LifeStyleSocial5 Tips to Keep Yourself away from Negative Thoughts

5 Tips to Keep Yourself away from Negative Thoughts

On this planet, out of all lethal and overpowered weapons, negativity still sits on the top. Negativity surrounds us like the mosquitoes in summer nights and positivity is an expensive mosquito repellent. It becomes too tricky to survive in a world full of chaos, crimes, betrayal, murders, diseases and disaster.

Substantial evidence is the rising cases of mental issues like anxiety, depression, phobias and also heart diseases. When you turn the leaves of the psychological history of India, you’ll find that the mental issues have arisen with each passing year. According to the National Mental Health Survey of India 2015–2016, a situation has come where every sixth Indian need mental health help.

Not just this, but according to various studies, your pessimistic thoughts and negativity can take you beyond emotional and mental problems. They can affect your body with issues like degenerative brain diseases, digestive issues, cardiovascular issues and also weaken your immunity.

The chain of negative thoughts is never-ending, and so are the problems that arise from it. Therefore, it’s of sheer importance to get rid of negativity and negative thoughts.

Mentioned below are some essential tips and methods to keep you away from negative thoughts. If you stick to them, you can certainly make a change in how you see things and how you perceive them.

The 5 tips to keep yourself away from negative thoughts are:

1. Befriend Religious Books and Spiritual texts

Mahabharata, book, epic, banner, cover

If you’re a theist and you believe in any god or supernatural power, this way can work wonders for you. Epics have ethics, and they will wipe off all your negative thoughts in a few moments. Spending a few hours or minutes with A Holy Quran will take you nearer to the feelings of Gratitude, satiety and prayers. Befriending Sri Ramcharitmanasa will make you learn that no adversity is permanent and there always comes an end to the evil on a certain time.

Turning the pages of the Holy Bible and reading it will make you learn how humanity and humankind are restored when Jesus Christ sacrificed himself. The Great Guru Granth Sahib would teach you the basic lessons of life and the moral standards of living.

Try spending some time with The Great Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, and you will learn the true method of living and basic principles of the world. You’ll learn about the spiritual wisdom and duties, discipline and devotion. You’ll get to know how the world works and exists and above all, you’ll get to know more about yourself and find the true you. The Indian epic books can teach you the management lessons that you can learn from Ramayana.

Several such books can clean up all the negative thoughts from your mind because reading them merely, takes your heart and soul into a different world. For that period, you forget all the evil things about your swift-paced life and everyday troubles and every time you get up after spending some time with these great epics and Granthas, you’ll see yourself as a new person.

So, whenever you find the clouds of negativity and pessimistic thoughts surrounding you, pick up any of these books and experience a peaceful time travel with them.

2. Meditation and Yoga

Less Work, More Freedom, Yoga

This is the oldest suggestion for almost every mental and physical problem. The useful addon says that people are giving it a significant amount of importance with each passing day. Yoga has been recognised and approved on the international level. Meditation is so popular that according to a study, 200-500 million people meditate globally. Also, since 2012 the number of people practising meditation has tripled.
Fighting against negative and pessimistic thoughts is a tough journey that becomes smooth when you meditate and practise Yoga.

Other than this, Yoga and meditation have numerous other benefits. They treat you all mental and physical problems smoothly while gifting you the peace of mind too.

Meditation is a process of introspection, and when you do that, you attain knowledge about self. Meditation helps you focus on what you want and what you should, thenceforth driving you away from negative thoughts.

Yoga–chanting OM and performing Yogic positions and stretches sends instant positive charges to the mind and body. The relaxation Yoga practice is satisfying and provides contentment.

So, if you find harmful radiations occupying your mind or thoughts and making you weaker and unproductive, you can definitely make Meditation and Yoga an integral part of your life. Initially, it will be tough to stick through this, but once you firmly hold the determination in you, this will bring up beautiful outcomes. You can begin with the simple Yoga poses for the beginners.

