcomes of taking rewards will last well past a solitary era or a solitary lifetime. However, debasement is overflowing in India and individuals pay fixes for everything from revoking a movement ticket to winning contracts and even decisions.

And why so? Cause we have not gained anything from our epics.

Battle Scene Between Kripa and Shikhandi from a Mahabharata

A few people say we ought to read the Mahabharata minimum it causes conflicts in the family. Don’t we witness a lot of dissension without perusing the Mahabharata? The actuality is, whether you truly read and gain from the Mahabharata, you won’t have any battles in the family. Having disguised its learnings, you will acknowledge when individuals are making a track of you.

You will understand the outcomes of collecting disdain. You will understand that taking just means returning the first with enthusiasm to its proprietor. You will understand the energy of solidarity. You will welcome the excellence of union in the family, society, and country.

A few people say we ought not to read the Mahabharata minimum it causes battles in the family.

Mahabharata is an unquestionable requirement read since it is a mirror for us to assess ourselves and see where we are being reflected in its horde characters. In the event that we don’t care for what we find in the mirror, there is no reason for faulting the mirror or discarding it, that is not a tenable arrangement. In a perfect world, we ought to change ourselves to make and mirror those qualities and attributes we do like in the Mahabharata.

In a perfect world, we ought to change ourselves to make and mirror those qualities and attributes we do like in the Mahabharata.

Samiha Singh
Samiha Singh
A Literature Student born and brought up in New Delhi, whose heart belongs in bright colours, meaningful words, and beautiful creatures. This world is full of good and evil and I write about what lies between it.