LifeStyleHow men can be the reason for success for women?

How men can be the reason for success for women?

How would you feel when you come home and find your father serving you snacks instead of your mom? Or Would you like it when your spouse prepares breakfast while you go office? or What if your brother offers to do the household chores instead of you?

It sounds like a fairy tale but actually, it is the reality. A study shows that there are men who prefer being the pillar of the relationship so that women in their life are successful.

Women are the reason for the success of men! This is a common saying among folks!

However, did you know it could be vice versa as well?

Since ancient days, women faced many challenges and were forced to remain at houses to accomplish household tasks because people thought taking care of household activities would hurt the dignity of men. A superstition that existed – a woman’s life was meant to be dedicated to her parents, her children, and her spouse. She had no life to live for herself. Therefore, no man preferred doing a woman’s job of taking care and handling kids but now times have changed.

These days many women are career-oriented and they need help in their daily household chores!

Men play the best counterpart when it comes to handling and supporting women in personal relationships.

The typical examples to prove this point — the men who were the reason for success behind the top Indian athletes-Dipa Karmakar, Sakshi Malik, PV Sindhu. The men with names Pullela Gopichand, Kuldeep Singh, Bishweshwar Nandi turned the tables around! Each one of them provided strong support to these successful women and helped them in achieving the highest peak in their careers.

Whether you are a man or a woman, if you are reading this article – you can find useful tips to maintain a happy relationship. Don’t miss the detailed article about Busting Myths: Why Even Men Need Fe(men)ism in Today’s Age and Day.

Why do men need to help women?

1. Sense of support

No matter how hard you work or how hard you try to build your empire, you will always seek a helping hand from the people you love. Having support from the male figures in your life can give you that sense of security and motivate you to work harder.

2. Balance in relationships

Maintaining relationships is not a one-sided game. It has two players in it and each one has to play their role. If a woman is focused on building her career and she finds more support from the male figure in her life, she can easily achieve success and set up a new milestone for her to conquer.

3. Women empowerment

Women’s empowerment has always been a long topic of discussion for years! Women need to take bold decisions to achieve this level of empowerment. When she gets help and support from the male figures in her life, it becomes easier for her to work on it.

Here are handpicked tips through which men can help women:

1. Shifting the burden

Men can choose to assist women in household activities and help their women in running the household.

2. Babysitting

Honestly, taking care of children or taking an off from your office can help your woman to save time and be more focused on her career plus it would strengthen the strands of trust in your relationship.

3. Consistent words of motivation

Women are more prone to anxiety attacks and studies show that when women have a sense of security or hearing consistent words of motivation, they perform better. A word of thanks or giving her gift will make her happy.

4. Maintaining a positive attitude

When you maintain a positive attitude and portray good behaviour, you can always find that women feel more satisfied.

Small things matter a lot. When you act kind towards a woman and are more considerate, you can find her being more focused on her work with less stress.

5. Advocating and being her lawyer

These days women are very strong and bold but at times, they need help too – When you provide her with a good and sensible piece of advice and be her voice when she is weak, you are sure to notice the confidence in her.

6. Keep a check on her mistakes

Nobody is perfect in this world! Women commit mistakes as well but it is up to you how you keep a check on it and how you make them understand.

Shouting at her or frequent faultfinding can affect her mentally, ruin your relationship, and make your woman frustrated. Sadly, if she is a working person, it may cause a huge loss to her mental balance and career. So make sure you avoid these mistakes and try counselling her in a better way so that she understands her mistake and improves them.

7. Help her grow

Make sure you help your women inculcate more productive ideas. When you share the burden of responsibilities like household tasks, your woman can have more time to think about productive ideas regarding her business or workplace. She can think wisely and perform accordingly.

8. Learn to sacrifice

You need to know that it is not a woman’s task to sacrifice and compromise on every aspect. You need to play a role in the relationship as well.

9. Avoid conflicts

Small conflicts may spoil a relationship, so make sure you avoid small conflicts in your life and are more thoughtful about it.

Consequences of men supporting women:

1. Self-independence

When you support the woman in your life, it makes her more independent and happier.

2. Success in work

When women are happy, they tend to have less stress and be more successful in their lives. They can easily achieve what they aim and be self-independent.

3. Happy married life

It is an obvious fact! When you are coordinating and more helpful towards the woman of your life, situations become easier to handle and it is possible to lead a happy life.


Women face many issues and challenges in their day-to-day life. They get more frustrated when they find the male figures being inconsiderate and rude towards them. Whether she is a mother, a sister, or spouse men need to support her in every aspect and nurture her so that she can be self-independent, successful, have a good work-life balance, and maintain a happy relationship.

Sonia Rathore
Sonia Rathore
Sonia Rathore is a reformative writer since childhood! She is a founder, healthcare professional, and coach by profession. She strongly believes in bringing a change in the mindsets of people through her writing and empowering women as well. "We might not change the world, but we can certainly modify it step by step"- Words by Sonia