LifeStyleSocialHuman Rights and its importance in the countries

Human Rights and its importance in the countries

Human rights ensure that people are met with basic needs and good living. These rights exist with every individual citizen of the country. Human Rights in India is also recognised on a very larger scale, India being the largest democracy in the world. There are many Human Rights activists who work for the poor and the people who are deprived of their basic human rights. Every human has rights and can fight for them in case of any violation.

People have rights like the right to freedom of speech and expression and the right to equal opportunities. Human Rights, along with Child Rights, are very important to consider for the country’s development. Children are the future of the nation and lend a hand in ensuring the development of every aspect of the citizen. Human Rights belong to us because we are humans, and we should use most of them. These human rights belong to you irrespective of your caste, creed, colour, religion, and gender. Every country has a different set of human rights, and the functioning of the same is also different. It is in the hands of the country’s government to choose appropriate laws to maintain every citizen’s rights.

Laws that should be implemented to ensure these rights should get recognition and importance in the society because until the awareness regarding the rights is spread in the distinct regions, these rights will not be acknowledged.

Right to Education:

Education is important to build a good future for the child as well as for the future of the country. We have several examples of how education helps in building the personality and confidence of the individual. It is a weapon that can help people, no matter their age, overcome their severe problems, like financial scarcity.

Right to work:

Every individual should be free to work and choose whatever profession they want to practice. Working to earn a livelihood should not be kept under restrictions, and a person should be free from choosing a profession of any kind.

Right to Speak:

A person should not be restricted from presenting his/her opinion. Each individual has got the right to speak for himself/herself. Any individual can raise their voice and take a stand to ensure that his right is not violated.

Right to food and housing:

The government of every country has to make sure that the citizens of that particular country don’t have to struggle for food and housing.

Right to Freedom of belief and religion:

Everyone has the right to practice any religion. Society is restricted to interfere in one’s choice to practice any religion. The right to freedom of belief and religion enables an individual to get the freedom to live with a free.

Right to Privacy:

The citizen of any country should have the right to protect privacy in his/her life. There have been many controversies regarding the privacies of the individuals. This right enables a person to maintain his/her private life and issues related to it.

Right to social security:

This is one of the most important rights which is given to the people living in society. Every citizen of the country is a member of society and has the right to possess respect and dignity. This right is specifically given to the people who are unable to work because of sickness, maternity, unemployment, and many others. There are many social insurance programs under this particular right, as these insurances give benefits to workers and their families through employee contributions.

Significance of Human rights:

Meeting the basic needs:

The individual’s rights help them fulfil their basic needs like medicine, cloth, food, and basic needs. There are thousands of people working towards spreading awareness about rights.

Protecting vulnerable groups:

The rights save people from getting destroyed, for example, from the events like Holocaust and WWI. History has proved that people who cannot exercise their rights end up facing a lot of injustices. Similarly, vulnerable groups like people with disabilities, unrecognized communities, etc., are yet to know about their rights.

Take a stand on societal corruption:

These rights enable a person to take a stand against corruption and abuse. We know that none of the authority of the society is perfect, and it is important to give normal and ordinary citizens a right that will help them fight against these malpractices in society.

Promotes freedom of speech and expression:

Human rights give people the right to put their perspective in front of others and present a different perspective on society uniquely. The people get to speak their mind without any fear of suppression. No one should be scared to speak their mind, which is important because if a person can speak his/her mind, it gives him/her the liberty to live freely.

Therefore, there are many important features that the existence of these human rights hold. The people get to practice their religion and work with equal dignity & respect in society.

Human Rights in Islamic Countries:

Human rights have been a hot discussion issue in the Muslim majority countries. Many non-government organizations work day and night to highlight the human rights violations in these countries. Many human rights issues are prevailing, but some of the most talked-about are LGBT rights, same-sex marriages, and suppression of basic freedom of speech. The women in the country also face a lot of human rights violations.

Therefore, the declaration, which the United Nations adopted in 1948, was refused by many Islamic Countries and rejected.

Misuse of Human Rights:

They exercise the rights which are provided to the citizens with a lot of difficulties. These rights are many times interpreted in very different ways. Human rights activists whose job is to fight against human rights violations are also put under many allegations of Defamation. For Example, In 2018, Nine very prominent human rights activist were arrested under the UAPA Act, i.e. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. These acts in India spread wrong information and demotivate people to stand against corruption and human rights violations.

Women in the country are yet to move freely without getting into sexual violence and domestic violence. There are plenty of cases pending which need proper justification explaining human rights violations in India.

Ruchika Sureka
Ruchika Sureka
Reading gives me the right mindset to think and interpret. The curiosity to read is something that makes me realize the diversity of literature and books we have in culture. I am very fond of books, and I like reading because it gives me peace.