Education5 Must Read Books to Kick Start Freelance Journey

5 Must Read Books to Kick Start Freelance Journey

Nowadays freelancing is one of the emerging fields as a source of income. Because of the present lockdown, many are tilting towards freelancing. Freelancing is basically being self-employed and hired to work for various companies. So before starting, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge and understanding about freelancing to succeed. Developing the required skills and reading some books about freelancing is one of the important things that have to be done. Books really help to get a better and thorough understanding of the topic, and many times it changes the perspective of the way we think about anything.

5 must-read books in the path to freelancing are discussed in this article. These books give a better insight into the way we think about startup, passive income, growing our side business and freelancing. These books are written by authors who have put in their years of experiences and knowledge in those books. The books are Pyjama Profit by Varun Mayya, Before you startup by Pankaj Goyal, 48 hours startup by Fraser Doherty, Zero to One by Peter Thiel and The lean startup by Eric Ries.

So let’s know about these books and kick start freelancing journey.

1. Pyjama profit by Varun Mayya and Abhinav Chhikara

The author Varun Mayya runs a company Avalon, a services company and is a good influencer. In this book, he describes the important skills that are to be learnt and are necessary like copywriting, web design, web development etc., and from where should we learn these skills with good courses for those. The author also tells about the ways to build a portfolio and approach a client. Authors also share their experience and have more practical relevance. There are good templates for cold mailings. So I think this is a very good comprehensive guide to freelancing and is worth a read. The book is available in Amazon and Flipkart. Also, read Indian Youtube Channels You Need to Subscribe It Right Now!

2. Before you startup by Pankaj Goyal

In this book, the author introduces us to dark sides of freelancing and startups. The author shares his experience of the failure of his company after generating some revenue for quite some time. He explains about the reasons not to start up and avoiding mistakes before any startups. He gives what are the things to be taken care before startup if you are new and difficulties you might face in doing so. It explains about the bad side of any business and startup. So if we want to know both the good and bad sides of a startup, this book is a must-read that can help to avoid mistakes and keep your freelancing path smooth.

3. 48-hour startup by Fraser Doherty

In this book, the author tells about how he started a multimillionaire company by starting it in 48 hours. He takes the challenge to start a business in 48 hours, that is at the weekend. He makes jam bottles and contacts vendors and also sells it to a supermarket. Now it is a big company, ‘ Super Jam’. In this book, he discusses how to put the right effort in the right direction and quickly start a business within 48 hours. This book tells us about the importance of experimentation and learning from it. The author also explains the mistakes and lessons learnt from them. He also mentions about tools and shortcuts he used to create a business and promote the product. According to him, instead of quitting the job, you can start your business even on weekends. This book is a must-read to young entrepreneurs, students willing to do freelancing and startup and helps to kick start your journey.

4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

The author is one of the investors of Facebook and co-founder of Paypal. In this book, he starts with how to big next big business or startup. He says to build anything big, and we should create something of our own and not by copying others. He tells of building a monopoly, our idea should be new and unique, and that can really help to succeed. According to him, starting with a small market and getting a good hold and then expanding it is the tactic. So if you want to start a business, start something new. If you are willing to start anything, this book is a good option.

5. The lean startup by Eric Ries

This book tells about how to start small, like by starting a simple experiment without spending much money. The author tells that if there is a demand for your solution and if it succeeds, then expand it. According to him, we should not start by leaving our job and investing too much, but we should experiment and see the results. If our product has a good market and generates a pretty income, then we can continue with that. It is all about experimentation and learning from it, according to the author. It is about testing our vision and adapting it to the needs of customers. This book also gives a very good perspective on freelancing.

Bored because of lockdown, then these books may help to cure your boredom as well as enhancing your knowledge in freelancing and startup. These books are a must-read if you are into freelancing and help to kick-start your journey. These books give a good insight into the world of freelancing and guides you on the right path. All these books are available in Amazon, Flipkart and even eBooks are available in kindle, Google playbooks.

A person curious in learning new things and in exploring new places and willing to share my knowledge with others.