Op-ed10 reasons why you should be a part of the NCC

10 reasons why you should be a part of the NCC

The NCC is one of the leading youth organizations in our country, contributed in spreading national harmony and reliability amongst youth. Its role in building up the values of good personality, discipline, and hard work and in moulding them into energetic and responsible civilians of the country had been well identified. It is one of the leading organizations which prepare the youth, the students to be admirable citizens and future influential people of our nations, and further, it encourages students’ discipline, bravery, and nationalism.

National Cadet Corps (NCC) is an organization that trains lakhs of students under its fold. Cadets who have been through NCC preparation have self-discipline, headship qualities, and great value systems. It has played a significant role in the overall progress in the youth of our nation and in grooming future influential’s in all fields. The involvement of the National Cadet Corps in the development of nation-building and national incorporation has been praiseworthy and admirable of the nation’s complete encouragement and support

The National Cadet Corps is an energetic organization with a group of well-motivated and eminent boys and girls. It plays a leading role in nation-building and absorbs noble services, obedience, and leadership in early life. NCC Cadets can join Defence services. It motivates the cadets a sense of dedication to the importance of National incorporation, patriotism, and secularism. These merits would not only make them responsible people but also help in accomplishing the dream of developed India It plays a praiseworthy role in grooming the youth both physically and mentally. The well-planned set of courses of National Cadet Corps, consisting of numerous training, exploration, cultural and social performance is of gigantic value to the young generation, allowing them to face up to challenges in the modern world.

Few Benefits of joining NCC are, as stated, Becomes courageous to meet any situation in life. Cadets can visit other states and countries on delegation at Government expenses. One will build up some of the critical skills & mind-set no other organization can build in you or may acquire a long time to do it. Few of the things that you will learn are Self obedience, promptness, Respect for regulations & processes, serving others, Teamwork, combating spirit, Desire to do your most excellent every time, Never give up, intellectual strength to deal with any circumstances, leadership, executing self-limiting belief, Taking chances – Volunteering.

The 10 Reasons why you should be a part of the National Cadet Corps are:

  1. NCC is a hugely reputed body, which is also a second line of protection. In India, many young people are qualified in line with security in case the necessity come ups. If young cadets want to create it their profession option, then being an NCC cadet holds a lot of influence as they are directly connected with the organization of defence.
  2. Other than just armed forces training, the cadets also become skilled at several other important things such as unselfishness, sincerity, obedience, hard work, and ways to build self-confidence and gain leadership merits.
  3. Since NCC base camps are organized all over India for that reason, there is training in different parts of the nation. Therefore cadets get a chance to visit new places and learn the art of sovereignty. They are required to use their public skills and their senses to get to know new places and adjust to the changing surroundings. Other than just general skills they also get to be trained about the past and art of the new location.
  4. NCC cadets become skilled to take self-importance in them, and the specialized training also powers the spirit of being a real Indian. This motivates them towards joining the armed military forces and providing their 100% when the nation needs them.
  5. Other than armed forces activities, the trainees are educated other skills such as parachuting, paragliding and fundamental aviation courses because of which they have a particular preference over others when emerging for the armed military forces. Other than that, they also have an exceptional allowance which is very useful in case of ultimate selection to join the armed military forces.
  6. Under the government of the exchange curriculum, there are few particular students who get a chance to visit other nations and learn a variety of things which are experienced in other nations and exchange knowledge with cadets who turn out to come to India from distant lands.
  7. There is a whole of 32 seats that are set apart for trainees who hold NCC credential given that they have attained 50% in graduation with at least a B grade in C level examination. If all this suffices, then they are eligible for the Staff Selection Commission without even qualifying for a Combined Defence Services written exam. All they have to do is clear the Sashastra Seema Bal interview. Other than Sashastra Seema Bal they also get a preference over others in the Central Reserve Police Force and Border Security Force.
  8. Other than just armed military forces, there are a number of central and state Governmental organizations who give extraordinary inclination to NCC cadets. Candidates get the first choice at the time of interview that is held in various organisations. In case there is more than one applicant, the applicant with NCC certificate and older in age gets the first choice over the other applicants. NCC credential proves that you are psychologically and physically fit.
  9. National Defence Academy exam has its own requirements which are necessary to be satisfied by an applicant going to apply for the National Defence Academy exam. So the applicant should be updated on the information on the subject of National Defence Academy exam which can be got on the authorized website of UPSC. Entry in the defence sector becomes quite effortless through NCC credential.
  10. NCC is absolutely useful, here; you will get some memorable camp experiences and many revelations about how our armed forces are working. You can get to know much more in detail about the Indian army, No other organisation other than NCC could give you a much closer look at these qualities.