LifeStyleHealthCoping With the New Normal Post Lockdown

Coping With the New Normal Post Lockdown

When was the last time you remember getting all trapped in your home passing the vibes check of a house arrest? Yes, of course, everyone has an answer to this question, COVID-19 Pandemic! Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown may have been a headache to every one among us, but it certainly did some good to us in some or the other way.

Coping up with the new normal has been a tremendous challenge to all or any folks. It felt like being forced to regulate a new normal that we weren’t even ready to many us. There are still many places within the world where people are following lockdowns, shutdowns and social distancing at an equivalent time. There are tons of individuals struggling within the post lockdown mostly with education, employment and health issues. The world’s economy has declined by a faster rate than ever before. The travel and tourism industry has been badly afflicted with airlines getting packed up for several months, and therefore the new virus constraint of the COVID-19 has added more travel restrictions.

Here are 5 things that everyone among us can do to cope up with the post lockdown era:

1. Give yourself a break!

give yourself a break

Got used to staying reception all day long, performing from home, no tension going out for school, office or college? And now suddenly things are finally back to normal after tons of chaos. It seems like having no free time for yourself; then you would like to prevent, sit back and take an opportunity. Remember all the great things in life that you simply never thought would even exist at the primary place, but they’re finally there. Try remembering what you once thought you are not capable of doing, but you actually did. Remember the times when life forced you to give up on some situations, but you gave your best and today you are proud of them.

2. Acceptance is a must!

accept what you are, acceptance is a must

When was the last time you really accepted the way you’re or the way you think, the way you speak, or how you walk without even thinking once what the society thinks of you? Accept the way you are and attempt to accept your family’s views and opinions; this may indeed help to stay your psychological state in peace. It just needs a coping mindset and a positive approach towards life to accept yourself and others.

3. Take one thing at a time

take on thing at a time

Getting things back to normal seems impossible for several people. There have been times when people could not gear up with several things at a time. If you’re in the middle of something, then complete it first and then hop on the next one. Completion of every work will provide a sense of satisfaction and make things easy to figure upon. This will help you in your workplace and give you a sense of mental peace from within.

4. Count on people and yourself

count on people, trust, relationship, faith

Sometimes people feel as if they are alone and try to cope with things on their lonesome, but it would take is to call someone or sit together with your family and discuss the issues. Don’t attempt to solve problems alone, which provides the stress of another level. Try solving your issues with a friend or a loved one or with a mental health professional. Joining a support group can help a lot in these sorts of situation. Always remember to invite help or rely on someone doesn’t show that you are simply weak Sometimes, it shows that you are simply brave enough to ask for a hand to assist you instead of solving it on your own.

5. Try meditation

breathing meditation

COVID-19 has been a significant challenge to the economy, health, education, and employment sector. It has touched and affected every part of the world and life. The mental health of the people was affected the most all over the world. There has been a high rise in suicide cases during the pandemic. Himachal Pradesh was listed first with the highest number of suicide cases with Uttarakhand being within the second place. Meditation is the best method to keep a check on your psychological state. Doing meditation twice a day will keep you and your mental health healthy.[1]

As a citizenry, we share an equivalent of problems and same happiness, an equivalent ability, and therefore the same weakness. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how interdependent and cooperative we are as an individual, as a citizen, and as a human being. Therefore, it all depends on us how we glance up to the matter, what we expect of the matter, and what approach we can solve. It’s all-natural to feel sad and anxious when such a lot within the world occurs, but remember only calmness and a positive approach towards others and yourself can help to return out of situations like this.

Divyanshee Rawat
Divyanshee Rawat
I am a 2nd year Geography hons student of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University. I like to put a lot of emotions, experiences and opinions into what I write. Hope you like my content