LifeStyleSocialSmartphone: Is It Connecting Or Disconnecting?

Smartphone: Is It Connecting Or Disconnecting?

Have you ever observed a teenager watching the advertisement of a newly launched smartphone? Does the breaking news of the launch of a new model of iPhone attract you? These are the moments where you can closely observe the amazement and surprise on the face of people these days as soon as they hear about a gadget. This is the irony of the so called ‘21st century’. Despite being happy on the arrival of a guest we are happier on the launch of a smartphone. These gadgets designed by humans are now completely controlling the humans and ruling their lives.


In the present time, the scenario is like people sitting in front of each other are busy on their phones rather talking to each other. The essential purpose of connecting with one another has been lost. Smartphones are meant purposely to connect to people at distant places. But by getting so deeply involved in it people living close to each other are even getting disconnected. Somewhere we are forgetting that these gadgets are just to help us not to complicate our life.

iPhone 7

WOW (Pros)

Earlier, the concept of cell phone was introduced for the purpose of connectivity, for making communication easy and fast. But later it came up in a modified form of smartphone with various facilities imbibed in it. Today, with the help of smartphones, be it shopping or paying bills, finding a location or searching a person, every task has become manageable. Facilities that were out of reach have now been made available at our doorstep. From education to entertainment, business to service, everything is fitted inside a smartphone. Due to this, work has become simpler, easier and faster too.

Smartphone Navigation

OH NO (Cons)

Whereas on the other hand, it is being misused especially the children are getting so involved in it that parents are dealing with lot of problems. A lot of relationships have been destroyed. Major crimes are being done with the help of it. In the objective of connecting with the old friends and relatives, the ones nearby are getting detached. The craze of smartphone among the small children and teenagers is so much that several issues are being reported on a regular basis, either of ruining someone’s life or getting ruined.

The number of smartphone users worldwide is beyond 2 billion whereas in India it is about more than 200 million. The low and affordable price of smartphones available at every range has increased the number of users. The surprising fact is that more than 50% of smartphone users in India are adult and youth. This report is a signal stating that the time is not too far when these gadgets will be reading the mind of the users and humans will be having no control on themselves. It is a sign to have fear for machines dominating humans.

So, next time you feel like your smartphone on which you spent like thousands and thousands of money is disconnecting you from people, becoming an obstacle between your relationships, keep it aside.

  • Spend more time with friends and families rather putting your eye into it.
  • Don’t treat it as your life, but just as a part of life.
  • Value people more than the gadgets as you never know when you will be surrounded by misunderstandings.
  • During work hour, don’t even try looking at it until it’s quite essential.
  • Students: Never think of touching it and help yourself in staying away from distraction during study time.

Restaurant, Using Phone, Clipart

Ultimately, it depends on the person how he/she is either utilising or misusing a particular thing. It’s very true that everything has its advantage and disadvantage associated with it. But opting for its use or misuse is entirely the wise choice of a person. Before your smartphone becomes smarter than you and compels you to be addicted to it, show it the smart way. Always remember: “Act smart while you use a smartphone.”


Medha Shukla
Medha Shukla
I am Medha, a communication graduate and a writer... I love to travel... I am a foodie I am fond of books and I also love to make creative artworks... For me creativity and innovation is something that cheers your mood and makes you different from the crowd.