LifeStyleHealthHow do you plan to improve your study habits during this pandemic?

How do you plan to improve your study habits during this pandemic?

The Corona Pandemic has changed everything. The world met with this deadly virus in 2019 and is still fighting to improve the current situations required for living. It has affected every individual socially, psychologically, physically, and economically. The deep impact of the corona outburst is that it has affected every section of society, whether rich or poor, newborn or youngsters, middle-aged or senior citizens. On one side, people are fighting for their lives; on the other hand, the whole education system has been adversely affected.

Beginning Of The Virtual Journey-

It was the time of contentment when everything was at its place; everything was on time. Working people were busy in their service or business fields and the children in their educational sphere. The cocoon shattered down when the Corona outbreak took place last year, resulting in confinement to locked doors and a virtual journey. Work from home, study from home, schools and tuitions from home, hobby classes from home, everything is virtual. The Corona pandemic had brought a full stop to the time when happy faces were seen running on roads to schools and colleges. Ultimately leading to study from home using electronic devices and technology. Still hoping for the time to change with hope and a positive outlook.

Study From Home: A Struggle To Succeed

With the nationwide closure implemented all over 192 countries, almost 99% of the student population is affected. This closure has led to societal and economic consequences as those who could not afford costly gadgets to attend online classes are adversely affected. Some are bound with financial insecurity and others with disinterest. The lockdown starts with the ending of the dreams of many who depend on government aid to complete their education.

Those who are just beginners entering formal school for the first time didn’t get the opportunity to learn and explore practicality and their Environment. Technology plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between the students and the teachers, it also acts as a barrier to health and fitness. Students have no option but to sit in front of the screen for long hours to attend their online classes. Physical reality is replacing virtual reality. But children are still confused about how to manage their studies and education system. How long do the children have to wait to follow their normal routine again? Whom to ask next if the content being taught on online platforms is not clear? All these questions are still unsolved. This ultimately leads to confusion and inculcating more and more doubts among children, thus hampering their growth and development.

Challenges In The Indian Education System-

The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought the biggest challenge in the field of education. Following the offline education system pattern is not that easy in developing countries like India, where the digital medium and Technology are not adaptive in many parts of the country. There are unprivileged sections of society who cannot afford costly electronic devices to educate their children and provide them with online classes. Very few have access to the internet in their homes. In India, approximately 1.5 million schools closed down due to Corona Pandemic, thus affecting millions of children from pre-primary to secondary classes. The syllabus, examinations, lectures, practicals, etc., followed with proper patterns, are now replaced with online teaching and learning. Exams that are postponed and lectures that are recorded or live depend upon the educational institutions. Although it’s a dual role of teachers and students, the pandemic has made everything quite challenging.

How To Manage Studies During This Pandemic?

With the outbreak and closure, the children are suffering the most as they cannot adjust themselves to the sensitive environment. What benefits regular schooling and learning can give is not possible in online learning. Still, the learners have no option but to choose virtual learning, even facing several issues related to network or technical glitch many times.

Following are the points every learner can follow to manage their studies more easily and efficiently without losing their precious time and resources:-

1. Planning:

It is the most crucial step, to begin with, the learning process. One has to plan as to what all things to be covered in the form of a timetable. This will help in better access and an efficient learning process.

2. Setting Out Goals:

Setting up goals helps in managing out the studies and achieving the target. The condition is that the goals should be realistic. Realistic goals help in achieving productivity and growth.

3. Focus On The Concept:

The focus should be on the content. The aim should be quality learning and not quantity learning. This is only possible if a self-study method is adopted. The approach should be to go through the content and more practical learning.

4. Stay away from negativity and distractions:

Distractions caused during studies don’t help in sound learning and exploring. Learners can choose light sounds as a background to study that will give motivation and positive vibes.

5. Time Management:

There should be proper management of time and schedule. For example, one can challenge one’s self to complete a task within a certain time limit. This will help in creating healthy competition with oneself.

6. Rewarding Oneself:

Once the task is completed, the learners can reward themselves. The rewards can be anything, for example, watching your favourite TV show, eating something special, playing a certain game, etc.

7. Communication:

Communication with friends and family helps in healthy relations and keeps negativity and pessimism away; this helps manage stress and anxiety during this tough time. This keeps learners away from depression and keeps friends and family united.

8. Discussions With The Teachers:

Learners can talk to their teachers and professionals whenever they find anything difficult or unclear. This is the struggling time, and cooperation of everyone together is the need of the day.

9. Taking Care Of Physical And Mental Health:

While studying, the learner has to keep in mind that the physical and mental health of the individual should not be ignored. While studying, there should be minimum negativity and distractions, and a healthy and optimistic attitude should be adopted. In case of any help needed, learners can talk to their family and communicate with the person they feel comfortable with; this helps ease the anxiety and stress.

10. Take Breaks Or Intervals:

While studying, it is important to take small breaks or intervals to relax and ease the mind. In the break, one can go for any special food or enjoy any show or music to relax or soothe the mind; this will help better learning and growth. Since this period has made everything virtual, it’s equally important to take small breaks to relieve stress on the eyes and mind from long screen hours.

11. Online Coaching:

Students can opt for online coaching classes also to have better access to concept clarity.

12. Focus On Skills Development:

There should be more focus on developing skills as the learner’s approach should be how to become a worthy student or a learner and inculcate better study habits and completion of given assignments or tasks within the time limit. The focus should be on practical learning, exploring the environment, and learning through your own mistakes. This will help in product development and managing the content both effectively and efficiently.

Meditation and Yoga are boons to develop better learning habits and improve skills and conceptual learning. Learners should practise it whenever possible to gain physical and mental health benefits.

Pre-schoolers or tiny children who need constant guidance from their teachers and parents never went to their school due to the closures. Those parents can give them practical learning through their environment and experience with the help of their teachers teaching online. Not all kids find online learning comfortable; various activities and exercises can enlighten their interests and manage their mood swings.


It is very important to understand that children are not that big enough to understand the current scenario. Still, they are fighting and trying their best. Their equal cooperation cannot be denied and ignored. Despite having many problems related to gadgets, network issues, or clarity of the concepts, they have to attend their online sessions and complete their assignments and home tasks. There is a need for a positive approach that things will change. What is required is to keep an optimistic and realistic attitude to attain productive conceptual learning. Social learning is critical to improve life skills, and the focus should be on learning by doing.

Stay calm and clear with the situation. Seek help from parents, friends, or teachers. The doors are closed, but the virtual doors are still open. Try out video calls, messages, or texts the queries to clear out whatever is not clear. Remember the competition should be with one’s self and not with the others. Happy faces are always bright faces followed by positivity and successful growth.

Chase excellence and success will follow.

Sampada Jain
Sampada Jain
Fly high and touch the sky is my motto. Learn and to contribute is the basic idea I follow. I want to shine with my ideas and want to explore more with the help of writing.