Op-edGoogle AdSense warning publishers for Earnings at risk with missing ads.txt

Google AdSense warning publishers for Earnings at risk with missing ads.txt

Google AdSense months ago has announced about making ads.txt mandatory for all the publishers to place the ads.txt in the root of their domain has now started warning users with the message “Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue.”

It may be possible you are new to the Google Adsense and still exploring the possibilities where a message with earning at risk may surprise you and can give a pause to your heart. Well, you do not need to worry about it all you have to follow the guidelines and upload the ads.txt file in the root of your domain which should be accessible from your-domain.com/ads.txt having contents “google.com, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0” where pub-0000000000000000 is your Google AdSense publisher ID.

What is ads.txt?

The concept of ads.txt has been brought by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Technology Laboratory to let the advertiser, advertising agencies and stakeholders know about the authorised sellers to whom or for whom you are serving ads with.

How to create ads.txt?

Google AdSense and major ads agencies including Taboola, has specified the format to create the ads.txt file and uploading in the root of your domain and to all other domains associated with your Adsense account. You’ve to include the details about all the ads agencies and combine the necessary ad inventory in the single ads.txt file.

Google has already detailed the information about creating the ads.txt in the Declare authorised sellers with ads.txt whereas you can download the ads.txt file for the Taboola from your Taboola Backstage account from the ads.txt option given under the Account settings section.

How long will it take Google Adsense to remove the notice?

This may depend upon the Google crawler, which can range from a few hours to 1 week depending upon the publisher.

IR Digital Media Team
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