LifeStyleHealthChild Birth and malnutrition: The Government and the lateral aid is "succour"

Child Birth and malnutrition: The Government and the lateral aid is “succour”

Child Birth and malnutrition: Who is responsible: Does the nation builds or destructs the child by keeping them away from nutrition. Is malnutrition in India a perennial problem of “under nutrition“

Not since a few decades, never since the last century, but if I say that the problem of malnutrition in India has existed ever since the land of India had the ponds, the agriculture and the farming, and the system of the exchange of the barters, it should not cause ripples and a worry to anybody and everybody.

India is a very peculiar country Some of the figures that I would put here would surprise one and the sundry. When it come to producing the paddy or the rice and the wheat as we call them the annual agricultural produce of this in our country is near about 116 million tonnes per annum, the annual production of the wheat in India is about 92 millions of tonnes per annum the annual production of the “dal “ in India is about 20 millions of tonnes When I take the pulses I take each and every kind of the “dal “ which is grown here at India, the annual edible oil and its production here at India is about 18 MMT ( Mega Metric Tonnes ) and in that fashion I can jot down the production volume of the spices etc but I’m not doing it just for the sake of saving my time upon them.

India is also famous for producing potatoes which is used by every household as a staple curry and the annual production of the same is about 30 million tonnes Potatoes came here when the Portuguese invaded India and they were the one’s who taught us to cultivate this in our soil India is the third largest potato grower in the world and the tomatoes that are grown here at India is about 17,000 tonnes per annum This simply shows that “what is the capacity of our farming and the farmers “, that produces these vegetables here at India.

Check out the reality- you would find that about 60 percent of the rice, about 45 % of the wheat and almost about 70 percent of the produce which are the potatoes and the tomatoes, and almost about 50 % of the pulses are thrown at the drains or at the open field every year It is because of the lack of the transport facilities to shift these produces from the place of the manufacture to the main market place at the most appropriate time.The equation of the similarity of the factor of the demand and the supply completely goes off the balance and there arises the situation of unavailability of the food stuff and the inflation This causes the spiralling of the price of the items and in a long way that forces the very poor people to remain unfed for most of the time.

This really causes malnutrition amongst the very poor people and the most to be hit are their little one’s, we call them the toddlers.

The average consumption of the calorie per day :: How does it affect the life

It depends upon the category that the person is bracketed at. For example take the case of a wrestler He requires about 4500 calorie of heat per day to work that hard and train himself for the games that wishes to participate. For a footballer it ought to be 4000 calorie per day. This is because on an average a footballer ought to run for about 13.5 Kms in 90 minutes for finishing his match For a cricketer it ought to be between 3000 to 3500 calorie per day This is different and separate for the sportsman and the sportswoman as they fall into their sports category The mute question is – was the sportsman who was “child “ at one stage was nourished properly when he was growing If yes that sportsman would be able to produce his best when it comes to participate in the events that he is participating If “not “ then how hard he trains at the later stage the deficiency that was produced and got evolved during the infant stage of his childhood because of the undernutrition and the deficiencies of the vitamins, the sportsman would not be able to produce his “blistering “ best There would be the lack of strength, stamina, speed and the endurance too which will show deficiencies This will ultimately hamper his result and the performance There lies the importance of the nutrition and the intake of the food.

BRAIN :: Malnutrition has to do a lot with that

As we grow up we have to fight for our survival This could be done and this is possible if we are structured with a good academic background and if we possess a sound body A sound mind is one that produces a brilliant well toned and a healthy body. How does one builds a healthy body and what are the reason for one to really have a well structured strong and a healthy body and “What constitutes that “ Well the answer is “the food intake that one consumes when the age of the infant is between 1 day to four years of age “ and the kind of food stuff that he consumes from the age of 4 to the age of thirteen

During the time when a baby child, he or she is born, the child feeds and lives on the food taken by the mother Even during the time when the child is in the “womb“ of the mother it derives it’s food from the mother What the mother eats in terms of the calorific value of the food is what the child gets as a supply of the food item when he or she is in the “womb “ of the mother It is imperative that the mother is well taken care of in terms of the nourishments and the vitamins. If that is proper and according the the diet chart obviously the child born will be healthy and would remain disease free If not the catastrophe would be the end result of the same The million dollors question that arises is- are the pregnant ladies in India supplied with the proper diets when pregnant The simple answer is “no “

