LifeStyleTravelsList of Items You Need to Have in Your Survival Kit

List of Items You Need to Have in Your Survival Kit

It goes without saying that as humans, we are survivors. We always want to feel secure and prepare for the worse. A survival kit ready and stored at hand ends up becoming critical for the survival of you and your family during an event of crisis. But what are the important things you must have in your survival kit? What is the checklist?

Survival kit

This article will provide you with just the important necessities to create a survival kit. Read on to find out!

1. First Aid Kit: A first aid kit is vital part of your survival kit. It is given that you or someone else will end up getting injured. To aid the injured, you will need medicine, bandage, scissors and stuff. Basic thing which you require are aspirin, Vicks, gauze pad, menstrual pad, medical tape, alcohol wipes, scissors, antibiotic ointment, scalpel, vitamins, sunblock, bug repellant, extra inhalers if required, medicine as required by member of the family, a pocket guide to disease, cotton pads, tweezers, thermometer, skin rash cream, painkillers like paracetamol, cough medicine, antihistamine tablets, distilled water, eye wash, sterile eye dressing and disinfectant. Make sure you replenish the first aid kit every month and throw out the expired items.

2. Water: Calculate the number of people in the house and the amount of water you would require. Also consider the amount of time you would need the water for. Pack in 3.78 liters of water for a person or so is the suggested amount. Keep them well covered, preferably in air tight bottles. Before use, you might consider warming it up or filtering it to prevent any air borne disease. So maybe keep a water filter handy.

3. Non-Perishable food: Canned food, salt-free cracker, whole grain cereals, packed goods, rice, bean, peanut butter, canned meat, organic lard are suggested food to store. You may also purchase and keep a guide of plants which you can eat. Not to forget, keep a can opener handy. In conclusion, choose food that do not require refrigeration, in case a blackout happens and also things that do not require long preparation time to save energy. You can also learn up on various methods to cook food. It will aid you as eating canned food increases the risk of diseases such as botulism. Check the expiry dates every month. Replenish and throw out items which are beyond the expiry date.

4. Light: Always have extra batteries on hand. Keep a torch handy too. A flashlight can be used as a source of light in darkness and hence, is a huge help in the time of adversity. It is suggested that you invest in Li (Lithium) batteries over alkaline as Li batteries are known to provide more power and have longer shelf life. Chargeable torch is not suggested for they require electricity every time the charge ends. Usually in adversity, the first thing to leave the side is electricity. So you might not be able to recharge your torch. On the other hand, the back of torch can be used as a defense weapon.

Remember to check if the torch is working properly and if the batteries have expired.

Survival man

5. Utility Tool Set: Invest in a tool set or just buy wrench, hammer, screws, nails, screw driver (both plus and minus) and pliers. During a disaster, you might have to turn water, gas or electricity as they can turn the disaster even more bad. Having these at hand can give you a certain amount of comfort. Then can also be as a weapon or break through some barriers.

6. Contact Information: Keep the contact information of your family, friends and emergency numbers handy. Write them in a phonebook as extra precaution. You never know when you might require these. Contact information generally include phone number, address and maybe a picture for identification.

7. Map: Keep the map of your area handy, both soft copy and a hardcopy. You might consider laminating the hardcopy to prevent browning of the material.

8. Extra Cash: In a jar or box, keep money for time of adversity. Make sure they are of small denomination lest something like demonetisation is the adversity. You will thank yourself for later. Your money might end up getting wet, torn or lost. This ward of extra cash will be your angel then.

9. Survival Knife: A survival knife can be your best friend in tough times. It can help you build a shelter, start a fire, hunt, cut food, clear path, protect you and cut twigs. A knife should be durable and with strong cutting power. Maybe something with a RH (Rockwell Hardness) between 54 to 58. Try to look for something which can cut as well as pierce things. Go for a knife with a fixed handle as compared to a folding handle because under pressure, the fixed knife tends to be more durable and do not break.

10. Fire: Fire is vital for survival. It can help cook food, stay warm in cold weather, keep predators at bay, filter water, provide view, etc. You can create fire in multitude of ways. Like by using matches, lighter, rubbing stones together and rotating stick vigorously on dry leaves. Store matches in your survival kit in water proof bags, invest in refillable butane lighters and learn how to create fire using nature.

11. Compass or GPS Device: In addition to a map, have a compass or GPS device handy. They will prevent you from getting lost. A GPS device require battery power and signal, plus it has a huge chance of malfunctioning. As a backup, consider learning how to use a compass and a map to find safety.

12. Radio: Buy an FM Hand Crank Radio. It will allow you to tune into emergency notification and check for public alert. The advantage of a Hand Crank Radio is that you will never run out of batteries and hence, be aware of critical news alerts. Go online to see which frequencies enable you to hear emergency broadcasts.

A daydreaming ambivalent who enjoys fiction more than reality. There's nothing unique about her which in and of itself makes her more unique than others. She was born to believe but somewhere things went wrong and she became a cynic.