3. The Colored Paper Game

The Colored Paper Game

This is one of the most interesting things you can do to cure your mind’s I’ll thoughts. Why do ill thoughts or negative thoughts come? Because of bad experiences, unsolved problems, confusions and complexity. Escaping these isn’t an option because it’s like pushing a pendulum bob that would come back soon. You need to finish these problems from the root level, not to be trapped by them again.
Here is a new and exciting trick to go with, to dump away all the negativity from your mind.
Pick two scrap papers. One of dark or gloomy colour like grey, dark blue or brown. (You can surely take black paper if you have the right pen or marker that is visible on it)

Grab a pen, pencil or a marker and start writing all the negative thoughts tumbling in your mind. Write it out like nobody would read or judge. Write out your heart in whatever language you feel like.

Now, take a cheery and bright coloured paper, maybe bright red, Fuchsia Pink, green, light blue or any of your pretty favourite colours. Write the solutions to your problems, your positive analysis of your troubles, your perspective and believes about yourself or the best things about you. This will generate an instant positive feeling of acknowledgement for self. You’ll start feeling a bit more confident. After completing this, take both the papers and start reading aloud the dark one or the one with your problems mentioned. Next, read aloud the definite or bright coloured article having all the good things in it.

Having done that, pick up the dark paper and using a matchstick or lighter, burn it off. Watch it burn carefully and also watch the negativity burning. This provides a peculiar inner peace and makes you feel better.

Put the bright coloured paper on your study table or stick it on your room wall, so that you keep reminding yourself how beautiful and worthy you are, and how capable you are to deal with your thoughts and troubles.

4. Music: The True Panacea

music and mood girl lying on grass

Music is one of the most effective remedies to all the pains of this world. You’re tired, listen to Music. You’re sad, listen to Music. You’re happy, dance with Music. You’re angry, just listen to the Music. But there is an essential thing to note about Music! You must know the right Music for the right time. Listening to Adele or Arijit Singh, when upset would do nothing but make you sadder. You need to choose the right track and the right Music to fit the right mood.

When you have negative thoughts going all over in your mind, try listening to some cheerful, happy songs. Put on some typical party tracks or jolly Punjabi hits to freshen up your mind. When your mind is in chaos or confusion, put some calm and peaceful positive music to relax.

WHITE NOISE: If you are in a lousy mood full of negative thoughts, white noise can be a worthy and effective choice for you. White noise is pure Music with combined frequencies of different sounds. There are no words, and it’s just a track of sound to help your mind settle and be calm.

There are a number of apps available that provide you with white noises of your choice. When the negativity attacks you, just put some good white noise, of sea waves or waterfalls or birds or raindrops or anything you like. It is genuinely therapy to the mind. This will help you not just by freshening your mood but also helps provide sound sleep.

5. Spend Some Time With Nature

Solo Trip to India for a girl

It’s an old trick to freshen up your mind but still has the same intensity of effectiveness. Nature is the most peaceful element that exists in this universe. Whenever you have constant bad days, thinking of quitting everything, aren’t able to focus and are demeaning yourself and your life, just spend some time with nature, observe it and it will work wonders.

You can go for a bird watching a day or to the nearest sanctuary. If possible, you can try planning a solo trip to calm places with the natural beauty around. But if in a situation where both of these aren’t an option, you can spend time with nature around. That can be your kitchen garden, courtyard or community park. It seems boring until you start observing things closely around you. When you indulge yourself into nature, and it’s beauty, even a sunset can please you. Watch how a chameleon changes its colours when it finds you near. Look at the birds and how they turn their neck 360 to nibble into their feathers through their beaks. Try tilling the tulsi plant in your courtyard. Feed some squirrels of the nearest trees. Or if nothing else, just plant some tiny plant and take care of it like a baby. It’s a beautiful feeling and is full of life. You will be entirely out of the negativity because it’s therapeutic.

Try these tips to keep yourself away from the negative thoughts and the minus charges around. Optimism makes life beautiful and worthy. Be optimistic and be a better version of yourself.

Mansi Yadav
Mansi Yadav
An ardent learner and a student, I am a complete kid by heart. Making faces smile is my favorite thing to do. I can make you smile and heal through my words and I am proud of it.