FinanceMantra behind a Successful Marketing Campaign

Mantra behind a Successful Marketing Campaign


A picture above depicts one of the most widespread marketing campaigns ever. The impact is visible. this is Britannia’s highest selling product and that makes me go right into our central topic. Recently, it has been found that Digital Marketing got some Newest Marketing Method That Reaps In More Benefits.

Lined up for a product launch, most likely you need to headline a marketing campaign. It is a baffling necessity these days. Whether you are eyeing for a spot among top brands or just casually looking for revenue generation. I can cite a slew of examples. Today it is not merely limited to advertising, but has diversified into demonstrations, word of mouth and other interactive techniques. The marketing campaign for the film “Badhai Ho” was based on word of mouth publicity and it crossed the hundred crore mark at the box office.

Marketing campaigns are engineered to grab our attention. In a sea of brands, it is really difficult to maintain authenticity and be trustworthy. Brands are no longer just based in a specific country they are going global. There is an urgency in the market to build a unique model and establish profound relations with customers. Don’t miss How Useful Is Online Marketing Including Facebook Advert And Google AdWords In India?

What happens after you have to build a base through your campaign? What should be your next step? Well, you must be confused by now as the title reads something else. I am just planting a thought in your mind, which is what most campaigners do. They cash in from your insecurities. That is the real deal people. Before we go into the nitty-gritty of how to run the campaign successfully, we need to take a leap into the types of marketing campaign.

  • Product Launch
  • Brand Launch
  • Rebranding
  • Seasonal Push
  • Turnaround
  • Brand Awareness
  • Revenue Push

Without biting around the bush anymore let’s roll.

Research Your Plan- Decision making is a crucial art so research should be accurate. The research should be extensively done before you put any of your plans into action. When taking marketing campaigns into consideration a lot of factors come into play. Observe the market, understand its requirements and act accordingly. Weigh the pros and cons well.

Budgeting is Essential-They say watch your budget and we often tend to go off rails with it. In relation to a marketing campaign, it stands to be an indispensable factor. Many small companies don’t decide the budget in advance or are unable to judge it aptly. The budget should be in moderation in everything else. Note and list down from the essentials to the least needed.

Preempt Your Customer Base-This is probably the most daunting task to perform. This is more of an objective than a way. But I still suggest making an effort on this front. The idea is to keep the customers glued to your campaign. To make something exclusive is the ‘in thing’ today.

Decide Your Campaign Conductors in Advance- This plays a pivotal role in your campaign as to who would Frontline it, on whose shoulders is the responsibility going to fall. The agency will shall make all the difference. The agency and you must work in cooperation to achieve something worth rewarding.

Don’t go, Solo, -Never dig into it alone. Trust your agency to do the job for you. Everyone’s involvement will make the final cut possible. You are neither the rescuer nor the flag bearer of the campaign, keep that in mind before that idea crosses your mind.

Name is the Game- Shakespeare once famously remarked ‘what’s in a name’ but that stands to be untrue in this regard. The campaign must have an eye-catching logo and moniker attached to it. The moniker is directly linked to your sentiments regarding the product much like the moniker of Thumbs Up which is ‘taste the thunder’.

Backup Plan- Has it ever occurred to you what if everything fails. What will be your next retort? It is in these times that you should hatch a backup plan. Devise the most plausible plan to suit your needs. It will always come handy when the need arises.

Here I spoke about seven different ways that will help you provide effective results for your campaign. What according to you is the most important one? For me hands down, it’s the budget. That is the reason I choose topics related to finance and marketing.

Meghna Sen
Meghna Sen
I am passionate about writing. I completed my secondary course from B.S.S. Now I want to directly jump into the freelancing world.