LifeStyleSocialHow Psychology Plays a Role in the Field of Education?

How Psychology Plays a Role in the Field of Education?

The human mind is a riddle and unpredictable to scientists for ages. Studying thought patterns takes our lifetime. In the oriental world, people read their mind through yoga and meditation. They followed this technique for self-realisation and attained wisdom. There are three phases of mind, the Alpha or conscious state, Beta-semiconscious and Gama-subconscious. When we reach the subconscious mind through meditation, feels complete tranquillity and inner harmony. Though the west advanced in material success, felt the inadequacy of science to read and study the brain as it travels faster than air. It wins us easily. Sitting in Chennai, in a second, my thoughts and memory of the past, (playing with my cousins had gone to Australia) was an example of mind’s swiftness.

In the eighteenth century, numerous philosophers in the west were excited by the mental aspects of humans and experimented the brain helped them to formulate cognitive theories. Some of the leading experts like Freud, Watson, Skinner’s contributions were prominent in the history of science.

How does Psychology benefits education?

Psychology means the “soul” also known as the “soft science”, deals with the human thought process, emotions and behaviour. It involves the systematic and scientific study of the mind and cures phobias, madness through hypnotisation. Today, Psychic methods help to soothe anger, stress, anxiety and depression. Psychologists help in the sphere of Education by counselling (ADHD- Attention deficit and hyperactive disorder) in children and conduct anger management programs to parents and teachers. Parents and teachers guide the children and serve as a role model for them. Therefore, they have the duty to better known the children insights. In Modern Education, teachers teach and acknowledge with special care towards the development of the student’s skills in learning. Instructors prepare various course materials. Hence, a child with dyslexia can understand the concepts better. John Dewey, the noted philosopher, states that the only student is a prime, not the subject. The scholars support the pupils to shun the hesitation, emphasising the need for a fear-free learning environment. Also, read the 5 Habits that found in every Successful and Rich people.

Visual Presentation of lessons

1. PowerPoint presentation with the crucial points in the lesson:

This technique is useful as our neurons in the brain catches the information faster when the teacher shows pictures, slides, points table in multiple colours, remembers them and retrieves the concepts quicker than usual.

2. Student-centred learning:

In the conventional method, the teacher-student relationship is stern and strict. Further, students were scared to ask questions. Teachers Played a leading role. Psychologist insists that the instructor must understand the kid’s skill and evaluate his cognition to teach the concepts well. Educators have to be well-informed about the student’s personality. This policy encourages Student-centred learning, which allows the student to ask several questions to build interest and curiosity in subjects and clear doubts. So, we should thank Psychologists who have changed the view, ideas of parents and teachers about Education.

3. Punishment and reward:

Punishing before all for not doing homework, develop negative emotions like hate, stress and anxiety in a learner. Forgiving is the spirit of the divine, so, the success of a teacher as an individual comprises the art of forgiving mistakes. Initial Warning for five to six times, asking the reason for not doing homework personally, benefit the child to manage his friendliness and fondness for the teacher and it facilitates learning.

4. Change in Behaviour:

If a student misbehaves in the class, talking continuously with another and ignores the teacher’s warning, then the teacher positively punishes him by giving topics to speak before the other students. So, he has no other choice rather than speaking or repenting for his deed to the tutor.

The reward is the other way to refine his attitude and behaviour. Sometimes the student is not punctual and skipping the class, the teacher rewards or gifts if he comes early by complementing pen or chocolate to him before others in the class with applause creates an urge to change his habit.

5. IQ test:

A teacher should not judge his performance by Grade as it involves only memorising the subjects. The educator can evaluate the overall performance and behaviour of him. E.g., punctuality, submitting assignments on time, and attendance in class. Expert finds out habits, and character-building is the essence of Education and knowledge is the fruit of it. Problem-solving skill is the final product of learning. Therefore, Adler’s strategy proves effective by taking the Intelligence tests comprises verbal and logical reasoning, aptitude test helps in problem-solving in day to day life.

6. Taking risks:

Risk is the key factor associated with learning, and we can’t jump from the third floor or keep our finger in the fire to burn and learn as an adventure, taking calculative risks by planning before the action is the best way. For Eg: The teacher teaches the theory as “Light travels in a straight line “and explains the fact with the simple experiment by the materials cardboard and torchlight. Therefore, it gives knowledge and insight into the information.


Thus, Psychology and Education go hand in hand, catalysing the children’s learning and life skills enhancement. We conclude by a quote”Invest in your children, in their Education. There is nothing better.

Lakshmianand San
Lakshmianand San
I am a passionate writer.