WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned company, is experimenting with new features every day to keep the users engaged and continue using WhatsApp without looking for any other alternative instant messaging application.
Recently, they have introduced three new features:
- WhatsApp Photo status
- WhatsApp Text Status as About
- Introduced “GIF” animated pictures sharing option
The new update does not include any download option for the WhatsApp statuses and. In contrast, there could be multiple obvious reasons behind downloading the WhatsApp Status photos — pictures and videos of your friends, family or the loved ones.
In this article, I will guide you on how you can download the WhatsApp Status picture, and that’s without taking the screenshot, which could blur and lower the quality of the image.
To download WhatsApp Status picture and videos:
- Download ES Explorer from Google Play Store or any other third party store if in case of Play store is missing
- Once you’ve downloaded and installed the ES Explorer, simply open the ES Explorer.
- Slide from the left or tap on the Menu (three lines at the top left corner) for the options/menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu bar and enable “Show hidden files” option
- Now go to your Phone Memory (internal memory) and open “WhatsApp” folder.
- In the WhatsApp folder open “Media” folder.
- In the Media folder open “.Statuses” folder which include the photos of WhatsApp Picture Statues
If in case of the picture you are looking for in not available in the.Statues folder :
- Open Whatsapp and tap on the “Status” activity /screen.
- See the status of the person whose status you want to download — as it will download and save in the .Statuses folder
I hope this will help you.