In a country, that I talk about India, where the average per capita income is 6.69 times lower than world’s average around of $10,880. This figure is 68.66 times lower than richest country of world and 6.5 times greater than poorest country of the world. India is at 34th position in the list of Asian countries. In simple word the annual average salary of the Indian in to is not more than Rs 10,000=00 per month In this one has to eat, live, survive, dress-up, educate the children, has to take the care of his medicines etc, and also has to pay for his housing and entertainment With such a huge responsibility and liability and with such a low level of income how do one maintain his life It is practically impossible to make a living, a real “ sound “one with these kind of earnings. Obviously the “nutrition” takes a back seat and the “under-nourishment “ takes the pride of the place This is one and the most important reason why India and the Indian kids are weak and crumble too easily even before they mature in their life.

The equation is simple The “BRAIN “ requires enough of vitamins and the chemicals, the natural ones when the child is at the womb of his mother If there is a deficiency in that during that period the entire body of the child there at the of the mother is deficient in almost everything Then again when the child comes out of the mother womb, the milk that the mother feeds to the child ought to have enough “calcium“ which is very necessary for the formation of the bones, the “sulphur“ which kills all the insects those are present in the air along with the bad air and the germs that are there at the polluted air which if by mistake the infant breathes the sulphur and its contents kills these kind of bad breath and the germs that the child inhales, and it ought to have a lot of natural phosphorus which is essential and necessary for the infant to possess at that age It is because if there are any toxic material in the body of the infant at that stage the natural phosphorus kills those These elements of the chemicals are very natural and if the mother is nourished properly and taken care off, the child remains free from disease and is strong enough to withstand the adversity or else he crumbles the more he grows up the deficiency and the level of it caused during his or her birth goes on increasing and the child becomes prone to diseases This affects the brain The brain at the infant stage requires a helluva of natural calcium, sulphur and the phosphorus beside the iron content that is provided by the mother from the milk that she feeds it to the child from her breast Anything short- the brain becomes weak and the cell formation of the brain also becomes very weak It is that and from there the child becomes weak These are because of under nutrition and malnutrition.

Once the child starts growing up he ought to be feed with pulses, cereals and the right mix of vegetables. These should provide him enough of carbohydrates, proteins, and the starch which produces energy Any shortage of these will again mar the development of the child It is here that the child starts wearing and his muscles starts tearing The brain become too weak to function properly and this is the reason we have the “weak“ child who later on goes to become a weak student. A weak child is a weak student, is a weak sportsman, is a weak, citizen, and falls back in his life at a later stage to withstand the onslaught of the adversity that the future hold for him.

We have to understand the basic difference between the word “malnutrition“ and “undernutrition“ Let us make an attempt to know the difference.

What are the signs of malnutrition in a child?

The signs and symptoms of malnutrition in infants and children depend on the kind of nutritional deficiency the child has. A child in the infant stage needs a lot of calcium, phosphorus and Sulphur and that can be provided in the most natural form by the mother who feeds her from the breast If the mother herself is a prey to undernourishment and lack in the possession of the vitamins in the most natural form then the problem obviously exists.

All these are because from the stage that child was in the womb of his mother both the mother and the child especially the mother was not nourished well and properly It is imperative that a lady when she is married is about 50 kilograms in weight possesses a height of about 5 feet five inches and has the counts of the haemoglobin in the perfect manner that it ought to be Anything short ought to be consulted by the physicians and the advise of the doctors ought to be taken and the medicines ought to be taken properly as per the advise of the doctor If that is done at the infant stage of the woman before her pregnancy a lot of unwanted eventualities could be taken care off and warded This is the first step.

What are the causes of malnutrition?

The causes of malnutrition could be many It differs from an individual to an individuals, but the common lacunae are the shortage of consuming the natural vitamins through the food stuff, and either less or no consumption of milk at all.

The causes of malnutrition include the lack of food. These are the explanation that I have been adjudicating If observed properly, this is common among the low income group as well as those who are homeless. Malnutrition is a wide spectrum of symptoms that occurs when one or more nutrients is lacking in the diet. These symptoms vary according to which nutrients are deficient. Primary malnutrition is caused by a lack of energy (fats and carbohydrates), protein and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in the diets of infants.

