EducationThe latest Technologies in Computer Science that can be Engineering Seminar Topics

The latest Technologies in Computer Science that can be Engineering Seminar Topics

Today the technology is growing day by day as the new technologies are coming very quickly. Now an engineering student of computer science must to find a Seminar topic. Many of the students need quick seminar topics. So here are some best seminar topics so that you will save huge time finding a seminar topic for computer science. Here is a small introduction of these technologies is provided so that you can get an idea of these technologies like what does these technologies do, what is the need of these technologies, how these technologies will be very useful in day to day life in coming years and many more.

This article include the list of latest technology innovations in field of science and technology that you can select as a topic of seminar for B.Tech, M.Tech, BCA, MCA, B.Sc., BBA, MBA and BE Seminars.

Rain technology

Rain technology

It is a component that stores data in distributed processors and retrieves the data even many of the processors fails to do that. It is a uniform way to connect any of the processors. It automatically recovers the data and restarts applications if some of the processor fails to do that. It minimizes the number of terminals in the chain that connects the client and server. It provides robustness and independence to nodes. It replaces a faulty terminal to a healthy terminal. It provides great features that include scalability and availability, fault tolerant interconnect, group members and data storage. It provides many applications that include high availability video server, high availability web server and distributed check-pointing mechanism. There is a vast scope of the future of this technology.



It is a limitless and the secure USB device that facilitates users to access, share and edit files and media between two connected computers everywhere. The size limit is your size of computer’s hard drive. It is so easy to access any file and it requires no special installation. You can simply plug it and play the world. It provides strong security and there is no need of a password. You can access files on both sides of PC’s. You can easily recover if your device is lost. iTwin files transfers pause if the network is interrupted. It continues, the file transfer from where it is left over. It shows the progress bar the amount left to be transferred. You can easily disable it if your iTwin is lost. It supports multiple languages.


It is a network operating system that is designed to connect Apple Computers. The components are built on Macintosh operating system. It has two main versions of Apple Talk that is Phase 1 and Phase 2. It has a single logical cable and attaches multiple nodes. It is easy to implement and configure. The design of it follows the OSI Model of protocol. It uses two protocols that make system completely self- configuring that are AARP and NBP. The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol is a Protocol that facilitates hosts to generate network addresses automatically. Name Binding Protocol that facilitates mapping the network addresses to user names. To set up a small work group is simple for AppleTalk.

Smart Glasses

It is a wearable computer that gives information to the wearer what the wearer sees. It is internet connected glasses. It collects information from internal and external sources like computers. It has all the features that a smartphone has. It supports WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. It also has activity tracker functionality like distance, calories burned and heartbeat count. It gives immense benefits like Camera, safety and many others. It provides some interesting technologies that include wearable computing, Ambient Intelligence, Smart Clothing, Eye Tap Technology, 4G Technology, Android Technology and Augmented Reality. It is easy to wear and use. It is sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. You can quickly access documents, videos, maps, charts and many more. It is a new trend of fashion lovers. It is a spectacle based computer that resides directly on your eyes rather than your pocket. It is a useful technology for disabled people.

Secure shell

It is a protocol for secure access to machines on untrusted networks. It can replace Telnet, FTP, rsh and rlogin. It uses encryption. There is no need of a password. The transmission is secure and can be compressed. It is a powerful tool to provide security. It transfers files securely. It has mainly three components that include SSHD Server, Clients and Session. It provides User Authentication, Host Authentication, Data Encryption and Data Integrity. It protects against IPS Spoofing, DNS Spoofing and IP Source Routing. It is commonly used to log into a remote machine and to execute commands, but it supports many other functioning like tunneling, forwarding TCP ports and X11 connections. It transfers files by using SSH file transfer protocol or secure copy protocol. You can automatically login to remote servers. You can use it for automated remote monitoring and management of servers by one or more of the mechanisms. It can securely mount a directory on a remote server as a file system on a local computer by using SSHFS. You can browse the web through an encrypted proxy connection with SSH clients that support the protocol called as SOCKS.

