Finance7 places where you can find top 10 passive incomes in India

7 places where you can find top 10 passive incomes in India

The essence of Passive income goes strictly in conformity with the definition of the word “passive”, submissively allowing others to influence your business without active response or resistance for generating income to some extent. That is to say, passive income is any earnings that don’t require a plethora of money or effort in any stage of the business. It can thrive effectively even when you are dormant, for whatsoever reasons. For most of the passive income generator, you need to have a sufficient amount of money or some form of natural aptitudes or efforts in its primary phase. And in its secondary and tertiary phases, those inputs will gradually become little or scanty in amount.

Let’s have a detailed look at 7 places where you can find the top 10 passive incomes in India:-

1. The Bluehost India

BlueHost, Hosting, CDN, VPSThe foremost on our list is blogging. In today’s world, blogging is done worldwide, starting from a startup to big companies or any commoner who wants to voice their voice to the far-off places. It’s an imperative tool for networking; as Sallie Krawcheck describes, “Networking is the No.1 unwritten rule of business success.” Thus, an attractive way for welcoming a bright opportunity or landing a job as well. Furthermore, be a subject-matter expert in your favourite niche not only help you become an influential figure in society but also help you generate substantial passive earnings in the long run if your pursuit is consistent. But to have a substantial passive income from this method, one needs to have a fair amount of flair and interest for writing. If you can afford to have this resource, then go ahead and check out the next point of how to start your blogging to have a positive cash flow. You can have a free blog or a premium one. But a free blog has some downsides, such as it will look less professional than paid blog; you will have a limited amount of bandwidth, memory space; most importantly, your blog will not have the advantage of getting priority in Google rank; another important thumbs down is difficulty in selling your blog as people give priority to professional blog only and you have to share your blog’s advertisement earnings with the hosting provider in free programs. So, it’s prudent to go for a self-hosted blog if you are serious about earning money through it. The most trusted and cost-effective way to do that is through Bluehost India. There are many ways of earning through blogging.

The top three are as follows:

    1. Through affiliate marketing – Selling and promoting products of other companies to your audiences by giving them detailed Information and reviews of the affiliated product. If you have enough traffic for your blog and have established a trustworthy relationship with your audiences, your recommendation will surely pay you off. On each sale through the link on your blog, you will be paid a commission by the company. The company gives you a unique link that follows your affiliate code which you must include on your site through banner ads or directly in the content. This code will help them know when a buyer uses that code for making the purchase. If a reader clicks on that unique link and purchases the items you have reviewed, you will earn a percentage of what she purchased. For this purpose, you can utilize ad networks like Amazon Associates to make any private partnership with businesses with an affiliate program.
    2. Placing ads on your site – CPC (cost per click) ads are usually placed in your content or sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you will be paid for that click. CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) ads pay a blogger when their advertisement is seen thousands of times. Google Adsense is the most popular platform for placing these types of ads. You just need to place the advertisement banner on your site on this platform, and Google will do the rest. If this network doesn’t work for you, there are also other alternatives of Google Adsense, e.g., InfoLinks, etc.
    3. Selling your e-books on your blog – If the content of your writing is substantial enough to earn its reputation among a vast majority of readers, you can compose a book of your favourite niche. Next, you can publish and sell it all on your own on your very personal blog. Though there are other popular platforms like Amazon kindle, Payhip, and Kobo Writing Life, etc., publishing your ebooks on your blog will fetch all the profits in your pockets. If your self-hosted blog is hosted by the WordPress site, i.e. Bluehost India, they have free e-commerce plugins, e.g. WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. Choose a subject for the book wisely that your audience will inevitably be attracted to; come up with a unique title and exciting cover design that stand out a mile; format and proofread your content, to ensure the high quality of your writing you can go for some proofreading software such as Grammarly, ProWritingAid, etc.; convert it to digital formats (e.g. Mobi for Amazon kindle, PDF for easy access) that people could read your ebooks on different devices; then your book is ready to upload for sale on your site.

2. Social Media

Social Media, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Email, Windows, Phone, Android, Iphone, Youtube

This is another passive income à la mode. If you are a social media influencer, that is to say, you have a large fan following created by thought-provoking posts, write up or social façade with your charmingly attractive personality, then you can promote third-party products by giving the affiliated product’s link on your social media accounts. You place those ads on your blog, website, social media accounts as an affiliate for your users to click on. When the user purchases your ads or link to reach the third party’s website, you will get a commission for that purchase. Nowadays, the huge social media platforms for growing followers and promoting products are Instagram and TikTok.

