LifeStyleHealthMaternity: Labour Delivery Packing to protect mother and baby from Coronavirus

Maternity: Labour Delivery Packing to protect mother and baby from Coronavirus

Little Bump’s arrival is the happiest time in a parent’s life. It is a celebration as well as a little tensed situation for parents and family. As we all know “Mother’s are Heroes” and heroes, have to be ready always. For a mother-to-be, the wonder of bringing the child to the world vanishes when she is all around the table full of stress, Isn’t it? Sometimes the lady of the house has so much to do that she even has to sleep with reminders!

You might not know if your baby wants to come soon before the due date, so it is better to be ready with all the stuff you will need at that time.

Message for All parents-to-be:

It is a joy of welcoming your little munchkin to the world, do not be stressed, but be prepared, focused, excited, little nervousness is all okay!

Say NA NA to this tensed situation and enjoy the pregnancy journey. Mama is out there focus on the good, no more crankiness. Set up the little corner for your baby bird coming soon. The time will come closer, to bring the little one in the life whom you were growing up inside will be taking birth soon. Naturally, your body will be exposed to changes, and your body will work differently when you come closer to labour. It is time you will know the arrival of your baby is near. For some mothers, labour is painful, while for some, they do not even come across a pinch of pain till the delivery. So keep yourself ready with your packed bags and make a run to the hospital when required without worries.

Each woman loves to pre-plan and prepare out everything accordingly, which is entirely a win-win! Many Mama’s do things to pass the time in wait of their newborn. Some sets up the babies wardrobe, some prepares a list of babies names whereas some mothers prepare a birth plan. Out of all, the most important one is to pack the Delivery Hospital bag in prior! It is good to wrap the delivery bag at 35-36 weeks after that the labour can begin anytime soon.

Delivery bag essentials for mom

Baby, Booties, Clothes, Packing

Clothing Essentials: It is a must, must and must! Do not forget to pack up your loose and comfy clothes. Keep the ones you love to wear rough and tough. After all, comfort is what you will seek at the time of labour.

Maternity Gowns or Nighties: You can pack Maternity Gowns or Nighties. No matter even if the hospital provides you with the maternity gowns you can choose to wear yours. Go for cotton gowns or nighties as they are super comfier and breathable, which will make you feel relaxed and comfortable.

Maternity Dress: If you do not love to wear gowns or nighties, you should pack dresses. For the homecoming who would not like to be ready? You can select a suit as an option for that as gowns are necessary and yet fashionable. Now there are many brands selling maternity dresses each with different pattern and design.

Tops and Bottom Wear: Not all love to wear one-piece clothing. Thus they should carry their night suit or a good t-shirt and bottom wear. Avoid substantial clothing option, and you might get irritated in that.

Nursing Bra/Maternity Bra: Nursing bra provides excellent ease to the mother after the delivery as they adjust to the changed shape of the breast. It makes breastfeeding process smooth and easy. One can choose to wear maternity bras in the case to ease the pain in the back. Also, these provide excellent support to the bust area. Both of these are support options for the lactating mother.

Underwear or Undies: Keep a few extra pairs of undies or panties as compared to your travel packing as after the delivery some women tend to shed much blood. In the case of c section delivery, you might have to stay at the hospital a bit longer as compared to a standard distribution. So keep an extra pair to avoid blood dripping down and to secure clothing from getting bloodstains. Hospitals do provide with mesh undies, but it is still good to keep a few of yours.

Sleepwear: Sleepwear is a need for a comfortable sleep! After the delivery you might feel cranky or frustrated, so you will require sleepwear in which you can relax and sleep well.

What not to wear?

What Not To Wear Pregnant

Avoid wearing uncomfortable clothes. Do not opt for bling clothing. Choose breathable fabrics to avoid irritation. The hassle-free dress is the best option!

Footwear: “Say No to Heels or Pumps”

Flip flops/ Slippers:

Keep a pair of flip flops/ slippers. It is a Big No for heels. As many women face swelling and pain in feet to avoid that one can wear flip flops or slippers.

Shoes or Sneakers:

If you are a shoe person, you can surely opt for them as they are comfortable as well as a style check. Opt for slip-on sneakers and not the ones with ties.

Sanitary Products:

As said, after delivery, women shed much blood, a pack of good maternity pads are a must. As you might not know the flow, so keeping dozen is a good option. If you prefer tampons or menstrual cup, then do consult your doctor beforehand, ask them if they are suitable sanitary options. Keep the sanitary products handy.


