TechHow to Open and See thumbdata3, thumbdata4, thumbdata5 and thumbdata6?

How to Open and See thumbdata3, thumbdata4, thumbdata5 and thumbdata6?

Android uses .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 file extensions to generate and store the cache of images and videos thumbnails that can usually be found inside the DCIM folder of internal as well as the external storage. You made need special file manager see these thumbnails that support feature of seeing dotted (hidden) files and folders. The images or the thumbnails inside the .thumbdata file measures 96x96px usually of low quality, but it will be clear enough to figure out what was inside the .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 or .thumbdata6 whereas the size of .thumbdata can grow from few kilobytes to gigabytes.

In this article, we’ve covered how you can open, see and extract the contents inside the .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 file which could be due to many reasons such as recovering deleted images, research, forensic science, data investigation and crime investigation etc.

How to reterive .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6?

The .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 can be found inside DCIM folder of the internal storage [phone memory] as well as external storage [SD/memory card]. To retrieve .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 file explorer or the file manager that supports the feature of viewing hidden files and folders can be used copy the file or with the help USB data cable by enabling show hidden files and folders in case of Windows.

How to see/view reterive .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6?

To view the contents [thumbnail of images/videos inside] .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 file:

  1. Go to (Supported browsers include: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge and other modern browsers with blob protocol).
  2. Browse and upload .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6.
  3. It will take less than 5 seconds to upload no matter how large the file is or how slow is your internet since the file isn’t uploaded to the server instead copied to the browser’s cache.
  4. Once the file has been uploaded, it will display all the images and thumbnails of the videos.

How to extract .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6?

To view extract [thumbnail of images/videos inside] .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6 file:

  1. Go to (Supported browsers include: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge and other modern browsers with blob protocol).
  2. Browse and upload .thumbdata3, .thumbdata4, .thumbdata5 and .thumbdata6.
  3. It will take less than 5 seconds to upload no matter how large the file is or how slow is your internet since the file isn’t uploaded to the server instead copied to the browser’s cache.
  4. Once the file has been uploaded “Download all” button.
  5. The .zip file will be download which you can extract and see the contents inside it.

IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Team
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