LifeStyleBest 5 Self Help Books Written by Women

Best 5 Self Help Books Written by Women

Books are your survivor when you need some advice and want to learn about the way of living a happy life. Here are the five books for women who want to achieve success in their lives. These books are written by the great and known Women writers and the reason we have listed these books specially for the women.

1. Lady, you are not a man by Apoorva Purohit

Lady, you are not a man by Apoorva PurohitApoorva Purohit is the CEO of Radio City 91.1 FM and in this book, she writes about the difficulties faced by women in everyday life and how to deal with these situations. The book talks about maintaining a balance between career and family. The book is empowering, enlightening and most of all interesting to read.

2. 30 women in power, their voices and their stories by Naina Lal Kidwai

30 women in power, their voices and their stories by Naina Lal Kidwai

Sometimes we feel inspired by other person’s story. 30 women in power is a motivating book, telling the tales of thirty great Indian women who are in power. The book contains the advice from thirty women, their success stories and the mistakes they made in their careers.

3. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In by Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook wrote an electrifying book. The author writes about empowering women and teaching the girls about leadership. The book is humorous, full of wisdom and easy to read. Lean In is an invitation to participate in creating a society that values women.

4. Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler talks about her life story and the success that came through hard work, dedication and falling in love with the work. The book deals with the advice on love, friendship, and parenthood. Amy Poehler shares her personal stories with an entertaining touch.

5. Bossy Pants by Tina Fey

Bossy pants is for all the ladies out there. The book is entertaining, comical and covers all the issues faced by the women. Tina Fey shares her personal stories and the lessons she learned while wearing bossy pants. The book is a call for leadership.

Hey there! I am a nineteen-year-old college going girl, currently doing my graduation from Islamic university of science and technology, Kashmir. Writing is my passion. There are three things I love to do in my free time, read books review books and shop books.