Once explained everything minutely and in details, let us also observe the pros and the cons of the malnutrition and the under nutrition.

What are the effects of malnutrition

It requires an analysis in terms of the symptoms and the effect of malnutrition Both are supplementary and complementary of each other In my own way I make an attempt to narrate that-:

Symptoms and Effects of Malnutrition:-

Malnutrition harms both the body and the mind. The more malnourished someone is — in other words, the more nutrients that are missing — the more likely he or she is to have problems.The mind becomes very weak It is because the brain is not in a position to take the heavy work load and it crumbles when ever there is a heavy load needed in terms of thinking and producing that level of brilliant output when it comes to that.Simply these are the catastrophe and its ill-effect when it comes to “malnutrition“

Impact of Malnutrition

Scientific evidence has shown that beyond the age of 2-3 years, the effects of chronic malnutrition are irreversible. Once this disease of the malnutrition enters the body and if it starts running through the vein it is as good as the death running into the system of the body and that would very slowly but surely take away your life from you It is imperative to always keep on checking the body of the woman ever she enters her 13th years of her life by a physician and fall onto taking the necessary medicines and tonic to keep the body in proper order The same applies to the mother and the child soon after the baby is born A balanced diet inclusive of the tonics and the medicine is what is needed to be followed by the mother as well as the child This will preserve the body and will allow the brain to develop in the manner that it needs to be developed or else you are trapping yourself to death surely and comfortably.

As said and explained and as discussed that has a bearing on the veins, on the bones and on the strength of the body the “tensile“ strength of the bones and the “elasticity“ of the vein get distorted and the body becomes vulnerable to the stress and the work load if applied upon that. Pregnant and lactating women and young children less than three years are most vulnerable to malnutrition. Scientific evidence has shown that beyond the age of 2-3 years, the effects of chronic malnutrition are irreversible.

How does malnutrition affect the body?

It has its effect and it affects the body in terms of the work load, in terms of the remembrance that the brain could possesses, in terms of the blood counts that the body ought to possess and in terms of the longevity of the body which may include the age as well as anything that the body would require to produce as an output

The body becomes weak and it crumbles The “plasticity “ of the body when it comes to the veins and the muscles to act and react to balance the workload crumbles to the outside pressure applied to the body Once the system fails to come upto the expectations the body totally gives up and the “wear and the tear “ of the body starts taking place This in the long run devastates the entire system and the person, he or she falls a prey to many a epidemics and illness Ultimately a weak body crumbles to the infectious disease

Abnormal loss of lean body mass, such as that found in malnutrition, is responsible for the many complications of undernutrition, such as an increase in susceptibility to infections. Overnutrition, on the other-hand, increases total body fat and places excess fat around the internal organs. Even that is a sign of death and fatality

Is the Government of the day aware to and reacts to these problems

NO– the simple answer is no In India it never has been the case there are a number of Central Government Hospitals ( CGHS ) as we call it These hospitals are running just because the Government of the day wants it to run These hospitals are never and has not been adequately equipped at all There are no operation theatres, there are no medicines to be supplied to the victims and to the patients, there are no nurses and the adequate staffs, there is no facility which could be termed as “up-to-date-arrangement-and requirements”.

These hospitals and the staffs in terms of the doctors are the one’s who on behalf of the Government of the day ought to inspect medically the poor’s, the ailing one’s who come from the most backward strata of the society to take care of them, to provide them the right kind of medicine the right kind of the injections and the vaccinations and the right kind of the treatment That is their duty These are the places from where the very appropriate medicines and the medical counseling’s ought to be provided to these who come from the state of impoverishment and from the most backward class of society.

However time immemorial and from decades after decades, we have seen that these hospitals have been found wanting and lacking in every manner of hospitality. It is because the Government has “never“ funded these hospitals to be on the run by allowing them to be on their feet The lack of Government funding and the lack of professional medics as well as the qualified and brilliant staffs have made these hospital nothing but a cemetery The result is the infants are born but from the stage of inception they are far and far away from the required level of wealth in terms of health This deficiency creeps in and the gap widens more and more as they grow up The end result if we have a disease full of “infectious“ unwanted citizens They are weak and prone to death because of their weakness and the unstable mind which is there in the unstable body.

