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How to live a life like forever 21, and what things do you learn in this age?

Turning 21 is a mesmerizing moment in each one’s life. At this young age, you are crazy, Joyful, wild, energetic, and happy. It’s simultaneously so terrifying and so exciting at the same time, with your mind battling billions of thoughts at once. Most of you have so many Do’s for this age while turning 21, you want to do whatever you like to, or wished to do at your young age, you don’t care about the pros and cons of things just want to enjoy the newly granted freedom of the age. Yes, you read that right! You don’t want to waste time here and there and just want to do stuff, what you like. Don’t miss the tips on How to keep a healthy relationship and add more romance to your life during the lockdown?

You are about to take a step in adulthood, and with that, you get so many rights and responsibilities you haven’t got before. As responsibility comes along with freedom, its time to behave mature and sensible, it’s time to take and fulfil given responsibility. Are you aware of the qualities of a Mentally Strong Person?

At 21, you are youngest you will ever be and oldest you had ever been.

This young age teaches us a lot about life, which we should never forget:

  • Think about your future and be concentrated.
  • Always ask questions.
  • Think for yourself.
  • Anger Management, more energy more anger at this age you should manage your anger, if not it will be with you throughout your life.
  • Don’t blindly believe everything you hear.
  • Verify then trust.
  • Explore your interest.
  • Be conscious of your health.
  • Learn discipline.
  • Utilize your time in the best possible manner, Do the thing which you like.
  • Be inquisitive.
  • Deception is prevalent.
  • Read not because you have to but you want to.
  • You are not immortal.
  • Travel, travel alone you will surely learn a lot from this.
  • Learn to make good relationships.
  • Try forgiving.
  • Laugh loud and often:
  • Think about your grand-parents, every time you meet them, tell them that you love them, and make them feel your company. Ask them questions about their childhood, how they grew up there struggle, what it was like.
  • Understand that your parents did their best for you; tell them you love them more often. Value their countless efforts Someday they will be gone forever. Pay them back as best you can.
  • You do good and good will come to you, and it really works.
  • And, don’t forget to enjoy yourself.
  • Live and let live.

Also, see the 10 Simple Steps To Self Love Especially for an Indian.

These were some lessons which each one of us learns at this age and remembers for life.

You will be spending a better and happy life working what you like, you should not regret your choices later, but be happy and proud of it. And this is only possible if you explore at a young age that what is made for you, Explore now! You learn discipline, which will stay with you forever. if you take care of yourself from a young age, You will be more conscious about your health it also reduces stress. Make relationships, they will stay with you forever and support you in ups and downs. You’ll understand someday on your own. Supporting your family (Parents/ Grand-parents) is a great part of your life, Talk to your parents and grandparents as often as you can. Understand that your leaving leaves a hole in their life that nothing can fill. Travelling will definitely teach you. It’s ok to enjoy yourself, Never let the child in you, die.

Reading should not be a habit it should be a part of life and this happens if you continuously do it from your younger age. Don’t ever hold grudges with anyone, It’s just not worth the thoughts you put into it. Focus on the good instead, and be forgiving. You’ll realize soon, it is the correct way to deal with that kind of situation and people. Live and let live, is one of the most important things, Do what you want, and let others do what they want to; don’t judge people on the basis of anything they do. Treat people nicely. laugh more often, Laugh until you gasp a breath, And spend lots and lots of time with your childhood friends! Laughing makes you feel alive and it is healthy and good for you. It makes your heart work better and allows you to enjoy the fruits of a long, loving, and healthy life. Laugh with heart, with the mind, and with soul. Let every cell in your body burst with laughter every day.

A 21-year-old individual will always have something to teach to a 45-year-old, a young child sees the world with a different perspective, The young generation can teach them about new technology, a new trend in fashion, and many more things. And give hope, should follow our traditions in a new evolved way.

 From our 21 we should never forget things we learned:

  • Reading
  • Laughing
  • Painting
  • Traveling and many more

Yashaswi Singh
Yashaswi Singh
Learner and Writer.