TechGames & Apps12 Tips to Become a Successful Android App Developer in 2020

12 Tips to Become a Successful Android App Developer in 2020

In this modern-day world, those who take up software engineering or computer application courses think of embarking on a coding career in mobile application development. With the constant growth in the IT sector, coding and app development has a long way to go. With various options available for a techie or software developer, mobile application programming is the perfect choice as developing an app using android programming is more promising than the rest.

Android is an open-source language with an open platform that makes learning curve smooth and cheaper for any developer compared to iOS and Windows phone platforms. If you want to become a successful android developer, you must work hard and be dedicated, passionate, and persistent. You will find the top twelve tips in this article to embark on the journey of becoming a successful android application developer.

The 12 Tips to Become a Successful Android App Developer in 2020 are:

1. Get Familiar With the Android Framework Internals

Yes, it is necessary to get familiar with the actual Android framework code. It will help you discover how different pieces of code fit together and boost your knowledge. So, get to know the working of android SDK in detail to gear up your level of developing android apps.

2. Learn How to Generate Right Ideas

It is necessary to learn to get the right ideas for developing an android application that is both feasible and viable. To develop a better android application, you must learn some critical lessons from the bad apps than just doing a mere market analysis that is not very productive. Trying different approaches with the right ideas will help you develop an android app more feasible to the prevailing market conditions.

3. Start Small and Expand Slowly

By developing a complicated app, an android developer want to be successful at the initial stages of their career. Failing to succeed might make you lose hope and dampen your spirit to proceed further. Try to break complex problems into smaller ones and integrate individual components to understand and solve quickly. If you can make an intuitive Android app from small ideas at the initial stage, it might reward you more than the big one. Once you are comfortable with it, you can expand slowly.

4. Weight Your Passion

You should be passionate about the things that you love the most. It is your key to success in creating something innovative. Be passionate about developing android apps to come out with amazing ideas and be a significant user of your app by evaluating it at this perception. Your passion becomes an internal driver to create a functional android app that is compelling and strategic to win your targeted audience. Try to create what you like with your ideas rather than only making money to be successful.

5. Focus on Design

Focus on learning UI and UX design with coding to become a complete android app developer. Though, your focus is entirely on coding, learn to create an alluring and clean design that would grab the attention of the users, on the very first look of your app. If you want to retain your app longer on the android devices, UX design should be excellent with high-performance, consistency, and extraordinary usability. Try to talk and interact with the professional UI and UX designers to get a better insight into the app design.

6. Stay Persistent

With the growing competition, it is not possible to achieve success overnight. Try to learn from each mistake and be consistent to see notable success in the marketplace. Do not try to quit developing an android app after a few days or weeks due to failure or inconsistencies in the app. Be passionate about developing your app with dedication and stick to your goals to become a successful android app developer.

7. Consider Learning More Languages

Learning new languages will benefit a lot in the process of android app development. It allows you to think out of the box and inspire you with unique ideas. By learning more languages(preferably latest), you get to know a lot of new tools and techniques, very useful in developing an innovative app.

8. Have a Techie Co-Founder

Don’t look for a partner who is financially resourceful if you do not want to bear the whole burden of app marketing, development, and testing. Instead, look for a partner with a technical background, who share similar passions and help you with managing your team and the development process.

9. Pick Up Right Mentor

It is necessary to pick the right mentor to become a successful android app developer. Select the right senior app developer as your mentor, who has achieved success in the field of app market to sail smoothly in the process of developing your android app. He would help you fix real goals with the least hurdles.

10. Make Learning a Habit

You cannot be successful if you think a degree in software engineering will grant you success. You get to know how to do coding in different technologies from formal education. Developing an android app requires a practical approach by running trial and error tests and keep an eye to learn the latest technologies, design techniques, tools, testing, programming, and marketing. Thus, keep learning to enhance your knowledge and keep yourself updated with the current technologies.

11. Take Marketing Seriously

With millions of Android apps available on play store and other marketplaces, competition is stiff even though your app is fully functional with superb technicality and Innovative ideas. Make sure you invest your time for app marketing campaign without overlooking distribution, implementation, strategy, and marketing activities. Make sufficient campaigns on the marketing front while deploying your app to get the target audience.

12. Start Reading More Code

Make a habit of reading codes written by experienced developers to know more about coding technologies and implementation that you never knew before. To increase your knowledge and coding skills, start exploring open-source apps and libraries.

These are the top twelve tips that you should follow to become a successful android app developer. For a clean and hassle-free start, take guidance from the right mentor to help and assist you in achieving your goals with ease in the process of developing android apps.

Abhishek M V
Abhishek M V