3D Doctor

3D Doctor

It is a software that is used to extract information from image files to 3D model. It is developed by very useful technology that is object- oriented technology and it supports some effective and efficient tools that includes process and analyze 3D images, object boundaries and 3D models. It is an advanced 3D imaging software. It supports a variety of image formats like Dicom, tiff, JPEG, bmp, interfile, GIF, png and raw in both 2D and 3D. It can handle very large 3D images. It facilitates efficient memory management. It can do image slices and able to software upgrades. It uses Object Oriented Technology and Advanced 3D image processing. It gives immense benefits like 3D visualization and measurements, Shape analysis and Longitudinal Studies and extracting surfaces from CT scans. It is one of the tremendous analysis software. It analysis accurately for internal human parts and create visual models for complex blood vessel.

E- Paper technology

E- Paper technology

It is also called as Electronic Paper or Electronic ink Display. It is a display device that shows the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. It is an electronic ink display unit which reflects like an ordinary paper capable of holding text and images. It is flexible if you use plastic materials and electronics. It is very comfortable to read with wider viewing angle. It is very light weight and it consumes low power. It has mainly two parts that are front plane and back planing. The first part contains E-ink and the second part contains electronic circuits. It is of low cost and its simple to produce using printing process. It is environmentally friendly and there is no possibility of burns, overheating and explosion. It has multiple benefits which include paper like readability, clarity, reduced eyestrain, mobile display solution, hypertext, multimedia information and can include graphics. You can use it as Electronic Book, Electronic Newspaper, Mobile display and Computer Monitor.

Mind reader computer

It is a technology that uses a digital video camera and a mind reading computer system that analyzes a person’s face expression and predict a person’s mental state. This technology is inspired from computer vision, machine learning and psychology. The software identifies some feature points on a person’s face and can track them in real time. This system or technology can be used for improvements in human interaction. It measures the amount and oxygen level of the blood in the brain. For that, the user wears a headband that sends light into the tissues of the head where the mental state is absorbed. You can use it for various purposes like to save someone’s life, emergence, controlling robots by brain power and communication with the coma patients.

Nano car into the Robotics

Nano car into the Robotics

It is an emerging technology that creates machines or robots which can work at some distance. It is a technology that builds robots with programmed instructions. It contains computer science, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, materials science and molecular biology. It uses nano gears which can able to move nano particles from one place to another. It consists of an H- Shaped chassis which attach at the four corners which act as wheels. Each wheel is made up of 60 carbon atoms. It works as neuron system from that movements get better. It can give the instructions while the Robot is moving. It works accurately in less time. It has done some recent development which includes a Nano truck, which can transfer a large and heavy payloads at a time.

3D searching

It is a new method which is used to search 3D objects in a data house on the basis of a submitted query. It is capable of retrieving same 3D models based on their shapes. If a person wants to build a 3D virtual world that represents a city, then he can search in the web for the model. It is very effective in the search process of 3D objects. It has a good future scope that includes new query interfaces, new matching and indexing algorithms, new modelling tools and new applications. It has three main steps to use it which includes Query formulation, Search process and Search result.

Google's bigtable

Google’s bigtable

It is a distributed data store which is created by Google to manage large amount of structured data. It was designed to support applications which require massive scalability. It is a distributed, column oriented and multidimensional store system with high availability, high performance and self managing features. It is used by many google products like Google Analytics, Google Finance, Personalized Search, Google documents, Google earth, Google Fusion Tables and many more. The Big table API provides many functions to its users like counters and deleting tables and column, Changing cluster, table and column, Support for single row transactions, Allows cells to be used as integer counters and Client supplied scripts can be executed in the address space of servers. It is composed of several other components that includes the Google File System, SSTable Technology and Chubby.

