EducationHow to Get Your Books Published Easily in India?

How to Get Your Books Published Easily in India?

Gone are the days when writing books and novels were considered a very tough task as one had to write the books on a typewriter and wait for it to get published as it required lots of money and time. With the advent of the internet, with such a lot of unique writing tools and features, one can aspire to become an author with some great writings and some dedicated time for the research, and penning the contents into meaningful sentences. Yeah, you should have a flair for good writing on various kinds of topics to establish yourself as a good writer. For any writer to be, very good command over the English language is a must. If you are writing in some regional language or a foreign language, then you must have good conversation and writing skills in that language.

The authors are storytellers. Not everyone can be an author soon, as it require a lot of work and a good publishing company to publish your books or novels. You get to have a good subject upon which you are going to write. One can choose to write on different types of subjects. There are many genres available, and you can choose your niche. Your manuscript should be that compelling for the publisher to publish it and release it in the market.

Well, there are genres upon which you can choose to write:-

  • Literature and Fiction Novels
  • Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense
  • Non- Fiction
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels
  • Comics and Graphic books for Children
  • Business and Investing
  • Romance
  • Educational Books
  • History Books
  • Horror Books
  • Travel Books
  • How to Do things Books
  • Motivational Books etc.

There are some of the very good publishers who can publish your novels and books, but the established brands are a bit elite and too costly for a budding author to start so one should also look for some upcoming publishing houses and companies who can publish the books or novels. One can also try self-publishing platforms. Self- publishing is a new concept, gradually taking up the publishing world as it can save a lot of time and is hassle-free too. Self-publishing starts with a medium-cost and if you have a great work to show to the world, going with it is strongly recommended.

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One can become a writer by writing in two ways. One can write the manuscript on paper and can also write online. These days laptops and mobile phones are used more than papers as writing on many online apps and tools are easy and more time-efficient. There are many apps where one can write and store the manuscript and later on upload it to relevant websites of the publishing houses. One can get the novel written and get it published choosing softcover or paperback edition, hardcover format, or as a digital E-book format which is getting trending due to high-speed internet availability. Very good command over the English language is a must, and if you are writing in any regional language then, you should have a good command on your regional tongue ass well. Moreover, deep knowledge about the subject and a wider approach towards world knowledge add to the quality of the contents or texts you will produce. Novel writing is not an easy task, and so it requires a lot of understanding and an unbiased approach towards the storyline. In writing fiction and romance, the protagonists of the novels should be focused, then the backdrop and other circumstances. In writing any subject of your interest, you must have a depth of emotional and educational knowledge. The publication houses look for the grasping power of your storytelling as well and then after a scrutinizing review, it gets passed, for publishing.

Self Publishing is the New Trend

Self-publishing is the new step taken up by many wonderful authors to be as many publishing companies are offering the service to new writers charging some money and providing the writers with writing platforms and helping the writers to publish the novels or books in paperback format or as E-book on and many other online websites. Some of the leading self-publishing platforms to look for publishing your manuscripts and transform them into a full novel are here to check!


The easiest and effective way to get your stories showcased as a paperback format or an e-book is Kindle Direct Publishing. It is a completely free platform where you can self publish your novel and even choose its cover design and can edit and add images too in a  matter of minutes and days. The content supported by KDP is e-book file format .azw created by, and it makes it available to mobile sites, mobile apps, computers, and laptops. One can write over several topics and can earn handsomely as you get to keep 70% of the royalties, which is good, and your novel gets a worldwide exposure in the kindle online store. One can even choose the print medium and can earn if the novels are sold.

Notion press Publications is the fastest growing self-publishing platform that allows its authors to publish their novels in a budget-friendly way. is a website where you can search for trending authors. It also has a team of dedicated professionals that help the budding authors with medium to high budgets of self-publishing or guided publishing. Under self-publishing, the author can choose its cover, and the company pays per page, and the realities are also 70%-100% as per the number of copies sold. The Chennai based company has helped many new authors to launch their novels in 2020, and it is planning for more authors to join by coming 3 to 4 years. You can polish the novel with a team of guided experts and can publish your novels fast and good quality of the paper and give you  100% ownership and copyrights. They have various packages to choose from and accept the works in .doc or pdf format. They also have a good network all over the world as they launch the books on and, and the buyers can buy the novels even online from their website. The charge of publishing with 100% Copyright and free ISBN can be expensive too, so it is advisable to look at how much you can spend and then choose the package accordingly.

Blue Rose Publications is another upcoming self-publishing house where one can get its novels to get published in a matter of a few days if you are having an original content or a novel written. Though it charges from 10,000 to 20,000 package deal in which they will provide ISBN and your copyrights, and you can also design the cover of the book, and they also give you 100% of royalties. If an author wants to get noticed, then this publishing house is also good to start the career as a writer. What’s more, it also offers paperback and hardcovers along with e-book format to give your writings a base.

White Falcon Publishing House is another emerging self-publishing house situated in Chandigarh, where one should also try. Its plans start from 14000 to 64,000, and you can get free ISBN and globally distribution etc., but in order to get your free copyrights, you will have to take its guided Gold package that comes around 34,000 rupees. Well, if you can afford a good package, you can get your work get noticed worldwide with this platform as well.

Other than these self-publishing houses one can also try on, Zorba  Books, Orange Publications, Become Shakespear, etc. which also give your work, a substantial value. All of these publishing houses are located in India where one can try to get their work get published. There are many free websites also available on the net, which can help you to pursue your dreams at minimum costs, and many of them are even free.Thoughts Book

Small Upcoming Publishing Houses are the Keys to Publish the Novels.

It is often a misconception that people think big publishing houses like Harper and Collins, Penguin Random House, Macmillan publishing House, etc. can only publish the work more efficiently than the newer publishing houses. The truth is that if you aren’t an established writer, then your work will not get noticed in the big publishing houses and their charges are also very much as compared with the newer and upcoming publishers like and Zorba or Bluerose publications as they can provide you with a base with minimum and affordable charges for the newborn authors.

Well, to sum up, it is your hard work that will make you or break you. The key focus should be strong determination and Never Give Up attitude and Believing in yourself. So, do write some beautiful and refreshing stories that others want to hear or buy. After all, success doesn’t come so easily. As writers and authors need time to do writings and then transform it into the subsequent product in the form of novels can take many months. But it is advisable to write consistently, and sooner or later you will find your readers. Grab your cup of morning coffee and start imagining or even give your knowledge a form of a beautiful way of writings and start writing and get noticed. With the fast and changing electronic age, with more people are now connecting with the internet, there is no end to your powerful presentation. So, fuel your thoughts and get going.

Payal Arun
Payal Arun
An upcoming author, content writer, blogger, novelist and an online influencer with creative writings to make my readers amazed with information.