EducationMeaning and Full Form of Abbreviations Used by IPU in CET Cutoff...

Meaning and Full Form of Abbreviations Used by IPU in CET Cutoff Lists

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is a professional University in India, located in the capital city, Delhi. The admission in IP University is given on the basis of merit of the entrance examination conducted by IP University named CET or Common Entrance Test. The entire process of the admission in IPU is online based except caste and other document verification.

The Indraprastha University upload previous year’s CET cut-off on the official admission website so, that the students and parents can get an idea about which college to fill during the online counselling choice filling.

Most of people find very confusing to figure out the means of the caste abbreviation used by the IP University in the cut-off list that they upload. Here in this article we have listed all the abbreviations with its meaning that are used by IPU in the cut-off. There are upto 18 caste and category abbreviations used by the IPU.

The Full Form and Meaning of the Abbreviations used by IPU in Cut-off List are:

  1. GNGND — Delhi Region General
  2. GNDCD — Delhi Region Defence
  3. SCGND — Delhi Region Scheduled Caste
  4. STGND — Delhi Region Scheduled Tribe
  5. OBGND — Delhi Region Other Backward Caste
  6. GNPHD — Delhi Region Physically Handicapped
  7. GNGNO — Outside Delhi Region General
  8. GNDCO — Outside Delhi Region Defence
  9. SCGNO — Outside Delhi Region Scheduled Caste
  10. STGNO — Outside Delhi Region Scheduled Tribe
  11. GNPHO — Outside Delhi Region Physically Handicapped
  12. GNGNA — All India Region General
  13. SCGNA — All India Region Scheduled Caste
  14. STGNA — All India Region Scheduled Tribe
  15. GNKMA — Jammu & Kashmir Migrants
  16. GNMUA — All India Muslim Minority
  17. GNSMA — All India Sikh Minority
  18. GNJAA — All India Jain Minority

The abbreviations consist of two things, your location like whether you are from Delhi or Outside Delhi and your caste and category.

So, you maybe looking for the full form and the meanings of GNGND, GNDCD, SCGND, STGND, OBGND, GNPHD, GNGNO, GNDCO, SCGNO, STGNO, GNPHO, GNGNA, SCGNA, STGNA, GNKMA, GNMUA, GNSMA and GNJAA that we’ve already answered.

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