Op-edHow to Unsubscribe SMS Alerts from Domino's in India?

How to Unsubscribe SMS Alerts from Domino’s in India?

Dominos is one of the world’s largest Pizza suppliers and including in India the Dominos is maintained and owned by Jubilant Food Works Ltd. Even after many years companies like Pizza Hut and Italiano Pizza still looking for some space in the Indian market. There is no doubt that the Pizzas by Dominos is one of the treading fast food in India and its market and the reach in public is increasing every day.

Unlike, other MNCs and the domestic companies Dominos is also taking the full advantage of staying in touch and being connected with its customers. Every time you place an order, you need to share your mobile number, and while making an order online, you require an email.

Well, it has no problem at all, but the problem begins when Dominos start sending promotional messages (SMS) on your mobile and including on your email. It is sometimes really annoying, and most of us find it disturbing.

Sometimes we find ourselves very helpless since there is nothing to stop as the dominos are sending promotional messages even after Do Not Disturb (DND) services is enabled.

In India Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued strict guidelines against sending promotional messages on DND enabled numbers. There is a penalty of up to Rs. 2,00,000 (equivalent to USD $3010 approx.), but it is not working at all. In this article, we will assist you on how you can unsubscribe the SMS alerts from Dominos in three ways.

The 4 easy ways to unsubscribe from the SMS alerts from Domino’s Pizza

1. Through SMS

More than 90% of people are not aware that they can unsubscribe to the SMS alerts by Dominos through SMS. To deregister, i.e. to unsubscribe, you need to send SMS from your registered number. Just type “DOM UNSUB” (without quotes) and send it to 560706.

Additional SMS rates may be applied for sending SMS since this number belongs to the premium category number.

2. Through E-mail

Those who are looking for another solution for getting rid of annoying SMS by Dominos and want to tell them that they are not doing right can write to them at [email protected] or can fill out the feedback form at http://www.dominos.co.in/feedback

3. Through Call

Though Dominos does not have a dedicated line for unsubscribing or registering a complaint against sending promotional messages, still you can call them on their support line and can ask them to stop sending promotional messages on your mobile at 68886888.

4. Twitter

You can request Domino’s to opt-out from SMS alerts by tweeting or sending them a direct message from Twitter to their official twitter handler @dominos_india.

If you want to go a step ahead, you can file a case or can report to the TRAI.

IR Digital Media Team
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