Finance10 Reasons why Private Job is much better than Govt Jobs

10 Reasons why Private Job is much better than Govt Jobs

Many lower-class and middle-class families live in a dilemma whether their children go to private-sector jobs or government jobs? Private-sector job has been more prevalent in the last few decades, while earlier finding a government job was a big reward for job seekers. According to the people, government jobs get more facilities than private-sector jobs.

In this article, we will try to impress on some points that will ensure that there is not much difference between private-sector jobs and government jobs. Somewhere both types of jobs are helpful in the social, economic and personal progress of the person.

Some facts about private sector contributions in our economy:-

Up to 7 lakh new jobs are expected to be created in the year 2020. As per the expectations the significant contributors in the job creation will be from the start-ups”, CEO Rajesh Kumar.

This survey was only for the calendar year 2020. There are a lot more opportunities in the private sector in the coming years.

The private sector contributes about three-fourth of the country’s national income. Moreover, this sector also plays a vital role to increase gross domestic saving (CDS) and gross domestic capital formation'(GDCF) within the economy.

According to a report, India has more than 900 universities and 39,000 colleges, of which 78% are privately managed.

Okay, so let’s come back to the topic –

Private sector jobs are great over government jobs due to the reasons given below –

01. Job Satisfaction = Everyday Has New to Learn

Job Satisfaction = Everyday Has New To Learn

A private-sector job has every day a new lesson to learn to keep you satisfied. Satisfaction depends on your ability to keep skills updated. Meaning, if there is some interesting, adventurous, and new to learn every day, your brain keeps your skills updating and you feel like you have done a different task today. Since you have done a different task, naturally you will be able to seem mindfulness. And you can say, “you have utilized your time today”.

While in government jobs, you have to follow the senior officer’s order. Let’s take an example; a government bank employee goes bank daily and sits on the chair and started his regular work. Consequently, a government employee is not able to update their skills resulting in a frustrating daily routine.

02. Work Environment

Work Environment

When you go to any government office, you must have noticed that there are lethargy and laziness among the employees there. Their way of working is very slow and time-wasting. In a way, we can say that lazy work is seen in government departments.

While this does not happen in private offices, a good work environment is seen. All the individuals, whether juniors or seniors, stick to their work as a team. They do not have laziness at all, and all are aware of their work.

03. Development & Progress

Development & Progress

Looking at the development and progress, the government departments look back somewhere. The rate of development in them is very slow.

Since the growth rate in private offices is very fast, with this, a person can develop himself and the company through his work.

If we look at the area of progress, then there is no such sector left where private companies have not stepped. Not only this, the government company itself now gives its tender to the private company to do government work. Eg. Lucknow Metro or Delhi Metro.

04. No Fear of Job Transfer

No Fear Of Job Transfer

People working in government departments are always afraid that their transfer may not take place elsewhere because in such a situation you have no other option except that you go to the same place and do your job. Due to repeated transfers, the person is not able to adapt to the environment quickly and can also get sick.

But in a private-sector job, the person is not transferred so quickly. Whichever company he is working for can work for a long time without any interruption for him.

05. Job Security

Job Security

The biggest feature of a government job is that it provides job security, but if you lose your job due to any reason, then, in that case, you have no other option. This security is also taken away under several conditions.

Talking about security in private sector jobs, if you are giving your best performance to the company with honesty and integrity, then it also comes under job security. Loyalty to your work also gives you job security in private sector jobs. Apart from this, you have the option to go to different sectors and departments.

06. Office Environment

Office Environment

Buildings of government departments are dilapidated and dead. To work there, one does not get the environment that is necessary for a person to function properly. For many years, the work of repairing and painting of buildings is also not done. There is less attention to furniture and cleanliness.

In contrast, the private office has an attractive building and a clean and tidy atmosphere. Working in a neat and clean environment brings productivity and progress to work.

07. Workload


It is wrong to think that there is no work stress in a government job. It depends on the person how honestly and sincerely he performs his work. Avoiding work is that person’s own dishonesty. In the matter of staff, senior staff continues to charge workload or work pressure to the junior staff in government jobs.

In the private sector, juniors and seniors all work together as a team. In a private-sector job, a person is committed to his work.

08. Promotion


All individuals desire promotion during work. Talking of a government job, a person gets a promotion only after a certain period, no matter how good the person is doing.

Whereas this does not happen in the private sector, private companies offer promotions, not looking at the time, but according to your work and skills.

09. Work From Home

Work From Home

The world of the Internet has brought many earning opportunities. Today many private-sector jobs are providing this facility. Therefore, this work helps both you and your company.

While in a government sector job, it’s like a dream.

10. Job Benefits

Job Benefits

Government departments provide facilities like retirement benefits, pension plans and funds to their employees. Apart from this, they also provide financial help for medical, housing and loans.

Similarly, some large private companies also provide such benefits. Since, private companies provide higher wages to their workers, so workers should use some of this for their pension and retirement. The only difference here is that a person has to decide about his pension and fund on his own. PPF, insurance, retirement schemes, etc. are being run by private and government companies.

A good example is Google; it pays more salary than any government job and also helps financially after retirement.


There are so many things that show that private job is also equal to a government job. Every human needs to work in life. So that he can nurture himself and his family well.

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