EducationFive Study Tips to Follow For Life to Score Better Results

Five Study Tips to Follow For Life to Score Better Results

Are you scoring low or getting less GPA than expected? When I started my college, I failed miserably in my first semester, so it’s nothing to worry about. It’s time to change your study habits. Most of us (not all!) hardly give priority to our studies, though it has to be in actuality. In this article I’ve listed the 5 effective points that can change your life forever.

1. Use a Planner

The Planner is important when you are going through a busy life. Write your daily to-do-list and complete all the work accordingly. This is a best way to complete your syllabus on time. So start planning your work list.Notebook on table

2. Pay Attention in the Class and start Taking Notes

This one is the most difficult task, but you have to concentrate till it becomes your habit. Write all the important points and put down a question mark on the point that you don’t understand. Ask the professor about it later or you could just google it to find an answer. If you are feeling sleepy, or you are not able to concentrate then switch on your mobile phone and record the lecture.

3. Take your Anti-Social Medicines

I know! Instagram wastes a lot of time. There are many apps which block the social networking sites while you are studying. Just fix a time and they will block the apps at that particular time. You could also switch off your phone when you are studying.

Facebook Social media

4. Revise Revise Revise

I follow this one and trust me, you will feel the difference. Revise your college work and clear your doubts. Every day while coming back from college, I just revise all the lectures of that day. Take a one hour challenge. I know sometimes you are so tired that you don’t feel like studying. But if someone will study with you, you won’t feel tired. If you have no friend or study mate who can study with you, click on the you- tube and type “study with me”.

5. Take a Break and Grab something to Eat

Breaks are necessary when you are studying. If you are studying continuously for half an hour, take a fifteen minute break and get something to eat. You could also take a fifteen minute walk or do any physical activity.

Girl wearing two colour shoes

Remember hard work is important if you want to score graph to rise. Just get up and start studying now.

Hey there! I am a nineteen-year-old college going girl, currently doing my graduation from Islamic university of science and technology, Kashmir. Writing is my passion. There are three things I love to do in my free time, read books review books and shop books.