FinanceHow To Earn Online In Delhi & Across India Without Paying Charges?

How To Earn Online In Delhi & Across India Without Paying Charges?

How To Earn Online In Delhi Without Paying Any Charges?“, Same question I have Googled nearly 8 years ago in fact I applied on a website and you won’t believe I wasted nearly Rs. 2,700/- and earn nothing. Data-entry and typing work online has almost became a scam and no doubt this business is flourishing. In this post we will brief on How you can earn money online without paying any security amount, registration fee etc. etc.

Writing Articles

Are you creative or have good skill in writing articles on any topic ? Well, you can start earning with us by writing articles for our Articles & News Portal and can earn easily online by sitting at home. Read Sell Articles Online in Delhi and around India at Isrg Rajan for more details.

Starting Personal Blog

You can start up your own personal blog and by integrating Google Adsense on your blog you can easily make money online by sitting at home.

In order to start up a blogging site you need a bit investment on purchasing domain and hosting but no worries you can still do the same without even this minor investment and that’s by Creating a Free Account on Blogspot by Google.

Also Read: Best Online Business Ideas that You can Start in India

Earn from YouTube

If you are bored of writing and have courage to show your talent based on anything you can start up your own YouTube channel and by integrating Google Adsenses on your YouTube videos & channels you can make a huge amount money.

Affiliate Programme

You can join affiliate programmes offered by shopping websites such as Amazon, Flipkart etc. and can make money by sharing referral links on your blog or social networking site’s profile or page.

Affiliation Programme also known as Referral Affiliation is trending around the Internet so be careful while selecting the brands. Also, verify the Terms of Conditions of the companies before getting into their referral programme.

Earn From Facebook

Is it possible to earn from Facebook? Yes, It is! Let me quote again, “Yes! it is possible” to earn from Facebook well, it is a bit tricky and very simple to understand. All you need following things

  • Join any Online Affiliation Programme (like shopping sites).
  • Create Facebook Page or Profile with maximum likes or follows you can get.
  • Get Affiliation Referral URL and Share in your post.

Do you have something to share? Let us know in the comment below.

IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Team is a member of Digital Pradesh, a collective of journalists, reporters, writers, editors, lawyers, advocates, professors, and scholars affiliated with the Digital Pradesh.