Op-edHow to change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance Jio?

How to change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance Jio?

Almost of the telecom service providers has started switching to IP Version 6 (known as IPv6) from IPv4 and there is a good reason behind that not just because of the numbers of users has increased, but also there are lots of improvements and enhancement in IPv6 including security and performance optimisation. Reliance Jio is also using DHCP IPv6 IP addressing protocol which may not work for you, especially with some applications such as MySQL, MariaDB, Java and old-software designed to support only IPv4.

Reliance Jio has an option to switch to IPv4 from IPv6 and vice-versa whether you are a Reliance JioFi or a mobile phone user and using Android or iPhone OS-based device. We’ve detailed below the steps to switch to IPv4 from IPv6 for both Reliance JioFi and Mobile.

How to change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance JioFi?

To change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance JioFi:

  1. Connect your PC or Mobile to your JioFi network either through WiFi or data-cable.
  2. Open http://192.1681.1 or http://jiofi.local.html using the web browser.
  3. Click on Login and enter your Reliance JioFi username and password which is administrator and administrator by default respectively.
  4. Once logged in, click on Settings
  5. On the settings page click on “LTE’ menu
  6. On the LTE page change “APN For Network Attach” to “Manual” given under “Default APN(Default PDN Connection)” section.
  7. After switching “APN For Network Attach” to “Manual” IPv4/IPv6 Mode option will be enabled.
  8. Change IPv4/IPv6 Mode to IPv4 or IPv6 or IPv6/IPv4 as per your requirement.
  9. After making the changes click on the “Apply” button to save it.

How to change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance Jio in Android?

To change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance Jio in Android:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. In settings tap on Network & Internet
  3. In the Network & Internet tap on Mobile network
  4. In the Mobile network tap on the Advanced option to expend the settings
  5. In the advanced tap on the “Access point names,” i.e. APN
  6. In the “access point names” tap on the default selected APN and scroll the page for APN protocol and APN roaming protocol
  7. Tap on the APN protocol and change to IPv4 or IPv6 or IPv6/IPv4 as per your requirement.
  8. Apply the same changes in the APN roaming protocol as well.
  9. Tap on the top-right menu (three dots) and tap on Save option to save the changes.
Depending upon the Android OS version and manufacture the terminology and settings may vary a bit, and in this case, simply look for the APN settings and change as instructed above.

How to change IPv6 to IPv4 in Reliance Jio in iPhone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and X?

Apple iPhone does not have the option to change the IP-versions yet you can contact Reliance Jio through email at [email protected] asking them to set your IP version to IPv4 or IPv6.

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