The logic is simple The difference between the first two child born in a family should be at least four years, if not here at India we have the age difference between the first two child born which is in most of the case is less than two years A lady after her operation where she gives the birth of the child loses about 9 litres of blood That requires about three years to maintain and come up to that level of blood count and then it requires another year for her body to come back to the regaining of the muscles, the flesh and the strength in terms of the tensile strength and plastic strength that I have explained above One who does not adhere to this simple natural formulae obviously falls to the trap laid down by the death In India the illiterate and the uneducated follow the rules of the converse that I have explained here.

Over it we have had our Government doing nothing so far except shouting and barking when it comes to death and the birth rates and to the problems of the “woman-and-the-child-care“ We are a nation of “howlers“ and we always fall back to the “bowlers“ which has nothing to do with the health and the malfunctions of the issues that relates to malfunctioning’s of the the problems of under nutrition and malnutrition.

In the American continent and in the European continent the “real“ life starts at 40 Here it is just the reverse At fourty we the Indian are considered to be “old“ and out of the stage of the life We are considered a “pushover“ at that stage of life In comparison in the continents that I have mentioned the inhabitants starts opening up and the beginning of the enjoyment of their life starts from the age of forty and they are active, full of life and vigour till they attain the age of eighty It is because the “social engineering“ there and here is at the opposite end and are looked upon differently The Government there acts in a different way and a lot of importance is given to the woman and the child care and their welfare That makes the difference

Government Effort and it’s inference-::

The million dollors question that arises is: has the Indfian Government done enough to ward off this disease ever since the Independence What could be done to wave off this disease which is proving to be even worst than the disease of the cancer for the Indian ladies and the toddlers The answer is what has the Government so far done ever since the independence to look into and ward off this problem.

What needs to be done by the Government-::

The Government has to bifurcate the toddlers and the women into three categories The first one would be the one’s who would not like to go to the CGHS and their hospitals It is because that these sets of human beings would not mind spending from their kitty and the wallet to get themselves cured of anything disease This ought to be let off and go.

The second would be the one’s who study in the Government Schools ie the toddlers It ought to be done and that needs to be done is these toddlers studying in the Government School and the schools at the Villages have to be examined every six months at least and then accordingly they ought to be vaccinated and injected properly.

They have to be provided a neat and a meal everyday, the expense ought to be borne by the Government This meal should be such that the proteins and the carbohydrates ought to be supplied in a measurable quantity and the food that is served ought to be clean and “hygienic“ This is what needs to be the first and the foremost requirement for the day The food that is served ought to be such that at least 1500 calories of heat ought to be supplied by the food served to those who consumes them.

Now comes the ladies or the womenfolk’s. Obviously the ladies who can afford and would not like to go to the CGHS hospitals ought to be kept out of the schemes But those who cannot and those who live in the villages and the shandies or the huts have to be vaccinated and injected as well so that they do not easily fall as prey to any epidemics They ought to be supplied with the vitamin pills and the tonics necessary from the CGHS The medicine provided ought to be “true“ in every sense Medicines those have passed the expiry dates has to be thrown off

Banana’s and Plantains to be provided with the “Milk“

There was a time when India in the period between 1955 to 1968 would import the milk powder and the “cheese “ that were consumed by the “pigs” at America, and distribute this from the Government ration shop the co-operative stores to the poor families whose income was below and those who could not afford to provide milk to their children’s

The Christian bodies and the missionaries at India then went a long way to find the places and distribute this to the most poorest of the poor children studying at the schools at the villages and the hamlets of India Milk made out of milk powder was the one which made the day for the poor After the school everyday milk about 100 centiliter was distributed to the poor students Once a week the cheese which was consumed by the pigs at America was handed over to these students Their family members who would come to fetch their children at the schools too were the beneficiaries of the cheese then.

Banana or plantains as we call it would be the BEST and if twice a week the banana could be provided to these kind of children dwelling in poverty at their school then it could be a blessing in disguise Banana has 0.6% of NATURAL GOLD in it and that is a kind of a medicine which tones up the veins and provides the necessary vitamins to the veins, the muscles and the eye Banana with milk is considered to be a kind of a medicine which acts as a resistance against any epidemics and keeps the body free from illness.