Sixth Sense Technology

Sixth Sense Technology

Sixth Sense Technology is a wearable interface of gestures that augments the physical world around us with digital information and enable us to use hand gestures to interact with the information. There are some devices which are used in Sixth Sense Technology are Camera, Projector, Mirror, Colored Marker and Mobile Component. It is portable and it supports Multi Touch and Multi user interaction. It is very cost effective. It can directly access data from machines in real time. It can mind map the idea anywhere. It is an Open Source Software. It recognizes the object that surrounds us, display information automatically and you can access it in any medium. The prototype of Sixth Sense features many applications that show the flexibility, viability and usefulness of a system. It is an ultimate transparent interface for users to access information about anything around us. It allows us to interact with information by natural hand gestures. There is a vast future scope of this technology like getting rid of colour markers, to implement projector and camera inside mobile device, track 3D gesture and to make useful for disable person.

Pill Camera

Pill Camera

It is a pill sized capsules that go through the human body and take pictures and helps to diagnose the problem. The components of the Pill Camera are lens, LED Lights, Battery, Transmitter and Antenna. In this technology, the patient has to take a pill camera and then pill takes pictures of the internal organ of the body and sends the images to sensor belt which is worn by the patient to his waist through an antenna. Then it records it in the recorder. Then doctor view the images with the help of the real time viewer. And finally pill flushes out of the body within 1-2 days. It is used to find Crohn’s disease, Malabsorption Disorders, Tumors of the small intestine, Ulcerative Colitis and medication that relates to Small Bowel Injury. It is painless to take pills for the patient. It easily moves through the digestive area. It provides high clarity pictures and it is accurate, effective and consumes low power. This wireless capsule endoscopy provides an investigation of the small intestine. It has revolutionized the diagnostic imaging field to a great extent and proves next generation endoscopy.

Digital Jewelry

Digital Jewelry

It is the fashion jewelry embedded with intelligence. It will help you to solve problems like security badges and forget the password. It will be the evolution in technology that makes computer components compatible with the human. They are all in one replacement for key chains, credit cards, insurance cards, loose cash, driver’s license and loose cash. It looks alike the next hot fashion trend of the technology. We can wear computers, even not sitting in front of them. Cell phones will take a new form soon. These are taking new forms like earrings, necklace, bracelets and many more. It is an evolution in digital technology. You can call it as wireless wearable computers. It has the potential of all in one replacements. It works using Bluetooth wireless technology. It can give a sizzling outlook to the user. It is the natural interaction to the user. It is convenient wireless wearable computers with fashionably sound features.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT (Internet of Things) is the network of physical objects that around us and which are equipped or embedded with sensors, software, electronics and network connectivity that enables the physical objects to get and exchange the data. It facilitates objects to be controlled and sensed remotely existing network infrastructure that creates an important opportunity for direct integration between computer system and the physical world that give results in improved accuracy, efficiency and economic benefits. There are many applications of IoT that includes Media, Building and Home automation, Manufacturing, Medical and Healthcare systems, Infrastructure management, environmental monitoring, Energy management, Transportation, Better quality of life and many more. It is the next upcoming step for the information revolution. It will be referenced by the inter connectivity of everything that is around us from transport to medical components for household appliances.

Virtual Reality application

Virtual Reality application

It is an imaginary world rather than real ones. It is a simulation that runs on a computer. Sense data is fed by the system to our brain. It is a medium that composed of simulations giving users the feeling of being present in the simulations. The need of virtual reality is doing operations in a dangerous environment, Telepresence, Scientific Visualization, medicine, Real 3D Ultrasound Experiment, Exposure Therapy for Acrophobia, Education and Training and many more. Virtual Reality Systems are divided into three groups. The first group is non- immersive systems like workstations, second is hybrid systems and third is immersive systems. There is a vast scope of this technology in future. It is the computer technology that makes a person feel that they are somewhere else out of the world. They feel like they are part of any other place. The other place can be real or imaginary.

Well, there is a huge list of computer science technologies, but here are few listed that you can make them as your seminar topic. You can get the idea about how you can choose your seminar topic. But if you are in a hurry then you can get the best idea on the latest technologies that are listed here. You can save your lot of time for finding topics for the seminars. Here technologies that are listed are the top trends today.

Meenakshi Khatri
Meenakshi Khatri
I am a content writer and I cover a variety of topics like Education, Health, Lifestyle, Travel and miscellaneous fields. Apart from content writing I also write e-Books.