EducationBMVB ASMA Connected Classrooms Login and Online Registration

BMVB ASMA Connected Classrooms Login and Online Registration

Connected Classrooms is a platform developed by the CRISP Education that connects the Students and the teachers while it enable them to share the informative and the educational materials such as notes, homework, syllabi, and classroom updates.

Students of BMVB ASMA and other schools students can login from here while the teachers can login from here.

How to register on Connected Classrooms as a teacher?

To register as a teacher on the Connected Classroom login to and fill out the registration form with your details like Teacher ID, UR Code, Username and the Password — The Teacher ID and the UR Code is generated an given by your school while other fields you can fill according to your choice.

Once you’ve successfully registered you can login into your account from

How to register on Connected Classrooms as a Student?

To register as a Student on the Connected Classroom login to and fill out the registration form with your details like Student ID, UR Code, Username and the Password — The Student ID and the UR Code is generated an given by your school while other fields you can fill according to your choice.

Once you’ve successfully registered you can login into your account from

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