Op-edLearning: How to enhance learning skills in children and avoid behavioural problems

Learning: How to enhance learning skills in children and avoid behavioural problems

Learning is what we all attain from our experiences, our surroundings and from others behavior or we can say perception in our life span. Learning is a life long process and never ends. We keep learning through our entire life. Learning is basically the game of mind. Did you know that a baby is born with a brain that is already one quarter the weight of an adult brain?

It is a fact that brain development takes place during the prenatal period and is greatest during the formative years of life. The first four years are very crucial for brain development, as during this period half of the child’s adult intelligence is formed. In the next four years another 30 percent of intellectual development takes place. In other words, when the child is eight years he has 80 percent of adult intelligence. The remaining 20 percent of brain development occurs in next ten years. Sad part in todays school environment is that the curriculum lays greater emphasis on the mere acquisition of knowledge in various fields rather than enhancing the rational inclination of mind of children.

The main focus is just about securing high marks and good grades, which have made the current education system such that it merely lay stress on rote learning. This type of education system which lay emphasis only on marks and grades has degraded the moral values in children and has given rise to behavioral problems and difficulty in learning. Earlier the relation of the guru shishya was such that the students use to worship their teachers and guru. As the time has changed the gap between the teachers and children as well as the gap between parents and children too has increased.

Parents are too busy as today women are also working so they can pay less attention towards their children. Coaching classes have added to the gap. Parents are least bothered what their children are gaining in schools and coaching classes, they are just ready to play. Money has dominated the world, leaving behind the cultural and moral values which have given rise to behavioral problems like conduct disorder, anger, frustration and irritation and low self esteem in children. We should not forget that learning is not just cramming what is in the book, but learning is to know what is right and wrong. When learning will be such type there will be automatically less behavioural problems in children.

Here are some ways by which we can enhance the learning skills and minimise behavioural problems of children.

1. Give Attention to your child

Have meaningful conversations with your child. Pay attention to the things he does in school and at home. Childhood is a very crucial stage as habits are developed in this stage. Whatever habits are formed, whether good or bad remains with us the whole of our life. Teach your child moral and cultural values along with helping them in studies. Only learning books and cramming things should not be encouraged, but value education should also be imparted at home and at school as well to minimize behavioral problems of children.

2. Motivation


Motivation plays a very important role in learning. Whenever your child loses confidence or is depressed, talk to him, tell him stories of great leaders who has achieved a lot with their dedication and hard work. Give examples of people like Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi , etc. who has set examples of dedication and hard work. Motivate your child to learn by using right method and avoid cheating as there are no shortcuts to success. It can be achieved only through hard work and complete focus. Encourage your child for his good deeds which will help him to excel in his particular talent and gain self esteem.

3. Reward

Reward your child for his good deeds. Words like good, excellent, keep it up and you can make it work like magic for children. It boosts their confidence level and make them do their best. Appreciate your child’s work and motivate him to do better next time. Reward your child by buying him his favorite toy or anything which helps in raising his confidence level.

4. Love and affection

Love and affaction

Every human being is different and has his own mindset. Just one is good in art and craft, another one may have scientific mind or have an interest in language. Similarly, they respond differently to a particular situation, according to his or her own perspective. So a difference of opinions is always there, treat your child with love and affection. Try to understand his point of view instead of forcing your own opinion about things on him. Let him choose for him and act like a guide and friend rather than a dictator. This will make a child learn best through experience and also obey you too.

5. Spend time together

kids playing, mother son playing

Build trust and know your child’s strength and weakness. Try to spare some time from your busy schedule and spend time with him. Let him show his class work to you. Ask him about his friends and about his day at school.

6. Play visual games

visual games, best learning games

To improve learning play with your child. Focus on visual games like asking a child to make 5 words out of word BIRTHDAY, etc. Encourage your child to ask questions like why things in nature exist in the way they are, like why is the sky blue or the grass is green and answer them patiently. This will encourage their natural curiosity and enhance their observation power. Tell them good stories and in the end ask meaningful questions.

7. Good diet

vegetables, fruits, good diet

The kind of food we take affects our body and mind a lot. Everything depends on the kind of diet. Children should be given proper nutrients for the growth of mind and body. A proper diet should should be planned and taken for good health as a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Give your child green vegetables, dry fruits, milk products and fruits instead of chips and cookies for good health. Make nutritious food at home and avoid outside food.

8. Regular exercise

yoga pose, yoga dark pose, sun, exercise

For better learning it is important to have a healthy mind and body so a kind of exercise is also important. Make your child get up early and have a walk in the fresh air or can do simple exercises. It will keep him fit and active throughout the day. Also morning time is good for memorizing the things as mind is fresh and there are minimum distractions.

9. Plan proper schedule for study

The proper study schedule should be prepared. Arrange all the student activities in such a way that there is sufficient time for play and other activities too. Avoid any kind of distractions like cell phone or television at that time and try to concentrate on your activities to be done.

10. Use positive discipline

Use positive discipline

Our surroundings and environment affects our learning a lot. It is the environment at home, school and society that promotes healthy human learning and ultimately help in shaping the young mind to develop the qualities of better learning and good behavior. To avoid behavioral problems try to use positive discipline at home. Keep the rules simple and flexible too at times. Let your child relax if he’s not in the mood of studying instead of imposing studies, play verbal games through which he will learn and as well as play.

I am a reader and a passionate writer a good sports person and love to be myself. Trying to explore myself and my capabilities through writing..in short wanna fly high in sky...