Op-ed5 Ways to Spend Your Free Time Productively

5 Ways to Spend Your Free Time Productively

Earlier our ancestors spent hours and hours on hunting, farming and migrating to different places for survival. But, that very food we used to hunt for, now arrives at your doorstep in thirty minutes! Humans have developed all sorts of technology to ensure efficiency and save us some time. But, the real question is, have we given ourselves too much free time?

Many young teenagers and young adults often don’t know what to do in their free time. Using the self-reported American Time Use Survey, a group of economists found that, on average, workers spent about 34 minutes per day not working. but when this number is added up to a yearly basis, we spend approximately 200 hours a year doing nothing!

So, here are 5 ways in which you can spend your free time improving yourself to be a successful person in the future.

1. Organizing

Organizing is crucial for a successful life. Let it be in the smallest way possible like clearing emails, decluttering social media feed or clearing off your working space. Organizing ensures efficiency. It allows you to access the things you want without spending a lot of time on it. It helps you prioritize your work. If you are a student, you often find yourself missing out assignments and forgetting to do projects before the dead line.

You can instead note down your priorities for that particular day as soon as you are informed about it to give yourself a clear vision. this also reduces stress and motivates you to work efficiently.

2. Exercise

This might seem boring for some people but the benefits you can reap from exercising for just 15 min a day is unimaginable!

By just doing some basic stretches you can increase your mental capacity, body endurance, and mobility. In the long run, it can help you reduce mental stress and let you maintain fitness without slacking behind. Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood and sleep quality. A successful person always knows how to maintain his/her physical fitness whilst carrying on their busy schedule.

3. Read

you have probably heard about this everywhere but here’s why it’s very important. A lot of books convey specific information on something or have vast knowledge about a particular topic which might be needed in life. Most students would have questioned the practical capacity of our textbooks. It is true that these textbooks do not give us all the information needed to survive life.

A majority of the population often fail to tackle obstacles in real life even if they got good grades at school. Hence books like personality development books can give you a push start to conquer and lead a successful life.

4. Socialize

As teenagers, we often have the tendency to get engulfed in school work and often miss out on social events. For some people, watching Netflix curled up in a blanket might feel comforting. But, when we lag behind in our social life, we basically lag behind in life. We must prioritize some amount of time to meet up with friends and family and travel.

These tiny aspects of our life can enhance our communicative skills and teach us a lot about the real world. This is the best way to relax and create memories to cherish later.

5. Work on Hobbies

We have often heard about job seekers expecting unique abilities, talents, and personality in the employees apart from our educational qualification. This is because these talents can set you apart from the crowd. A student must spend some time working on discovering new interests and hobbies which would, in turn, develop into special talents. These talents can really help you stand out and improve your creativity.

Pryadharshne D
Pryadharshne D
I’m Pryadarshne, a High Schooler from Bangalore. I am constantly finding ways to improve my creative trait. I am a very passionate public speaker and I love attending school debates and Model United Nations (MUN) Conferences. My hobbies include painting, sketching and basically anything that would showcase my creativity. I have recently started trying my hand out at writing. Writing has really given me a platform to showcase my thoughts and opinions in the most artistic way possible. I aspire to one day be able to make a difference in the society.