EducationHighlights of Modi's Exam Warriors: Modi Addressed School Students Here are the...

Highlights of Modi’s Exam Warriors: Modi Addressed School Students Here are the Highlights

Modi Ji has always been a thriving star for the people of India; from “ache din ayenge” to demonetization he has reserved a part of the publicity for himself.

In between of crucial time for students for their final and board examinations PM, Modi has inked down a book titled “EXAM WARRIORS”. The book suggests parents and students are a valiant warrior rather than a worrier. It is an assemblage of the PM’s conversation on the focus of examination and academic stress in his monthly ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program, the 193-page book contains 25 Modi mantras, illustrations, anecdotes and activity chapters.

Revise and Be Wise, Failure is Not Final, Compete With Yourself, Practice Yoga Regularly and To Cheat is Too Cheap are a few of the mantras shared in the book with students. While addressing the students he mentioned some key points of his book where he asked students to take a pledge against cheating.

This book is going to be a bridge between thoughts of youngsters and their goals in life. How does a student think at the time of examinations? How he competes with his own stress? There are many questions which are left unanswered and in turn, it leads to a growth of that youth who is unaware of his goals and just struggling with his own levels of depression.

Keeping these questions in mind our dynamic Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the book titled “EXAM WARRIORS” on 3rd February 2017. He somehow managed to encourage the students of India to ask their queries regarding exams as #examwarriors on twitter.

The outcomes of these interactive queries came out on 16th February 2017 where PM, Modi Ji addressed a large strength of students at Talkatora Stadium in Delhi. The session was titled as “PARIKSHA PAR CHARCHA” where he addressed around 2000 students of state governments and CBSE. The session was commenced at 12 noon.

Highlights of the event and the book Exam Warriors:

  • Students from different states of India wanted to discuss regarding transparency in evaluation in board paper and they also wanted to converse about the unwell designed pattern of examinations this time.
  • The book provides 25 formulas in total which will act as a guide for both teachers and students on education systems and techniques followed in the education system.
  • PM, Modi discussed the different missions and campaigns that are started in India in order to renovate India into a newly constructed educated India.
  • PM began his speech by sharing his past experiences when he used to study the extracts written by Swami Vivekanand which in turn allowed him to discuss the philosophies of Swami Vivekanand.
  • Shri Narendra Modi encouraged students to build the asset of self-confidence in them so that they are able to deal every situation of life calmly and moreover smartly.
  • The book Exam Warriors explained to these students how to concentrate during their most crucial times, i.e. boards, how to evolve their mind in a different manner which would grant the students to walk out this world more confidently.
  • During the session, there were multiple queries which seized these students to move forward in the discussion. PM Modi permitted them to shoot their doubts so that he can answer best as per his wits.
  • Shri Narendra Modi has mentioned in his book about how to use strength and wits at the time of examinations. Moreover, he has mentioned that each student is embossed with different abilities and capabilities to grow well in future there is just new to start a hunt to find that talent.
  • The book suggests students that they have to compete with themselves prior than to compete with others.
  • PM, Modi also addressed the parents and relatives of the student that they should never scratch the dreams of their child as they should realize their field of interests and persuade them to explore it.
  • Exam Warriors are a compilation of PM Narendra Modi’s various episodes of “Mann Ki Baat” a radio show which was aired in February 2015. These episodes were aired in order to provide a stress-free ambiance to upcoming fighters of board examinations.
  • Addressing students of various schools and colleges at Talkatora Stadium he tagged Indian students as Born Politician because they know how to finish a task at home by hook or by crook. He appreciated the talent of youths who try to invent new ideas and strategies to finish their assignment at the given time.
  • PM, Modi answers about various questions asked at the stadium, out of which one student asked PM, Modi about the distractions faced by students at the time of the study. The basic answer to this question he shot was “learn to Defocus” first.
  • Shri Narendra Modi spoke about IQ and EQ levels in humans which start to develop by the age of 5. He suggests students develop their EQ level which is the absolute strength and power for gaining knowledge.
  • Students were suggested to take quality sleep which is nothing but a peaceful sleep without any annoying thoughts coming to mind.
  • PM Modi Ji also addressed the teachers specifying their importance in the lives of students. He suggested them to maintain an appropriate ecosystem with the students would allow them to work more efficiently in their field.
  • The book held multiple formulas of education out of which one is to manage the working hours and learning hours. It suggested that student should be flexible towards his time-table and allows himself a time in which he can play or enjoy.
  • PM Narendra Modi talked about the key features of the books and suggested every student read it at least once before appearing for their board examinations.

At the end he concluded the session “Pariksha Par Charcha” by saying;

Do not desire to become something in life but hope to do something new in life. When you dream to become something specific in life, you steal away your own freedom.

Education is definitely necessary to achieve something in life but someone has well said; do not run behind marks, run behind knowledge.

Pursue knowledge over the marks!!

Priya Israni
Priya Israni
I write to explore all those things I am afraid of, I am a suspense to be revealed 😊 Content writing is something which allows me to observe the ambiance around me with a different perspective. I hold the ability to ink down my thoughts into the combination of words and try to extract out the finest meaning out of all. My optimistic personality permits me to never give up in any situation; I always try my best to achieve something.