Finance3 Alternative Ways to Buy Google Suite for your Custom Domain

3 Alternative Ways to Buy Google Suite for your Custom Domain

Google Suite also known as G Suite which was earlier named as Google apps for Business is one of the Cloud based service powered by the Google which offers premium and business solutions such as integration of custom domain name with and additional access up to premium level to Google Drive and Google Communication Products which include Gmail, Hangout and Google Calendar etc.

With Google Suite you can access the premium services of Google Products which is mainly used for business purposes. The premium subscription gives you extended storage, custom domain name email e.g. — [email protected], extended rights on Google forms such as scripting and editing and a lot more add-ons.

Google Suite is very useful specially when you have hosted your website on cloud-based hosting like Digital Ocean, AWS, Linode or with any other hosting provider that does not offers native email service or you have some problem with your email server that could be down time to anything. G Suite offers almost 100% up time, security and most important it is reliable and it helps you to reach your customers with trust.

Generally we use your Debit or Credit card to buy the G Suite subscription, but if you are living in India, Nepal, Bhutan or any other Asian country where these cards are protected by 3D Secure layer which require additional verification such as PIN or OTP; you are going to face transnational error such as “Your Credit card was declined Please select another payment method or contact your credit card issuer to authorize this purchase“.

I personally faced the same problem while registering for the Google App developer console. So, what’s solution and how you can buy the G Suite using your Indian debit or credit card even if it is declined ? Well, you can still buy the Google G Suite even if your ATM card (debit or credit) card is declined by Google.

Here are the three ways by which you can buy Google Suite even if your card is declined by Google :

1. Buy from 3rd Party website

G Suite on BigRock and Bluehost

If in case your debit or credit card is begin declined by Google and you are tired of trying multiple cards to make the payment, then the best solution for  you to buy G suite from the third party website.

There are many third party websites and companies that are offering Google suite at the same price or the lower which can be helpful as these third party websites are offering multiple payment options such as net banking, wallet payment gateway, ATM card , RuPay and debit/credit card.

If you are from India, I will recommend you to buy from BigRock as it is offering almost all types of payment options that you can easy use and make the payment. You can even make the payment directly in their bank account. Alternative to Bigrock you can use Bluehost (US i.e. to buy the G suite.

2. Buy from Google Partners and authorized retails 

 Google Partners and authorized retails

When I faced the similar problem while registering for the Google app developer console I contacted the Google Billing support team and they suggested me to contact the Google affiliated partners also known as Google resellers, and  Google Cloud Partners.

You can search here for the nearest Google cloud partner in your region. It maybe possible that there is no Google Partner store or is very far from your area; then for you the pre-pay manual option could be helpful. Alternative to this you can contact any nearest partner available and ask for the help.

3. Pre-pay manually 

Another option that even worked for me which Google calls as “Prepay manual” payment option in which you make the payment advance which appears in your account and from which Google charges as per your subscription.

With prepay option you can even make the advance payment and by the G Suite for a long period of time such as 6 months or for a whole year. For more details on prepay manual payment you can see G Suite payment options

IR Digital Media Team
IR Digital Media Team
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