EducationHow Can Teenagers in India work and have jobs without Harming Studies?

How Can Teenagers in India work and have jobs without Harming Studies?

In the 21st century, education is costly. Students tend to work full time to help their parents and themselves. But balancing both of these tend to put pressure on the student. Especially if they can not balance these two, here is some method with which the student can balance his studies and work, both.

It is better to look for jobs within your department. Say, you are studying to become a teacher. Please do some sort of teaching job like in a kindergarten. You can also work for the department. It is an efficient method and will act as an advantage for you as it will help you build connections within the faculty and students. This way, you can also be up to date with any occurrence in the course of your study. You can also ask your educators for some suitable jobs that are to your relevant interest. You can also ask other students, both seniors, juniors and batchmates, to point you out in the right direction. Also read, earn online by writing articles as a copywriter or the content writers.

Finding a job in your level of interest is advantageous. It guarantees that you make a connection inside the industry. You can also earn credit from work.

Search the internet for these opportunities near the campus or get assistance from your college’s career counselling. Start to increase your work hours little by little. Asses your work hours per week, see what your priority is: your education or your job. It is suggested that you do not work during the first half of the freshman year. And hence, you can get affiliated with your college, its working and people. In the second semester, work only for a few hours.

By your third and fourth semester, you will be ready to take up work which involves twelve or more hours of commitment. This suggested because, by this method, you can achieve a good sense of how to juggle your studies, job and social life. Word of caution: If you take up more than twelve hours of employment, your education and social experience are likely to suffer. Try not to work while the class is in session.

Scissor, Cutting, I Cant Do It

It helps to draw up a schedule, each night or even Sunday. Write what you want to accomplish the day before or in the six days. You can create it on a paper or your smartphone; the location is not really what matters. In this schedule, note all your tests, assignments, work hours, social events, etc. that are going to come up. Try to stick to your program but do not force yourself to go brittle. Fight the urge to procrastinate.

You can try to do a group study. With this, your social life and education can be balanced, although it is said that it is challenging to study in a group. So, you need to go brittle here. You can exercise with someone. With this, not only are you staying fit, but also socialising. While commuting, read off your notes or mobile. Eat the meals in your workplace. In conclusion, save time by combining tasks.

Whenever you feel tired, remind yourself of the benefits of work experience. The insights offered about the real, cruel world is more in case of the job as compared to college or school. Getting a job now will help you set your foot and will also aid you in finding a job quickly in the future. It is vital if you want to feel the weight of responsibilities and learn how to deal with them.
You can consider tutoring other students, search for content writing online, freeter or a translator.

Here are two websites you might consider trying:


  1. Isrg KB is content writing website which allows you to write content and pays you.
  2. Woxpert pays you for writing stories. The general public views your accounts, and after you have earned five hundred rupees, you can redeem.

Do not shove your life story on your employer but tell them the specifics of your working hours. Tell them ahead of time when you would not be available, about your holidays, exams so they can find someone else to accommodate for you. During your work, you should try to be professional, hard-working and impressive so it would be hard to replace you. At the same time, you should try to aim for a promotion.

It will help if you learn to say ‘no’. Since working full time can lead to pressure and affect parts of your life, you need to learn how to say ‘no’. At the same time, be a bit contemplative about how the ‘no’ would affect you.

Remember to take time off for yourself. Schedule time for playing, hobbies and exercise take a break if you can walk to your work or college. Listen to destressing music, not thinking much about the world and appreciate the way the sun feels. Go to expeditions held by your college or work. They are kept for a reason, and you should not deprive yourself of it.

Try investing yourself in yoga, cardio or any other exercise. Do them for at least three to four thirty-minute cardio session every day. Get up early to breath the fresh air and on an empty stomach, get to it.

Do not stay awake for a long time or sleep for a long time. You should get plenty of rest, about eight hours but too much sleeping will make you sluggish. Scientifically, sleeping at 10:00 PM is suggested and waking up at 4:00 AM is the best, but you can manipulate your time according to suit your need.

Eat healthy food. Do not fall in the trap of quick but unhealthy meals. If in a rush, grab an apple rather than chips. Bring your diet rather than depending upon the fast-food restaurant. Keep fruit, curd and milk in the fridge. Cut the fruit into pieces and mix them with curd. Add sugar to taste.

Never ignore breakfast. It keeps you on throughout the day and maintains your metabolism. At last, never push the line of your limit. Before anything and everything, your well being is essential.

A daydreaming ambivalent who enjoys fiction more than reality. There's nothing unique about her which in and of itself makes her more unique than others. She was born to believe but somewhere things went wrong and she became a cynic.