LifeStyleHealthThreat to Every Women: Crossing Mid-Twenties or Crossing Weighing Scale

Threat to Every Women: Crossing Mid-Twenties or Crossing Weighing Scale

After the age of 25 one is putting extra pounds with same life style, routine, activity of daily living and keep worrying what’s going wrong with them. Females became more victim of it. Due to hormonal changes, transforming muscle into fat and the basic structure of fat consumption makes her to witness in increasing some kilos. A teenager who owned a perfect hour glass figure turning into the peer or apple shape in their late twenties. And suddenly she realized that she doesn’t fit into her old denims. Then, instead of taking an expert opinion, she indiscriminately tries to reduce those extra pounds but couldn’t and harming their body with no proper guidance.

Here are some tips regarding losing weight in addition to conventional methods. Remember these tips may not helpful for the female who owned a heavy body; but best effective for those who recently gain weight due to some physiological changes in their body.

Don’t wait — Start Early

Stop that mandatory thought that exercise should be done whenever you get fat; start workouts early in your age . It will not only keeps you in shape, but also helps you to boost your stamina, improve your immunity and gives you the sense of well being.

Eat for your body

When you are going to cross mid twenties cut off that Street foods and other fast foods. Eat in good amount, but for your body not for your taste and stomach.

Yoga: Yoga has the fastest effect on fat control without any adverse effect, if done under proper guidance. Fusion is what now in demand. Morning exercise with suryanamaskara and power yoga in place of routine yoga will be more interesting. One can add vajrasana for 5-10min after having a meal is also appreciable in their daily routine.

Take Good sleep Regularly

Every healthcare professional will advise you to have a good sleep. In this era of 4G it’s difficult to sleep early and wake up early, but our body is used to be with the change. You can have your late night enjoyment and wake up late, but it should be consistent. Don’t stress your body to have different schedules of sleep; then it will surely harmful.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is the key factor for all the physiological events in our body so as for weight loss. Drinking 10-12 glasses of water is must. But we have misconception regarding it. We can’t drink water whenever we feel thirsty. To have a good digestion, we should not drink water before one hour of meal and at least half an hour of post meal. It will make the digestion slow. And having 3-4 glass with empty stomach in the morning will give you beneficial effects.

Enjoy the fullest

A positive attitude is what we require on a daily basis. Don’t be so strict with your delicate body. Allow it to enjoy at the fullest. In some cases stress also have an impact on the body weight. Have a calorie blast with your favorite food in weekends, break the rules of daily schedule and rejoice like it won’t come back. After all, we keep our body healthier to live good life only. So live the fullest, enjoy the fullest

Ankita Makwana
Ankita Makwana
I'm Ankita Makwana from Bhavnagar. A Physiotherapist by profession with PG degree in Physiotherapy -- Specialize in field of Cardio Pulmonary and currently working as a Respiratory Physiotherapist at Shri Bajrangdas Bapa Arogyadham Hospital