EducationThe best top Quick Revision tips and tricks for Exams for Indian...

The best top Quick Revision tips and tricks for Exams for Indian students

1. I111 Technique

The human brain is incredible. They are one of the smartest computers on the planet, but “Every coin has two faces” so our brain also has some limitation, which is memory or remembrance power. According to one study, our brain remembers only 50% of what was studied before 1 hour.

Now we will discuss the most effective I111 revision technique that can help you remember even a lifetime.

  • I = immediate, mean revise immediately which you are studying.
  • First 1 = the 1 day, mean always revise after one day of learning something.
  • Next 1 = 1 week, mean revise after one week of learning something.
  • Final 1 = 1 month, mean revise your study material after 1 month.

If you revise it appropriately, you are likely to remember things for a long time.

2. Pomodoro Technique

The next technique is the Pomodoro technique. This Pomodoro technique will increase your efficiency. This will allow your brain to work longer without getting tired.

  • Pomodoro technique is a time management trick discovered by Francisco Cyril in the 80s. In this method, the work period is divided into short intervals. Let’s understand the Pomodoro technique with an example.
  • Suppose you want to use it in the field of studies, then first set a goal. Like you have to prepare three chapters of a subject. So sit for 25 minutes reading continuously, after 25 minutes take a break of 5-7 minutes.
  • 25-minute study and 5-7 minute sessions are called 1 Pomodoro. Similarly, complete 3-5 Pomodoro in a row. Take a long break (20 to 30 minutes) after completing 3 or 4 Pomodoro. Then start Pomodoro again. Nowadays, many Pomodoro techniques Android apps also available, so that it can be easily used.

3. Helpful Card in Revision

  • Flashcards – Flashcards are the easiest way to remember at the time of the exam. Card sheets are made by cutting them into small pieces of 4-5 inches. These include more information in fewer words.
  • Colour Card – In this, information about different subjects can be written on different colour sheets. Information related to history can be “red” and “green flashcards can be made in English. This makes it easy to know which subject has which information in which flashcard. You can also put these cards in the ring.
  • Chapter Cards – If you want to make flashcards more knowledgeable, then you can put the number of chapters in small letters along with writing the topic further on the cards. You can also draw pictures with the rest of the information behind.

Also, read Hacks To Improve Your Concentration Even In A Chaotic Situation.

4. The help of Chewing Gum

Chewing gum benefits mental strength in many ways. For example, researchers said that chewing gum intensifies your memory. For this, an experiment was conducted in which two groups of people were asked to participate in the same competition. One group was given chewing gum, while the other was not allowed to do so. The results of the research revealed that the chewing group got more marks. The jaw action was attributed to this increase in memory. The hippocampus becomes more active when you chew chewing gum. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that plays a more profound role in mind. Besides increasing memory, chewing gum helps to increase blood flow to the brain. When you chew chewing gum, your heartbeat increases and the brain gets more oxygen.

While studying, chew gum with a specific taste and chew gum with the same flavour in your actual exam, will help you remember everything you read and you will be able to score 100%.

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5. Experiment with Fonts

Do not keep the handwriting the same while making notes. Try to write different information in different ways. For example, write the topics in bold letters; the dates in toll fonts mean to write dates in words. Write the rest of the information in the calligraphy style. This will make the characters sit in mind and leave their image. This will bring these pictures in mind at the time of examination.

6. Diagram Technique

This method is entirely new and compelling. In this, the picture related to the subject is made with its name. For example, in the case of Mount Everest, a picture of the mountain can be made together, or in case of a ruler, you can make a picture of the fort. This makes it fun to remember the subject.

7. Make Short Tricks

This is believed to be an easy way to remember. Big sentences are broken into sentences and divided into words. For example, you want to remember the discoverers of electron, proton, and neutron, you can learn the sentence “EeT PaR NaCH” Where –

  • E stands for Electron and T stands for J.J. Thomson,
  • P stands for Proton and R stands for Rutherford, and
  • N stands for Neutron and CH stands for James Chadwick.

Similarly, the help of such tricks can also be taken to remember the place and place in history. All can make them according to their own.

8. Rhymes and mnemonics

Mnemonics is a technique by which historical data, geographical facts, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and many other things are adopted and memorised by adopting different methods and making them into poetry or story. These methods are straightforward and do not forget after remembering the students in these ways.

Some Famous Types of Mnemonics –

  • To memorise something, fit it to the tune of the song.
  • Combine the first letters and make a word.
    Like the seven colours of the rainbow – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red – made up of initial letters – VIBGYOR
  • Make some words from the first letters and give them the form of a sentence.
    To remember periodic table’s first column = Hali(H Li) Ne(Na) Ki(K) Rab(Rb) Se(Cs) Fariyad(Fr).
  • Mind map or memory palace means to fit the information in the maps already made in mind.
  • Make a picture of the given information.

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