Nothing like it if the scheme is implemented at the schools especially the Government school at the villages and the hamlets of India This will go in a long way to eradicate the impediments of nutrition However the question is “will the Indian Government in the coming days stand up to the necessary mark to execute the plans and the programmes “If done that will drive away the epidemic that carries the effect of malnutrition and will make the future toddlers of India strong.

Is the Government of the day aware to and reacts to these problems

NO– the simple answer is no In India it never has been the case and there are a number of Central Government Hospitals ( CGS ) as we call it These hospitals are running just because the Government of the day wants it to run These hospitals are never and has not been adequately equipped at all There are no operation theatres, there are no medicines to be supplied to the victims and to the patients, there are no nurses and the adequate staffs, there is no facility which could be termed as “up-to-date-arrangement-and requirements”.

These hospitals and the staffs in terms of the doctors are the one’s who on behalf of the Government of the day ought to inspect medically the poor’s, the ailing one’s who come from the most backward strata of the society to take care of them, to provide them the right kind of medicine the right kind of the injections and the vaccinations and the right kind of the treatment That is their duty These are the places from where the very appropriate medicines and the medical counseling’s ought to be provided to these who come from the state of impoverishment and from the most backward class of society.

However time immemorial and from decades after decades we have seen that these hospitals have been found wanting and lacking in every manner of hospitality. It is because the Government has “never“ funded these hospitals to be on the run by allowing them to be on their feet The lack of Government funding and the lack of professional medics as well as the qualified and brilliant staffs have made these hospital nothing but a cemetery The result is the infants are born but from the stage of inception they are far and far away from the required level of wealth in terms of health This deficiency creeps in and the gap widens more and more as they grow up The end result if we have a disease full of “infectious“ unwanted citizens They are weak and prone to death because of their weakness and the unstable mind which is there in the unstable body.

The logic is simple The difference between the first two child born in a family should be at least four years if not three here at India we have the age difference between the first two child born which is in most of the case is less than two years A lady after her operation where she gives the birth of the child loses about 9 litres of blood That requires about three years to maintain and come up to that level of blood count and then it requires another year for her body to come back to the regaining of the muscles, the flesh and the strength in terms of the tensile strength and plastic strength that I have explained above One who does not adhere to this simple natural formulae obviously falls to the trap laid down by the death In India the illiterate and the uneducated follow the rules of the converse that I have explained here.

Over it we have had our Government doing nothing so far except shouting and barking when it comes to death and the birth rates and to the problems of the “woman-and-the-child-care“ We are a nation of “howlers“ and we always fall back to the “bowlers“ which has nothing to do with the health and the malfunctions of the issues that relates to malfunctioning’s of the the problems of under nutrition and malnutrition’s.

This is the reason why we Indians are considered to be a weak nation This is the reason that our infants born are weak We have done nothing in terms of extraordinaire to overcome this as a “NATIONAL” problem and over the years this has surmounted as well as compounded This is the reason why when an Indian man who turns about 40 years of age is considered as an old man by the standard of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION ( WHO ) and our ladies are considered to be “old” when she is between the age of 35 to 40.

This is a national phenomenon which requires the attention of the Government to “build” a “strong” foundation of a “strong” India by warding off the problems that surmounts the malnutrition as well as the under nutrition The quality of the health, overall, and the quality of the output of the education totally hinges on this and the brain too acts and reacts based on the parameters of this This needs to be addressed properly by the Government of the day.

This is a national phenomena in terms of the illness that is existing in this country ever since Independence and this is causing death in the ratio of 3:2 to every infant born in this country which again is a blaming and a node as well as a note of distress It needs to be eradicated on a war rooting note and action.

This is the reason why we Indians are considered to be a weak nation physically

Bhattacharjee Shyamal
Bhattacharjee Shyamal
Shyamal Bhattacharjee has been a SPORTS SCRIBE to start with, a MARKETING PROFESSIONAL for 35 years and author of SIX International standard books . Now he spends his entire time in SOCIAL DEVLOPEMENT and WRITING.