EducationHow to get the consolidated mark sheet of GGSIPU?

How to get the consolidated mark sheet of GGSIPU?

A Consolidated mark sheet is a report that is given to a person after the finish of a specific course. The presentation of the understudy is likewise referenced in the records as in the evaluations or rate he/she has accomplished.

The Reports contains point by point data about the person’s exhibitions all through the course and has aftereffects of every semester or year with valuable data.

What is a consolidated mark sheet and what are its benefits, we can understand from the points given below:

  1. Verification that the understudy has moved on from the establishment
  2. It contains point by point data concerning the exhibition of a person.
  3. Semester or yearly execution likewise referenced in the report.
  4. The record is given after graduation.
  5. Understudies need to apply for the consolidated mark sheet after graduation.

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is the first University built up in 1998 by Govt. of NCT of Delhi under the arrangements of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 read with its Amendment in 1999 The University is perceived by University Grants Commission (UGC), India under segment 12B of UGC Act.

It is an instructing and affiliating University with the express goal of encouraging and advancing “studies, research and augmentation work in rising territories of advanced education with centre around proficient training, for instance, building, innovation, the board contemplates, medication, drug store, nursing, instruction, law, and so forth and to accomplish greatness in these and associated fields and different issues associated in addition to that or coincidental thereto.”

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is focused on giving proficient instruction push on innovativeness, development, consistent change and persuading condition for information creation and scattering through its successful quality administration framework.”

The University will animate both the hearts and psyches of researchers, engage them to add to the government assistance of society everywhere; train them to embrace themselves to the changing needs of the economy; advocate them for social administration to guarantee harmony, concordance and thriving for all.”

What’s more, to be sure it must involve extraordinary fulfillment to the entirety of its partners as a rule, and the staff and understudies, specifically that in a limited capacity to focus 13 years, the University has not exclusively had the option to win the best of national Accreditation Instructive honors and obtain tough affirmations – UGC’s acknowledgment under Section 2 (f) and 12 (b); Graded as ‘A’ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore; ISO 9001 : 2000 first in 2008 and updated later to ISO 9001 : 2008 of every 2009; and Recertified again in February, 2011 Upto February, 2014; achieving AIU’s Status of Regular Membership in November, 2008; Categorization of the University by Dun and Bradstreet as ‘Choose with Confidence’ in its distribution titled, ‘Colleges of India 2008’; chose among 250 Top Educational Institutes in India for the Grand Book on Education, titled, ‘Star Brands Education 2010’; and, additionally for an International Award – ‘Platinum Technology Award for Quality and Best Trade Name’ by OMAC – Association Otherways Management and Consulting, Paris, France on December 20, 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland however has likewise prevailing with regards to making its essence felt both at national and worldwide levels.

On the alliance front, 02 Schools of Studies, to be specific, School of Engineering and Technology and School of Medicine and Para Medical Health Sciences are being kept up for giving the influential position to the projects led under these Schools at subsidiary organizations. Taking all things together, the University has 100 associated foundations; of these, 76 are self-financed, and 24 are possessed and overseen by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi/Govt. of India. In these partnered organizations, 80 scholastic projects are being led with an admission of 22,000+ understudies with the absolute quality of 62,000+.

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University will endeavour hard to give a market arranged proficient training to the understudy network of India by and large and of Delhi specifically, with the end goal of serving the reason for advanced education just as to address the issues of the Indian businesses by advancing foundation of schools and Schools of Studies as Centers of Excellence in developing territories of instruction with centre around proficient instruction in orders of building, innovation, medication, training, drug store, nursing, law, and so forth.

To get a consolidated mark sheet from the GGSIPU, you have to follow the steps given below.

  1. Download the Consolidated mask sheet application form which is available on the official website of GGSIPU
  2. Fill the complete application form carefully without any error.
  3. Attach the required documents which are mentioned below:
    1. Attach all xerox copy of your mark sheets which is issued by GGSIPU
    2. Copy of Identity card
    3. Attach of your any government ID
    4. Attach the complete application form along with documents as mentioned above and submit it to the controller of examination GGSIPU at Controller Of Examination, GGSIP University, Sec- 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

And if any query occurs, you can also contact the University Helpline. The numbers are 011-25302167, 25302168, 25302169

  1. The certificate will be sent directly to your college within seven days.
  2. If you want the certificate to reach your home directly, then you will also have to submit your residential proof along with the application form As a residential proof you can also attach your Aadhar card, Driving License, voter card any one of them.
  3. If you have lost your Identity card, then you have to send an authorized letter from your college in which details will be written.

If we do not take Consolidated mark sheet, will there be any problem?

Sincerely, It will be an issue if you find a new line of work and can’t deliver it. It is critical to have the semester astute/united imprints sheets for Government Jobs and even private occupations. At this moment, if you need to, you can go after the administration positions/serious tests and plan for the composed tests and so forth.

A consolidated mark sheet and a consolidated certificate are the equivalents. It is an archive that contains Nitty gritty data about an understudy’s presentation record in a specific course.

The record contains marks semester savvy of the understudy and gives nitty-gritty data that the understudy has been a piece of the foundation and has gone to the course.

Zafar Reza
Zafar Reza
My name is Zafar Reza I am a mechanical engineer I love to write new articles on the different-different topics I have written more than twenty blogs and working as a freelancer to write for the many channels