Op-ed3 WordPress Plugins To Optimize Performance

3 WordPress Plugins To Optimize Performance

WordPress is widely used Content Management System (CMS) and is the prime preference of almost every blogger and companies out there and there is reason for that which includes –

  • It is build for High Performance
  • Has Stability
  • Regular Updates
  • More Secured As Compared to Other CMS
  • Regarded By SEO
  • Availability of n numbers of themes and Plug-ins etc.

Even after all these it has one of the very common issue and that’s the performance. Its not a big deal if you are running a small blog or a commercial website with few numbers of hits a day but as soon your website start getting a tons of hits a day the problem start raising. Even if you are using a lot of plugins to improve and extend the functionality of the WordPress the performance and the speed gets compromised.

So, what’s solution for it? That’s Plugin!

In this post we have listed and included all those plugins which can help you in optimizing — improving the speed and the performance of the WordPress.

1. WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache Plugin is developed by Automattic, which has helped millions of WordPress users Worldwide to Optimize the Speed of their WordPress powered website while lowering the burden on the sever. It generate static HTML files and stores into the cache which reduces MySQL query requests and PHP-script execution. Once the post or the page get converted into a static file the server serves the static files instead of the dynamic — regular WordPress generated pages. WP Super Cache has in-built function to control the following settings from the WordPress Admin panel-

  1. Compress pages.
  2. PHP caching.
  3. Cache rebuild.
  4. Don’t cache pages for known users.
  5. Extra homepage checks.
  6. CDN support.

Those who are running their website over Shared-Hosting can find this Plugin– almost awesome since it reduces MySQL query requests as well as the pages get loaded at much faster rate.

Download WP Super Cache

2. BWP Minify – Better WordPress Minify

BWP Minify - Better WordPress Minify

Do you know what Google loves? Well, its Minified and compressed files and images. Using Batter WordPress (BWP) Minify you can minify your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS files) .

Once you install BWP Minify Plugin it generates single JS and CSS file which includes all the CSS and JS files used by your website or blog and stores into the cache. Now, instead of multiple CSS and JS files single file is served to the users.

This not only reduces request-burden over your server but also loads pages at much faster rates. In fact it is loved by almost every Search Engine like Google and Bing.

This plugin is completely free and can be downloaded from the WordPress Admin Panel or from official website of WordPress.

Download BWP Minify

3. Jetpack by WordPress.com

Jetpack by WordPress.com

Yeah! that ^ you read it right, It is from WordPress which has Simplified your WordPress powered blog or website. Again, it is developed by Automattic.

Jetpack gives you an ability to manage WordPress powered Websites by including security services, statics, compressed and optimized images to your visitors. This also helps you to encourage more traffic on your website.

It has almost everything needed for a WordPress powered website, which includes –

  • Statics & Insight
  • Security services — like Akismet support
  • Social Share integration
  • Displaying Related posts etc.

Download JetPack

IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Teamhttps://www.isrgrajan.com/
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