Op-edCreative Career Options After 12th and Graduation That Are Actually Interesting

Creative Career Options After 12th and Graduation That Are Actually Interesting

“Engineering kar lo”, “Doctor ban jao”, “Civil Services ki preparation karo” are the statements often heard by the students in their life. The traditional thinking and the carrying out of normal trend has left aside something called ‘passion’. The scenario is like once a student completes his/her intermediate or say graduation, the student is forced to carry forward the general trend of either becoming a doctor or an engineer. He/she is not even asked about his/her area of interest or choice. It’s certainly because we haven’t yet explored things apart from being a doctor or an engineer.

Hardly 3 out of 10 students manage to pursue what he/she is passionate about. Somewhere peer pressure, family pressure, inability to understand oneself, lack of knowledge are the reasons responsible for this. People are never ready or interested to know the things beyond the normal way. This is the reason why failure rates are more and so is the unemployment rate. Running behind the crowd has become the general mindset. Let us know the creative career options, one can think beyond the normal ways:

1. Blogger

The power of expressing things through words is a very creative task. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. For the ones who love writing and have an urge to exercise the power of word, WordPress or Blogspot is a good platform. Working on a blog site as a blogger is also a better option as you never know when your words can take you to a higher level. These sites are providing an effective path to the writing lovers. Along with money it also brings fame as an achievement.

Blogging as a Profession

2. Photographer

Do you feel like you find something extraordinary in ordinary stuffs? Do you feel like you have a vision different from the common people? If you like playing with the camera and have an obsession for clicking photographs in the best way, certainly the profession of photography is calling out for you. Just for a while take Dabboo Ratnani or Bobby Joshi as an inspiration and explore the creative side of yours. To pursue photography as a career option by either working for someone else or starting your own venture can make money and opportunities both depending on one’s innovation and hard work.

Photography as a Profession

3. Graphic Designer

Are you having a vision completely out of the way, a different connection with the graphics? Does advertisement attract you? Check it now, somewhere you have the quality of becoming a graphic designer. It’s a profession where no doubt you have to be completely engrossed in it. But once you catch the fire, you can do wonders.

Graphic Designing as a Profession

4. Tattoo Artist

Tattoo culture has become a latest trend among the youth especially in the big cities. The rate at which it is increasing is bringing a new and exciting career option with it. To start a new work of your own as an independent worker, tattoo making is really a cool career option to start with. If you discover the bright artist side of yours and you really find it worth exposing and exploring, being a tattoo artist in present time is a good idea for which demands are high.

Tattoo Artist as a Profession

5. Chef

A delicious food is something that can satisfy every bit of a personality. It’s like a journey from food to mood. When you have that culinary skill and you are passionate about exploring different cuisines, nothing can stop you from becoming a chef. It’s very true people will initially underestimate you, but later when you become successful through your hard work and creativity, you are certainly going to pluck the stars. Be it Sanjeev Kapoor or Vikas Khanna, somewhere they have really achieved it with their determination.

Chef as a Profession

So, next time you hear a common dialogue from your surroundings people, just throw a piece of creative work as an example of what you want to pursue. People need to know about the things that are somewhere different, that exists and needs to be recognized. It’s not always just about getting a degree or going with the crowd.

Exploring your creativity and making a career for which you are passionate can bring much productive result. It’s time to bring newness in the society. Let the future generation know their capability and decide what they are good at and what they are made for. Forcing things unnecessarily can only bring disasters. So, “Don’t be an imitator rather be a wise and perfect decision maker”.

Medha Shukla
Medha Shukla
I am Medha, a communication graduate and a writer... I love to travel... I am a foodie I am fond of books and I also love to make creative artworks... For me creativity and innovation is something that cheers your mood and makes you different from the crowd.