3. Post office monthly income scheme

India Post Payment Bank

One of the easiest and thus highly recommended passive income avenues is high interest-earning deposits or schemes where you can start your passive earnings with some upfront investment. No other resources like skills or efforts in the long process are needed. However, in an investment product, the combination of high-return and low-risk is quite an unlikely possibility. Risk and returns are inextricably related, i.e., the higher the risk, the higher the returns, and vice versa. This category of investment plan entails no risk of losing your money while acquiring passive income in the long run without any effort. This is one of the highest-earning schemes, among other risks of a free high-interest deposit plan, which the Ministry of Finance backs. The minimum investment for any individual is Rs.1,500/- and the maximum is Rs.4.5 lac. The procedure to be followed for opening this account with your near post office branch is: Opening a savings account with the Post Office if you don’t have one yet; procure, fill-up and submit POMIS Form from your nearest post-office branch with other documents, i.e. photocopy of ID proof, address proof, and two passport-sized photographs; collect signatures of the beneficiaries. The capital amount could be invested through a dated cheque. That date would be considered for the account opening date. The interest earned on the investment will be disbursed one month from the opening and is disbursed monthly, as the name suggests.

4. Creating a YouTube channel

YouTube, Video, Channel, Player, List

YouTubers are self-made and self-promoted celebs. You can create videos on any favourite niche of yours. I am going to discuss the top two ways to monetize your YouTube channel:

    1. Create a channel with a remunerative skill with a high market demand such as video editing, selling online courses and informational products of your favourite niche, or other digital products such printable, downloadables, ebooks, etc. Both of these require specialized knowledge, creativity to ensure that the viewer remains engaged while at the same time consuming the output effectively.
    2. Affiliate marketing by reviewing products – Associate with brands and earn commission by educating your viewers about the products that pertain to your channel’s audiences. Stay unequivocal and share a subjective experience as far as you can with your audiences is the prime key in this kind of marketing as this would surely affect your bond of trust with your viewers. But to earn passively in affiliate marketing, you need to have a huge subscriber base. All you have to do is to sign for an affiliate program, e.g. Amazon or Flipkart. Promote them through your video and share your unique affiliate link in your video description. The rest of the procedure is as same as other affiliate marketing in other platforms mentioned above.

5. Udemy:

Udemy, Education, App

If you have never launched your teaching courses online, this platform is better than the best to get the journey started. Udemy has made teaching online possible. They have over 50,000 instructors, and more than 40 million students enrolled in its courses. Apply for becoming a premium instructor at first, and if approved, there is a series of easy-to-follow steps to help you create your first paid course. You can also add quizzes, assignments, and discussion prompts. You will get a substantial amount of help from them if you find it difficult to create and market your first course on Udemy. They have Teach Hub for tutorials on the know-how of creating your first course, and they also offer bespoke marketing programs to increase the sales of your course at the inception.

6. Shutterstock


There are many great online sites for selling photos. Shutterstock is one of the most popular ones if you are just starting. It’s an American company that allows you to sell graphics, stock photos, video, and other images. You will always earn a percentage of Shutterstock’s price for authorizing your images, ranging from 15% up to 40% over 6 stages. The more content customers purchase from your image profile, the more you advance through the stages, i.e. there will be an increase in the percentage you earn from each authorization. This site also provides tools for photographers, videographers to rounding out their works for better clarity.

7. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

Life Insurance Corporation, Lic

This category of passive income involves zero investment with persistent effort for creating a huge client base. LIC was the first life insurance company and continues to be on the top whenever trust is concerned, so it remains the first choice for many people to purchase life insurance. Whether you are looking for a full-time rewarding career or a part-time career that yields passive income, this choice of becoming a LIC agent is perfect for you with low or nil investment. The steps to be followed for becoming a LIC agent are as follows: Obtain proof of Indian citizenship and that you are above or at least 18 years of age; have your PAN card and secondary board certificate ready at your disposal; contact your nearest LIC branch office for scheduling your interview with a development officer; give your best shot in the interview; complete a total of 25 hours training program given by LIC of India for preparing you for a final examination; study and prepare hard for the final exam; take the IRDAI exam where you need to score 40% to be eligible, you can take the test as many times as you can, there is no limitation if you don’t pass for the first time; if passed, receive your appointment letter with your agency code and now become a successful agent in the marketplace.

Priyanka Dey
Priyanka Dey
I have bachelor degree in English Honours. I have been tutoring English as a second language for 6 years. I love literature and language. I love to create something unusual through my writing. Right now I am trying to venture into freelancing career