Pack these items which you will require in the hospital-Toothpaste, toothbrush, hairdryer, shampoo, conditioner, body towel, body wash, face wash, soap, hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues. Pack it as per your preference!

Skincare and Cosmetics:

If you are a makeup lover, keep your makeup kit ready with minimal makeup products. Do not forget to pack the skincare products like lotion, moisturiser, lip balm, face oil, cleanser and serum.

Medical Record File, Insurance Papers & Identity card:

Check it twice if you have kept your health data files, Insurance papers and identity card packed or not. Also, keep the vital health documents ready as doctors might have to take a look at them anytime. Health record file is necessary so the doctor can check your health status. For filling up hospital forms, you may require valid Id proof. Thus it is essential to take it along. You can keep extra copies ready.

Refreshment Snacks & Drink – Pack a box of light snacks and drink. Some mothers feel hungry soon after the delivery, whereas some feel hungry before the labour. Wooh! Who loves to eat hospital food? You can binge on some favourite snack items when you feel like having it. Do not forget to carry water bottles.
Consider packing healthy food options, avoid unhealthy snack or drink.


Hospitals do provide a cushion, but to have a comfortable stay at the hospital, you can pack one of yours. Carry two pillowcases, and it might require a change. If you have a neck pain issue, then pack your neck pillow too.

By the time, waiting for the baby’s arrival, you are all stocked up with the newborn’s items. Now is the time when you have to figure out what to pack for the hospital and what to keep at home!

Essentials for newborn baby

Newborn, Cute, Baby, Child

Clothing Essentials: The dressing should be packed according to the climate outside. If it is winter, then winter clothing is required. Bodysuits are best for newborn babies as it keeps them warm. One should choose comfortable cotton clothing for the babies. As they have sensitive skin, they can get body rash or irritation quickly. Keep the clothing for baby simple!

Baby Mittens, Socks & Booties: Hand mittens or covers are required to prevent baby from scratching their skin. New-born babies require some time adjusting to the outside temperature. Hence, they need to be covered to feel the warmth. Socks and booties keep the babies feet warm.

Baby Blanket: Hospitals do provide baby blankets; it is better to pack one of yours for the time of homecoming. To keep the baby protected from the cold, you will need one.

Bib: Babies tend to spill saliva or milk, so to avoid the spillage on their clothes napkins are efficient. For the new-born, you might require 4-5 in a day for a change.

Diapers: Very Important. Pack dozens of diaper for safer side. Newborn babies are not toilet trained, so you will surely require many diapers. The diaper should be changed frequently, even if they are not dirty.

Wipes: Do not pack the regular wipes for babies as their skin are sensitive. You can opt for baby wipes. Make sure you pack a hospital bag for the partner who is going to accompany you in the hospital.

Fear of Coronavirus has led anxiety in Labour Womens; Here are the guidelines for the Labours to protect against coronavirus infection:

  • Social Distancing is necessary. Avoid going to public places, avoid social gatherings, public transports. It is the best alternative measure one can choose to prevent coronavirus infection.
  • Choose to Stay at home. Believe it, and the home will be the best place.
  • Follow health hygiene measures: Wear your face mask when required, wash your hands frequently for 20 secs, apply hand sanitizer.
  • If you have a cold or cough, make sure you use disposable napkins, do not use your hands to cover as it can get germs quickly.
  • Maintain cleanliness at your home.
  • Maintain distance with a person who is having symptoms of flu or covid 19.
  • For pregnant women, it is essential to consult a doctor if you feel sick.
  • Do not neglect any health issues you face, as it will lead damage not only to you but for the baby too.
  • Avoid sharing items, such as food, clothing.
  • If you are a working lady, then you have to say bye to your workplace. It is a risk going out working in public. Thus choose to work from home.
  • Stock all your prescribed medication so you do not have to go out in an emergency.
  • Stay connected to your doctor.
  • It is understood in such a phase you will feel a need of company. Nevertheless, you have to avoid that instead, you can make a phone or video call to your dear ones.
  • Set up your Hospital bag ready as you might need to go to the hospital at any time in such a situation.
  • Visiting Hospital for regular checkup wear your face masks, maintain distance with other patients.

Pooja Sharma
Pooja Sharma
Hello, am Pooja, a Young Entrepreneur and writer here. Writing is a way of communication for me; I put that into words. I travel, I write, I design, when I do this I am happiest of all.