Finance10 Tips to Save Your Business From Coronavirus Fear

10 Tips to Save Your Business From Coronavirus Fear

In emergencies like the coronavirus, a lot of fear and anxiety will live within us. It is normal, we are human. In a situation like this, in which we face something that we have never experienced, that is doubled, because of uncertainty in a scenario with very few similar antecedents.

Therefore, the first thing we have to do before managing our company is managing our fear. Let’s be realistic. It is impossible to completely get rid of fears about this coronavirus crisis, but we must keep them at bay long enough. We must not put aside our emotional part, and we must take care of it.

The problem for many entrepreneurs and self-employed is not going to be that they don’t have the time to think, plan or act due to a 21-day lockdown in India. The problem is that they will not have the mental disposition. You are in front of the computer but with your mind elsewhere. Or you have had to keep working, but you don’t stop thinking about the same thing instead of what you have in front of you.

In your head there is no room for anything else, you try to start planning a solution, things you will do, but you look at WhatsApp, social networks and ask how are yours all the time.

But, it is normal, we are human.

I am not an expert on this topic or a psychologist, but I can share my personal experience and, also, we must trust those who do know.

One of the best resources to manage our fear or anxiety about the coronavirus is the advice and techniques provided by the Harvard University health department, so here they are together with part of that own experience. You might also be interested in the 20 innovative and creative startup ideas for e-Commerce business.

1. Look Only For Facts From Official Sources

Look Only For Facts From Official Sources

Deception and unnecessary treachery roam freely at times like these. Let’s not commit forwarding just like that and try to dodge or delete them without reading. I know it is very difficult, but it is important to cover this need to find out from official sources or prestigious media.

2. Keep Perspective And Start An “Information Diet”

Keep Perspective And Start An Information Diet

We have to be informed, but not flick every second front of the news channel. It brings nothing except more fear and agitation. We must reduce the time spent on news and data.

In the same way, let’s keep the perspective focused on what can be positive and we have to be thankful, including the small things.

If we are in total seclusion, we must also look at what is going well, if we have food, that there are heroes in the first lines of supermarkets, hospitals, logistics, etc. That they are fighting and in the end, we will win, that we have the capacity to act to contribute, even if it is staying at home, it seems that we are not doing much, but in reality, we are doing the most important thing.

Looking at it, this can harm us, but it will not destroy us.

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3. Manage Worry And Anxiety With Proven Techniques

Manage Worry And Anxiety With Proven Techniques

It is normal to feel overcome and afraid. The first technique to use against this is acceptance. There is a whole branch of therapy (acceptance and commitment therapy) that has proven effective against anxiety.

Many times, it all starts with acknowledging that anxiety and consciously repeating to yourself that it is not the answer:

“I acknowledge that I am anxious and understandable in this situation. I understand that concern is not an effective way to respond.”

Like acceptance, we must be patient, starting with ourselves. We should never, under any circumstances, beat ourselves for feeling bad or afraid, but on the contrary, forgive ourselves.

4. Practice Mindfulness In Addition To Acceptance

Practice Mindfulness In Addition To Acceptance

Surely you have heard of mindfulness, it is very fashionable. It is important, as much as possible, even if it’s only a minute or two, or several a day, to stop for a second and focus on taking a deep breath.

It doesn’t matter without 3 or 5 breaths, they will help more than zero. Let’s take advantage of technology, look for mindfulness, relaxation and similar mobile applications to guide you.

5. Find Activities That Give You A Sense Of Mastery And Control

Find Activities That Give You A Sense Of Mastery And Control

As simple as they are: making the bed, the laundry, scrubbing. In an environment where it seems that we do not control anything, we have to find what is. Also, dealing is essential. The head always seeks to be busy. If we don’t get something simple and controllable, she will fill the gap with the usual.

6. Think About What You Would Say To A Friend

Think About What You Would Say To A Friend

This will help us gain perspective, take a step back, and move away from the swirl of emotions.

Consider what you will say to a friend who confesses that he is not well. Surely you would encourage him, would remind him that he is stronger than you believe, would forgive him with patience, and would understand every act, every defeatist thought. That is precisely what we should do with ourselves. We must be our best friend at this time.

7. Don’t Gloat Over Catastrophic Thoughts

Don't Gloat Over Catastrophic Thoughts

Imagine dealing with situations effectively, notice how you would act, what you would do or say in that case. See yourself being effective in difficult situations.

That’s the kind of effective visualization that elite athletes use. They do not imagine themselves victorious, they imagine doing their job perfectly at the time of the challenge.

8. Be Aware Of How Your Body Can Contribute To Anxiety

Be Aware Of How Your Body Can Contribute To Anxiety

What the body does greatly influences the mind. Do not stay in bed or lie down. Get moving, be aware of things around you, go out on the balcony or terrace and notice all that we haven’t realized for so long to take for granted.

Take care of your animals and plants, clean, stretch and get out of the chair. Exercise, there is no better antidote to anxiety. There are many initiatives in this regard on the internet. Getting tired the right way will help greatly reduce your stress.

If it’s sunny, look out the window or on the balcony, close your eyes and relax in the warmth of the light. We take vitamin D from the sun and it is essential for the immune system and against depression. In my experience, movement heals the body and the brain, the occupation in tasks as well.

9. Stay More Connected Than Ever

Stay More Connected Than Ever

Many of us are in our houses isolated, but thanks to technology we can connect more than ever, in many more ways than ever. It’s the moment.

Call, connect with WhatsApp groups, know friends that you haven’t known anything about in a long time. Use social media in a constructive way. Be the leader in those situations, encourage, give strength, act.

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10. Channel Nerve Energy Into Productive Actions

Channel Nerve Energy Into Productive Actions

We have the opportunity to be better, to be an example, to take all that energy that runs through us like tremor and focus it on something creative and positive, for ourselves and others.

We are all in this, we will go out, we will win together. He, who is next to us in the trench, physical or virtual, needs us and we need him. It is time to give the best we have, no matter if we no longer have it.

We must manage fear and anxiety about the coronavirus and its consequences before putting ourselves with the rest of things. Indeed, what we have seen here will help us.

Hi! I'm Aniket & I have 3+ years of experience as a content writer. My articles have SEO practiced, well-researched, and easy-to-understand contents. Reading knowledgeable stuff, watching documentaries, and solving sudoku make me more productive.